
God Of Monsters System

A 24-year-old man woke up in a void when he went to sleep. Arc one-Long live summons. All the characters or World background and character dialogues goes to (Xia Fei Shuang Jia) I only put my own twist on so please check out the original source(Xia Fei Shuang Jia). Arc two-??? I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter- 7 The Forgotten Starter Pack?!? New Status! Using Tickets! Yue Bing!

~In Yue Long Room~

We can see Yue Long read some books and sipping green tea but then he stopped because he heard a Ding.

[Ding!!! Will you like to redeem your starter pack?]

Yue Long spat his green tea on the floor and yelled." What! I have a starter pack I thought this system was not going to give me one and I thought the system was being stingy with its stuff or something along that line."

After cleaning the spat tea, he sat in his chair and signed then said in a tired voice." Yeah, redeem the starter pack."

[Ding!!! Opening God Of Monsters System Starter Pack.


God Of Monsters Bloodline.

Description- The God Of Monsters Bloodline is every monster combine you know or don't know, even mythical monsters and monsters only heard in legends. But this Bloodline only has one person who has it and that is the God Of Monsters that lives by himself somewhere but when he saw your unlimited potential he signed a bloodline contract to give you the God Of Monsters Bloodline like him and the only reason he knows the bloodline contract is because his best friend the Protector Of Creation Xander Jenesis did it too.(Author Note- If you want to know more about the Protector Of Creation Xander Jenesis check out my Other FanFic (God Of Creation- First Born)

After Reading Yue Long thought." I wonder if there are more people like me that have a System and if there is I will love to meet them to see who is more powerful."


A current somebody with long Void Black hair and Divine golden eyes squashed an ant on the floor and said with annoyance."Hu? Where are all the ants coming from? Do I have to call Pest Control?"

Then a beautiful and stunning Girl with White/blue hair and blue eyes and pale skin said pulling the Handsome guy with long Void black hair and Divine golden eyes with excitement." Darling what world are you going to take your lovely wife to?"

The handsome guy said." Mmmm let me think we been to Fairy Tail so about we can go to high school DxD or we can go to a isekai world because they beautiful well most are."

Beautiful White/blue hair Girl said with much excitement hugging the handsome guy's arm tighter." Let's go to a isekai world, not Dxd because all of the girls will try to steal my lovely husband." In the end, she looked at the handsome guy and kissed him on the lips and started walked and singing some Japanese song she heard.

The Handsome guy signed and started walking holding hands with her and thought." I think she's a yandere or just loves me too much."

~Back with Yue Long~

Yue Long suddenly felt a chill and looked around his room but saw the same old stuff so he put it in the back of his mind and looked at the rest of Rewards.

~The Rest Of The Rewards~

10 summoning tickets

10 lottery tickets

10 familiar summoning tickets

1.000.000 MP]

Yue Long signed and said." Its the some old stuff the FanFics MC's get from there system so I don't know why I thought no less but I got an OP bloodline so that's a big plus."

After sorting out his thoughts he said with a new found light in his eyes." System pull up my Status." He wanted to see his new status.

[Ding!!! Pulling up Host's Status.

: Name- Yue Long

Bloodlines-|>Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra |-| Emperor Ōtsutsuki |-| Eastern Immortal Tribe Bloodline or Eastern Dragon Tribe | God Of Monsters |

(Ps Form The System- Your God Of Monsters Bloodline is 95% locked because you only have 5% opened.(Tip Form The System To Unlock Your Bloodline Faster- Kill or Tame a lot of monsters the higher level better for better results.)


Loved by the Void.

Because you're with the void for it a long time it started to take a liking to and now loves you because you showed it a lot of new things with your memories and it loves your personality.

The forgotten one.

All of the Supreme beings have forgotten you because you were in the deepest and darkest void Realm.

Loli Tamer.

Deception- Allows the Host to Tame any Loli anywhere and anytime.

Status- A very very old Soul in Your new body.



Intelligence- 11,000


Charm- 20,000

Because you Charmed the void to love you.

Skill 1- I am the Void.

The Host is made of up of the void and if you get hurt the void will heal you or you can regenerate using the void.

Skill 2- I am loved by the Void.

The Host use anything related to The Void or use the Void's power.

Skill 3- Monster Tamer.

The Host can tame any Monster that is a lower rank than the Host or the Monsters can let you tame then.

~Other skills~

| Word Soul Magic |-World Devor.

When the Laws of Devouring have reached their limits. With the support of other laws, gain the ability to devour worlds. The Nightmare Hydra can devour all dimensions, semi-planes, and small worlds. It can absorb the power, bloodlines, emotions, and even the laws and memories of what it devours.-| Emperor Of Poison |-| Counterfeit |-| Mesmerising |-| Divine Vision |-|Tentacle Creation |-| God Vision |-| Life Embodiment |-| Eternal Weapon Master | Innate Invisible Sword Qi |


| Dragon's Talon |-| Dragon's Nest |-|Shadow Dragon's Talon|

Passive skills- All talk for Monsters.

Can talk ever language for Monsters.

Loved By Monsters- All of the Monsters love you in their own way.


12 summoning tickets

12 lottery tickets

12 familiar summoning tickets


Flying sword.

Black Jade Necklace.

~MP Points~

1.500,000 MP]

Yue Long after looking at his Status felt satisfied but when he saw his 12 lottery tickets his hand started to feel itchy to did something that could end in a good or bad way.

After thinking for 5 full minutes he made up his mind and said with sparkling eyes." System use two my lottery tickets!"

[Ding!!! Host are you sure you want to use two of your lottery tickets?]

Yue Long waved his hand and said hurley." Yes, use two of my lottery tickets."

[Ding!!! Using two lottery tickets.


1-Small Revitalizing Pellet.

A small bottle of 6 Small Revitalizing Pellet -Able to immensely strengthen constitution of the user, granting a stronger bone structure and cleanse impurities.Able to raise the strength and speed of the user permanently by 10%.For a short time, all internal injuries sustained to the organs, would heal at a rapid speed.The effects of the pill only stack once. Two pills per human, anymore, the effect would be lost.

2-Body Rebuilding Pills.

A small bottle of 6 Body Rebuilding Pills to rebuild your body for the first time to make it compatible to the Physique that you cultivate. The Body Rebuilding Pills refines the user's bones and muscles and purifies the blood and flesh. Entire body is greatly transformed and improved by the medicinal effects. However, the process of body rebuilding is extremely painful. It is akin to the opening of all of user's bones and crushing muscles, The Body Rebuilding Pills to get faster results it's even takes out the bone marrow in order to use the to refine them.]

Yue Long took a deep breath in excitement and then let it out and said in a low voice only he can hear." Fuck I can't use these Body Rebuilding Pills yet because I don't know how much pain I'm going to be in so I will wait till I find a good place or if I'm a tuff situation."

After making up his mind he said." System put then in my inventory for now and tell me if you find a good place to use then."

[Ding!!! ~System Quest~Let the system Find a place to use the Small Revitalizing Pellets and Body Rebuilding Pills.




Yue Long seeing the system do that he thought."Mmm, Maybe I should tell the system more Quest because it's basically free Rewards."

He then laughs at his own thoughts and walked out of the room to practice in the Yue Main Clan Courtyard.

~Yue Bing 3rd Person Pov~

A beautiful girl in a wool black coat covering her whole body around 14-15 years old has lustrous black hair flowing like a gentle River sitting in a comfortable chair looking at Yue Long practice in the courtyard with sparkling eyes making her black eyes like the beautiful night with stars but a black veil covers her faces.

Yue Long suddenly stopped and look at the girl and said in a casual voice." Bing-er you're still wrapped in my wool black coat?"

In the Soaring Dragon Continent, other than the rarely seen female robbers or assassin, the only other type of women who wore black veils to cover their faces, could only be: widows.

Yes that's right she is Yue Bing ranked 7th amongst the nine younger generations in the Yue Clan, barely surpassing her sister Shuang-er and the Second Branch Family's youngest, Yue Feng.

She was a talent in the Yue Family, having successfully contracted a grimoire at the age of 8 and a half. It was a pity that the Soaring Dragon Continent valued males more than females, as they regarded that females would only be taken as daughter-in-laws or concubines.

Sooner or later they would be married off to another family. Thus, although the Yue Family would still raise her with love, she would never compare to the First Branch eldest son Yue Tian or even the other sons in the family.

Furthermore there were indeed a little more talents in this generation of Yue Family. The First Branch eldest Yue Tian contracted the grimoire at the age of 10 and had excellent martial arts skills and Spirit Beasts. The fourth-eldest son Yue Yan contracted the grimoire at the age of 11, while the sixth-eldest son Yue Bao contracted the grimoire at the age of 12. The weaker ones would be the second eldest daughter Yue Yu and fifth-eldest son Yue Ting, they both contracted the grimoire only at the age of 15. Thus, comparatively, Yue Bing, who came from the Fourth Branch, was not really that outstanding. Furthermore, her martial arts and Spirit Beasts were the Plant-Type that were not very popular in the summoning world and there was a rumor about the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan that he could make a contract with a grimoire when he was 3 but did not because he waited for his twin brother to make contact so he can.

Amongst the Four Great Sects, only the Immortal Spirit Pavilion Sect who only accepted female disciples expressed interest in evaluating her, the other three did not even respond. So she married the talented son from one of the Four Major Clans, the House of Feng, through proxy marriage. However, three years ago during his Spirit Beasts training, he was unfortunately killed off by a wild Golden King Beast, turning Yue Bing into a widow before she even joined his family.

The people in the Soaring Dragon Continent were superstitious, and they immediately thought that Yue Bing was a jinx that would bring misfortune to her husband. That's why, although she was a member of one of the Four Major Clans, House of Yue, nobody wanted to marry her. Everybody treasured their own sons after all, nobody was willing to risk asking her hands in marriage and got their sons killed for nothing.

She also has a compatibility rate of over 120% with plant-type beasts, but as for other types, the compatibility is at most at 50%. She studied in Shang Jing Academy for 4 years.

Hearing Yue Long question Yue Bing looked at him and said casually." Third brother, you didn't tell me how you have this 'Wool black coat' you called it, so how did you get it'." she said dodging his answer and question him instead.

Yue Long smiled seeing her dodging his answer but he stilled answered anyways." I made it." He said simply.

Yue Bing hearing his answer was not satisfied so she asked." How did you make it?"

Yue Long laugh and said picking up his black wood spear."Trade Secret."

Without waiting for her reply he started swinging his black wood spear in the way you can't actually see the spear itself making Yue Bing dizzy and not reply.

Yue Bing signed and remember a dream she had last night.

In this dream, She and Yue Long was actually husband and wife! making her have a red face as she watches them storing outside hand in hand smiling.

But the good or bad thing is that the 10th time she had this dream in a roll but it was different every time.

Sometimes there by a sakura tree, hugging each other or there walking around the Yue Main Clan compost talking and smiling like lovers.

So right now she wants to run to Yue Long in a hug and tell him this but she couldn't do it herself so she went to the last result. His wool black coat with his manly scent and smell making her have a flustered face just form smelling it and that why she does not want to give it up.

But it's not the first time she saw Yue Long as a Man and not brother because when they were younger he always came to her rescue like a knight in shining armor or read bedtime stories she never heard. Like this one time was when her fiance died and the whole soaring Dragon Continent saw her as a jinx but not him because he said." My beautiful Little sister let me take all your bad luck away so you can live a normal life and let me take the burden because a little bit of bad luck can't affect me."

When Yue Bing heard that. That was the last straw as she ran in his ran into his embrace and cried loudly.

Then he patted her back in a caring and loving way and said wiping her tears pulling her face close to his." Even if no one wants to marry you I will because I don't want to leave such a beautiful girl all of alone in this dog eat dog world."

That time she thought he was joking and said hugging him." Ok, my Long-ge let's this lonely little sister have this one selfish wish please never leave me alone."

Then he laughed and said with the upmost serious." Ok, that's a promise I will never leave you as long you don't leave me an alone, promise?" He then put his Pinky out to her with a handsome smile.

Yue Bing tried to put the best smile she can and put her pinky out locked around his and said." Promise."

Yue Bing lost in though did not see Yue Long looked at her with a smile and then went back to his training.

~End Of Yue Bing 3rd Person Pov~

(Word Count- 2576)

Hi, it's the Author I hope you like what I am writing and you find it readable.

I am not the best at Romance so here is my take on it. I hope you enjoy it.

Question 1- Ability/Skills ideas for Yue Long?

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter2003creators' thoughts