
God bane

sometimes we are punished for what we lost unjustly by those who stole from us and most times there is no hope and injuries prevails but on those rare cases of other worldly opportunities for revenge abound and not even gods or demons can stop the truly broken from their goals and here begins the story of the god slayer .

Worldforger · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"You piece of shit how dare you beat up my brother!!??! How dare you mess with me?!" the punches from the punches from the fourth stage of the body building class as well as kicks rammed into his body from three different eighteen to nineteen year old youths making him bleed and convulse about fifteen miles outside the city as they dealt with him until he was almost dead as the youths left him prostrate that evening planning to come back for him the next day. If it were any other normal human, they would be dead but all that beating over the years had built Xan's body beyond the capacities of a normal human but this particular beating fueled by anger and shame had definitely crippled him forever. This was by far the most ruthless beating he ever received in his entire life. lying on the grass on the outskirts of Eldorn a flourishing merchant city, Xan's mind went back to the events of that afternoon without regrets even though that single move might have just killed him at least he had died with honour in his own mind.

Dern Caren had taken the arena with confidence despite the fact that he was the clan's weakest talent but his confidence was not uncalled for after all he was only fighting the clan's one and only cripple. "I just broke through to the first stage of the body building class I really want to test this new strength out. " he said cracking his knuckles as he moved elemental energy(fire as his affinity) to strengthen himself the power of the body strengthening class his fists started flowing dim red as he activated a martial skill but looking at him, Xan only smiled at Dern knowing that for the first time he was going to put his knowledge to use in a fight

"stop trying to look cool you idiot!! kowtow to me five times before you surrender and I might just let you go if I'm pleased "

Dern was obviously angry that Xan had totally ignored him after all Xan never appeared in the clan battles except they were compulsory and when he did, he never lasted more than two exchanges before falling down and curling into a ball ending up battered serving as a good anger vent when he did appear since he never surrendered preferring to instead near the pain rather than willingly accept defeat. But now, Xan simply smiled at Dern in an unconcerned way making him even angrier after all this was their clan induction ceremony and the last compulsory organised fight of which Xan would partake in the Clan .

"don't worry that smile will wipe off your face once you taste my fire fist!! " Dern roared as the bell rang and he charged at Xan like a bull. Xan easily side stepped the charging Dern with both hands behind him his gentle but cold smile mocking Dern more than any words could making the muscle bound thirteen year old even angrier and he pushed more elemental energy into his body as he charged Xan who dodged easily with his hand still behind him making Dern even more furious. The whole angering and dodging process continued for over nine more exchanges before Dern suddenly roared in anger, frustration and humiliation "Stop running attack me if you date!! "

"Ok" Xan said as Dern charged at him again that calm smile still on his handsome face. He dodged Dern but this time,his hands lashed out hitting three acupuncture points very quickly the weaknesses of Dern's martial skill making Dern suddenly stiffen before he fell to the ground face first every one had been shocked but the victory had led him to his present predicament.

It was midnight when the sky suddenly bloomed with different colors as the ball of pure energy fell from the sky drew ng the attention of every one within and around Eldorn up. The falling ball of energy moved within devastating speed as it fell flashing different colours as if different forces were battling within it as it fell towards the City and that night, the families took their most valuable possessions as they fled the city the fluctuations from the energy meteor bit unnoticed by the city's experts the meteor was like a divine tribulation a judgement from heaven as it fell through the night less than six hours after it appeared, the meteor finally smashed into the city outskirts as though drawn by something the energy wave totally destroying the City and most if those who were not far enough from it even the nearby woods was affected many of those (plants animals and humans) unaffected by the energy wave were affected by the bits of strange dust that the wave pushed out either dying or mutating and not necessarily in a good way. But that didn't mean many didn't survive as millions died powerful individuals and families escaped via transportation arrays tamed beasts or their own power. Even beasts from the woods also Made escape attempts. But that night, the same force that destroyed everything it touched slammed into a thirteen year old boy struggling to barely survive destroying his body as the two strange lights within the energy meteor slammed unto his body.