

“My Existence is a bully to the word Existence itself." Quote from Patrick. Patrick, a regular arrogant kid with extremely attractive looks and a high IQ, lived in the alternate version of Earth. But in this alternate Earth, there were awakened humans who possessed abilities beyond the scope of human knowledge. Yet, despite living in an awakened world, Patrick didn't awaken any ability. But just when he was annoyed with his unawakened life, he acquired an unknown entity called a system. With that, it opened a gateway of infinite possibilities that caused the existence of the story "GOD OF ALL SYSTEMS."

Lordflash · Urban
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196 Chs

Long Way from Home

Outside the Immortal Realm and far into the space void of the current cultivation universe, Elaine hovered in the space void as she stared down into Athos. She wore the same dress from earlier, which constantly radiated with true omnivastance. Elaine's eyes shone with the infinity symbol as she watched the massive arrangements of galaxies and stars, like sprinkles of light dots.

"So, he's here."

Elaine spoke; the next second, the space zoomed into the galaxies and planets and deep into the Central Continent of the Immortal Realm planet. Elaine now hovered in the Central continent as she saw the mountains and terrains of the planet. Amazed by the difference of the cultivation universe, Elaine expressed.

"Cultivation, huh~ A method where one uses the heavenly energy to strengthen their body, soul, and mind. Things will be completely different if such a method is presented in my universe."