
God bane

sometimes we are punished for what we lost unjustly by those who stole from us and most times there is no hope and injuries prevails but on those rare cases of other worldly opportunities for revenge abound and not even gods or demons can stop the truly broken from their goals and here begins the story of the god slayer .

Worldforger · Fantasy
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7 Chs


It was months after that incident which came to be known as the Eldorn tribulation where in the lights within the meteor had long disappeared and the city was trying rebuild itself. That some stray wind some way outside the recouping city began to gather into an almost inconsequential whirl wind varying almost microscopic bits of a black substance that slowly began to move forming something that seemed to be made from almost every colour of the rainbow with the addition of white and black containing an energy very similar to the energy from the meteor that disappeared months ago it's energy lost to the numerous experts who came to search only to return in vain. Days later, the clumps of coloured energy had already formed a glowing human skeletal system and within a week,organs had already started to form. It was only after a whole month had passed that The body appeared within the crater basin a place now used for growing rare plants due to the dense but very strange energy. The young boy stood up slowly with a cloud of confusion in his eyes that slowly cleared as his own life and memories slowly came back to him and the manner of his death came back to him "How am I still alive and fine. how... "

surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes as he felt the strange moving through his veins energy that was being drawn to his naked form until all the mutant plants around him wilted but the basin was still rock in energy even as he walked towards the end of the two mile wife basin where a small shack stood. two strange kinds of memories were ingrained into his mind the thoughts of two very different individuals from different worlds but the memories were unreachable at least for the moment. Only two very opposite cultivation techniques surfaced techniques he was already merging together unconsciously as he went into the shack only to come out later in commoners clothing and leather shoes. Coming out of the basin, Xan realised that most of what was Eldorn had now been turned into some kind of farm of cultivating materials joking at the new city dozens of miles away, his face showed no emotions as he turned and instead went into the woods of magic beasts taking nothing except a promise of revenge against the uncle who poisoned his father and took away his spirit root and against the Sect that had tormented him for so long. This new body exuded confidence as he walked into the jungle. Every one be they mortals or immortals(cultivators) felt some of the energy suddenly vanish but none saw the young boy with emerald green eyes vanish into the woods answering a call from his very core as the strange new hunt d of a technique in his mind took form

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