
God Of Monsters System

A 24-year-old man woke up in a void when he went to sleep. Arc one-Long live summons. All the characters or World background and character dialogues goes to (Xia Fei Shuang Jia) I only put my own twist on so please check out the original source(Xia Fei Shuang Jia). Arc two-??? I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter- 8 (Part 1 Past Life!) The Engagement!?! More Yue Bing!

~Somewhere In A Russia Underground Base~

We can see a boy around 6 years old with long black hair reaching his back with emotionless black eyes sitting on the floor in front of an old man with short blond hair and blue eyes.

Old Man." Moon, you have to kill anyone I tell you even if they're your friends or family you got it!?!"

The black long-haired boy now named 'Moon' said with a voice without emotions." Then what will happen if I don't have 'Friends' or 'Family' because I honestly think they're useless and unnecessary because all they will do is pull me down."

The Old man signed and thought back how he found this boy.

~2 Months Ago~

When the Old Man went out for a dive he found a black long-haired boy surrounded by teens around 14 or 15 years old in a dark alleyway on the ground not breathing but he saw the boy holding tightly onto two black daggers with emotionless black eyes and asked the boy in a caring tone." What happened boy?"

Black long-haired boy said with a voice without emotions." I killed them because they wanted to kill me for my daggers so it's ok if kill them because they wanted to kill me first."

Old Man looked at the boy in shook because he said it without a care like it's something casually but he then thought of another boy he saw like this and signed and said roughing the boy's hair." So where are your parents and what's your name?"

The Boy tilted his head to the right and said Deadpan." Parents don't have them and don't have a name either."

The Old Man looked at the sky and saw a full moon then said with a nice smile to the boy." So about I call you Moon because it's a full moon."

The boy said pointing his own finger at himself." I am Moon, now." Then he pointed the Old Man said." What's your name, Old Man?"

Old Man." Me? I am Axl River." He then thought." I can't see telling him my full name bad because he's a kid and will probably forget it in the long run."

Moon's eyes sparkled for a second when he heard the Old man telling his full name but then his eyes went back to being emotionless like it never happened.

After some talking, Axl got Moon in the car because he said he can make him strong.

~Back In The Russia Underground Base~

Axl always thought it was weird how he got Moon in the car so easily and thought and of his many enemies that were trying to assassinate him and thought they were trying to kill him with a little Kid but he shook it off because he never saw Moon do something suspicious or out of place and always be quiet and not talk when not spoken to.

Axl being lost in thought naturally did not see Moon looked at him and make a smile but not smile but it then disappeared like it never happened.

~In Yue Long Room~

Yue Long." Damn, that was a weird dream it felt so real." After getting up he thought of one of his best friends.

A 21 years old man with long black hair and with some of the most Holy Golden eyes he ever saw. Yue Long will always tell him that he looks like an MC from some harem novel but now he now has Golden eyes making him think that it's the Universe paying him back for making fun of him. And he also made fun of his Name to.

Yue Long thought." Luke Walker hu? hahaha, you and your star wars name I never get tired of making fun of you."(check out my Other FanFic (God Of Creation- First Born) If you want more details😁)

After having a good laugh Yue Long got out of bed and did a good stretch making him feel better.


A current somebody with long Void Black hair and Divine golden eyes squashed another ant on the floor and said with annoyance."Hu? Where are all the ants coming from? Do I have to use one of my skills to kill all then or what?"

Then a beautiful girl voice next to him said." Darling do you want kids?"

The Handsome guy was dumbfounded when he heard that.

~Back In Yue Long Room~

Yue Long suddenly felt a chill again but thought he was cold so he put his wool black coat on making him feel warm.

After some time the servant girl who would usually quietly withdrew after serving his meals, suddenly spoke out, "Master Long, the madame has asked you to come out for lunch."

Yue Long nodded and followed her out to the residence hall and saw that Yue Yang was doing the same as him. When he got to the residence he saw fourth mother endlessly sobbing, embracing a girl covered with black clothing he knew very well.

The usually mischievous small girl acted well-behaved for once, sitting on her chair quietly eating her food. Her little hands held her chopsticks unsteadily as she tried putting grain by grain of rice into her small mouth, sprinkling the rice all over the table and her mouth. When he came and saw who was Fourth mother hugging he smiled because he saw that the girl in black was actually still young-looking, around 14-15 years old. Her features were a little similar to the fourth mother's, but hers were a little more childish.

Her Black eyes were a little red as tears poured down her pale white cheeks.

When she saw Yue Long and Yue Yang that was next to him, she immediately wiped her tears and covered her face with a black veil.

There were so many talents in the later generation of the Yue Family, when the Third Branch and his wife died the twins ended up being raised by the Fourth Branch, The Old Yue Yang could not help but be labelled as a loser when he still failed to contract a grimoire even at the age of 19 and was being blamed for making Yue Long wait to contact a grimoire even when Yue Long can do it at 3 years old. But the Old Yue Long did get an engagement to the Xue Family's daughter but all he said was." Me marry into your Xue Family? We will see about that."

So right now the engagement is on hold because Yue Long said that making the Xue Family have anxiety because if the rumors about him are true then he will be a good seed for the Xue Family if they get a kid out of it too.

When Yue Long got that news he almost puked blood because he has to deal with this somehow and Marry? He still wants to live his 19 years Old life with no worries and not worry about marrying for the far future.

Yue Long thought." Fuck me god damn it! It's like this Old body owner wanted to fuck me over or if this is his way of a gift, Then it's a bad way of giving me gifts. You could also just mail it to me or something god damn!"

Getting out of his thoughts he came back to reality.

"Long-ge, San-ge, congratulations." Yue Bing whispered softly as she slowly let go of her mother's embrace. Then, she stood up, intending to go back to her room.

"Your Long-ge and San-ge is not a stranger. Bing-er, don't eat in your room, let us all eat together as a family here." Fourth mother pulled Yue Bing back to her seat.

"Yes." Yue Bing hesitated a little but pulled off her veil in the end. Holding her bowl and chopsticks, she slowly ate her food mouthful by mouthful. Suddenly, she asked Yue Yang, "San-ge, what kind of Guardian Spirit Beast did you receive?"

"It's a Fighting Type- Frost Moon Lion." Yue Yang said eating out of his bowl with chopsticks.

Yue Bing looked at Yue Long and said."Long-ge, what kind of Guardian Spirit Beast did you receive?"

Yue Long snapped his fingers and a Golden Snake with Blood-Red eyes came into existence around his neck, looking around at everyone with disdain.

Yue Long." Kaiser meet Yue Bing. Yue Bing meet Kaiser." He said rubbing Kaiser's head.

When Kaiser looked at Yue Bing its eyes lit up and looked at Yue Long then Yue Bing back and forth and then nodding in understanding.

Kaiser thought." So this is Master's mate Mmm he could do better but when I get back to Haven I will introduce some of my beautiful sisters to him to see if he likes then but he should because I do have a lot of sisters so there will be one I hope."

If Yue Long can hear Kaiser's thoughts he would have fried him over the oven and ate serpent shish kabobs for dinner today.

Kaiser suddenly started to shiver uncontrollably and look at Yue Long who looked at him with a smile but not smile and started to lick his face hoping for whatever his Master thought to go away and stay away forever.

Yue Bing had an awestruck face because Kaiser is really shiny and laugh a little when the Gold snake lick Yue Long face.

After some talking, Yue Bing offer to teach both of the twins but Yue Long denied and said he had to do some spear training so he let Yue Yang and Yue Bing have their bonding time.

Before someone can say something Yue Long was already out of the residence hall like someone was chasing him.

Fourth mother signed and said in a low voice that only she and Yue Bing can hear." That boy trains too much like someone I know."

Yue Bing looked at the fourth mother in confusion and thought." Someone she knows oh is she talking about 'him'?"

~Yue Main Clan Courtyard~

Yue Long used his long black wood spear and said with a smile." Let's get some training done!"

(Word Count-1703)

Hi, it's the Author I hope you like what I am writing and you find it readable.

Question 1- What do you think of Yue Long's (Part 1) Past Life?

Question 2- Ability/Skills ideas for Yue Long?

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter2003creators' thoughts