

Sypnosis In the world before he was transported to the vibrant realm of "One Piece," Cris lived a life of success and achievement. A young man brimming with ambition and dreams, he had worked tirelessly to carve out a promising future for himself. Cris possessed a sharp intellect, coupled with a relentless determination that propelled him towards the pinnacle of his chosen field. As he embarked on his professional journey, Cris had achieved remarkable milestones, earning recognition and admiration from peers and mentors alike. He had forged enduring friendships, cherishing the bonds he had formed along the way. Cris's life was a tapestry of accomplishments, glowing with the fulfillment of his aspirations. However, fate had an unexpected turn in store for Cris. On an ordinary day, as he was going about his usual routine, a bizarre and inexplicable incident shook the very foundations of his existence. A colossal truck, descending from the sky with bewildering velocity, crashed upon the streets, hurtling Cris and the surrounding chaos into a state of disarray. Amidst the mayhem, Cris found himself caught in the catastrophic event, subjected to the whims of an unfathomable force. Moments later, his consciousness spiraled into darkness, seemingly snuffed out by the sheer weight of the calamity that befell him. Little did Cris know that his journey was far from over. In a bewildering twist of destiny, his spirit was whisked away from his former reality and transported to the world of "One Piece," a realm teeming with adventure, danger, and unimaginable wonders. There, he would be reborn as Ussop, one of the spirited and lively crew members of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates, joining Monkey D. Luffy on his quest for the fabled One Piece. Now, Cris, having transcended the boundaries of his previous life, finds himself thrust into a world brimming with pirates, extraordinary abilities, and a chance to rediscover himself through the eyes of Ussop. As he sets sail alongside his newfound nakama, Cris embraces the exhilarating uncertainty that awaits him, ready to face the perils of the Grand Line and the trials that lie ahead, armed with the experiences and knowledge of his former existence. Support my other novels *REINCARNATED AS SHIKAMARU IN THE NARUTO WORLD *WOKE AS AN EXTRA *Woke up as a Villain Thank you!

Noobwriter05 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: A New Beginning

Cris awoke to a world of blurred shapes and muffled sounds. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized he was lying in a small crib, surrounded by a cozy room adorned with knick-knacks and trinkets. Confusion and disorientation washed over him as he struggled to comprehend his new existence as a baby. 

His mind, still that of an adult, grappled with the peculiarity of the situation. He found himself talking to his own in his mind, observing the world through innocent eyes while retaining the wisdom of his previous life. It was bizarre, yet Cris embraced it as a unique opportunity for growth and understanding.

Days turned into weeks, and Cris, now known as Usopp, found himself witnessing the world unfold before him. He marveled at the loving care of his mother, Bachina, who had dedicated herself to raising him with unwavering devotion. From the moment he opened his eyes, he recognized the strength and resilience in her gaze.

Within the first month, Usopp's inquisitive nature led him to explore his surroundings. He would often crawl around the house, observing the patterns of everyday life in the Syrup Village. His keen eyes caught glimpses of the townsfolk going about their routines, their laughter and camaraderie echoing through the narrow streets while Bachina toured him through the town.

He would clumsily mimic the actions of the villagers, imitating their heroic feats with imaginary enemies. While still a baby, his spirit burned with a yearning for adventure and the desire to become a brave warrior.

As time went on, Usopp's observations revealed a bittersweet truth. He discovered that his father, Yasopp, was absent from their lives, having set sail on a grand voyage alongside the renowned pirate, Shanks just like in the original story. The knowledge of his father's absence tugged at Usopp's heart. He feels that he needs to help his mother in exchange for Yasopp's absence.

One fateful day, while Bachina worked diligently in a restaurant to support their life, Usopp witnessed his mother's unwavering strength. He watched as she worked hard with her responsibilities, her love for him evident in every action. Bachina's determination to provide for them, even while holding Usopp in her arms, left an indelible mark on his young heart.

In that moment, as Usopp looked into his mother's tired yet resolute eyes, a vow formed within him. He silently promised to protect her, to become a source of strength and support, just as she had been for him. It was a pledge of love and gratitude, a bond forged in the crucible of their shared journey.

As the year passed, Usopp grew, his body and mind developing in tandem. Cris, observing it all from the depths of his consciousness, marveled at the resilience of the human spirit. He understood the preciousness of every moment, every smile and tear that shaped Usopp's life. The bond between mother and child, the tapestry of a small village, and the boundless potential that lay ahead filled him with a sense of wonder.

As Usopp's first year drew to a close, Cris, in his unique position as both observer and participant, reflected on the transformative power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and trials, but with Bachina's love as his anchor, Cris knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and trials, and Usopp would face them head-on.

Usopp, still in the early stages of his development, marveled at the world unfolding before him. His bright eyes sparkled with curiosity, and his tiny hands grasped at the air in an attempt to reach out and touch the world around him. One day, as Bachina cradled him in her arms, Usopp mustered all his courage to form his first meaningful word. With a determined expression, he gazed into his mother's eyes and whispered, "Ma-ma." His voice, though still soft and uncertain, carried a depth of emotion that resonated in Bachina's heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced him tightly, overwhelmed with love and joy. It was a precious moment, a connection forged through the simple power of language, as Usopp's innocent utterance became a testament to their unbreakable bond.

From that day forward, Usopp's newfound ability to call Bachina "Mama" became a source of endless delight and pride. With each passing day, his vocabulary expanded, and his words grew clearer and more distinct. Whether it was his infectious laughter or his endearing attempts at communication, Usopp's blossoming words became a constant reminder of the love and devotion that bound them together.