

Love slowly descends upon man like the heat of the sun. It resembles the blazing heat of the sun in a desert, in the months of June and July. It is not possible to have an exact idea of its intensity in the early hours of the morning. But as the day progresses, its intensity begins to reveal itself with all its manifestations. Same is the case with love. When the noon of love draws near, the lover is wrecked by restlessness and bitterness. His throat is parched with severe thirst and he begins to feel himself half dead and half alive. Quite unknowingly, I had crossed the morning of love and was now in the noon of love with all its severity and intensity. I did not even fully enjoy the calm and tranquility of the morning of love. But by the time I recovered from the first jolt of love, I found myself in the scorching heat of the noon of love. After being detained in the study of the old Haveli, Iman was furious and so much annoyed with her dearest friend Nighat and her younger sister Haya that for several days, she did not talk to them. But Nighat who was stubbornly determined, went to her house, sat in the unpaved courtyard and threatened to remain there as long as Iman did not forgive her. At last, Iman's mother had to intervene. She requested both Nighat and Iman to settle their dispute before the return of the Maulvi and Abdullah. She was particularly worried about the Maulvi who might get a negative impression on seeing Nighat sitting in the courtyard at that hour of the night. Both his daughters were afraid of him and finally, Iman had to surrender She held Nighat's arm and took her to the room which was used by her and her sister Haya. As soon as they entered the room, Iman could no longer control her feelings and burst into tears, while holding Nighat in her arms. She got a solemn pledge from Nighat that in future, she would not do anything which might spoil the honour of her parents. Nighat made this promise but at the same time, she tried her best to convince Iman that I was not one of those boys who were in the habit of flirting with young innocent girls. She swore by her parents in an attempt to assure her the truth and sincerity of my passion. But in reply, the only thing which Iman said was that only her parents had the right to decide all the matters of her life including the issue of her marriage. She emphatically said that she would willingly submit to all the decisions of her parents about her life whatever they might be. As far as the matter under discussion was concerned, Iman said that she did not want to hear or say anything more about it. Nighat called me to the old Haveli and told the whole story to me. She again insisted that if I really wanted to see some progress in the matter, the only option left open to me was that I should send the members of my family to Iman's house with the marriage proposal. I was satisfied with the thought that till then, Iman had not been engaged to someone. However, it was quite obvious that something had to be done most urgently because that paragon of beauty must have been the sweetheart and favourite choice for a large number of other suitors. But at the same time, I was fully aware of the possible reaction of the members of my family. How could the most influential and richest family of the city agree to my marriage with the daughter of a poor Maulvi? Of course, everyone would describe it as something below the dignity and prestige of our family. But I had to talk to the members of my family, because, I was left with no other choice. In order to gain access to the Maulvi's family, I needed the identity of my family, because till then, I had no identity of my own. Then, whatever I had anticipated, actually took place. It seemed as if the whole family had been hit by a massive earthquake. Mother was the first to cry out, "What! What the hell do you mean by all this nonsense! Are you out of your mind! The Commissioner was furious. Emitting the smoke of the pipe from his mouth he roared, "So this lad is going to spoil the honour of our seven generations."

"What rubbish!" remarked Abrina with an unpleasant expression on her face. "I knew beforehand that this boy would do something like this" was the spontaneous reaction of my elder brother Sajjad Among all the members of my family, my younger brother Ibad was the only one who had some encouraging words for me. "Great brother Medi great! It's a wonderful choice. Best of luck." But poor Ibad did not know that good wishes alone cannot change a person's bad luck into good luck. Moreover, I had to redraw the line of my fate. I was required to dig up a canal of milk only with the help of a spade. The mountain digger was again being put to test. My parents and all the other elders of my family refused to hear anything from me about this matter. One day, while all of us were sitting around the dining table, I again started the same topic. My outraged father angrily threw the fork and spoon on the plate and shouted, "Enough is enough! No more with your stories of romance and listen to me attentively. Next week, you're going to England. I've arranged your admission at a famous university of London. Go to London, get the two years' degree from the university and then we'll think about your marriage." "But I don't want to go to London. "I'm not at all interested in the Economics degree." "Then what else are you interested in?" asked Mother and added, "What spell has that lady cast on you in such a short time?" How could Abrina remain silent in such a situation? "I had become suspicious of her when she came here to attend the party and was sitting here like a very pious and righteous girl. Oh these low class people!" I could no longer hear this fuss. I immediately stood up, threw the napkin on the table and angrily went out of the room. While I was going, I could hear my mother talking loudly to my father. "You see, how proud and arrogant he has become. I say that" But before the completion of her sentence, I had left the dining hall. If only I had heard her full sentence that night. In that case the horrible thing that happened the next day, could have been avoided. With the exception of Ibad, all the members of my family had boycotted me. The next day, while I was silently sitting in my room, I suddenly heard the loud voice of Abrina who seemed to be quarrelling with someone. At first, I did not pay any attention towards her because such dramatic scenes had become a routine matter in the house in those days. But after some time, I realized that the matter was related to me. I immediately came out of my room and went near the railing. As I looked downstairs, I could see Maulvi Alimuddin standing in the lounge, with the sweat of shame on his forehead and tears of sorrow in his eyes. His whole body was trembling while mother and Abrina were showering heaps of abuses on him. I felt as if the earth had slipped from beneath my feet. While I still stood there, I shouted, "Mother, it's too much, stop it now!" As soon as Mother and Abrina saw me, they became silent and moved towards the drawing room adjacent to the lounge. With heavy steps, the Maulvi also turned in order to go out. By the time I put on my shoes and rushed to that place, he had gone near the gate with his cycle. I ran towards that side and stood in his way. Tears which were still running out of his eyes had made his beard wet. I did not know what to say and how to say it. I only folded my hands and stood before him. Then, mustering up my courage, I began to speak. "I apologize to you on their behalf. Although their crime is unpardonable, even then I implore you." The Maulvi lifted up his eyes and saw me. I felt myself devastated and lowered my eyes as I noticed that his eyes were full of complaints. "What wrong have I done to you Mr. Hammad? A poor man has got only one thing to be proud of and that is his honour. Today you have robbed me of that precious asset of mine. Today, my innocent girls have been openly disgraced and humiliated only because of you. If only if only I could curse you, but. Anyhow, I believe in the justice of Allah and He will surely do justice in my case." The Maulvi was saying all these words in a highly emotional manner. Afterwards, without saying anything else, He mounted his bicycle and went away while with my bent head I remained standing near the gate. Violent storms began to blow in my mind. I had not previously thought that the members of my family could fall down to such an extent. I knew that they could not suppress me but perhaps, during the previous night, they had decided to crush the cause of my revolt. If I had been aware of their evil designs beforehand, I would have met the Maulvi on the way and told him to go back. If only I could know about the situation well in time. But now, what was done could not be undone. Mother and Abrina had got the opportunity to launch their attack on the Maulvi and they had fully utilized the opportunity. They had abused him and insulted him by saying that he was in the habit of sending his daughters to the parties of the rich people hoping that they would ensnare or entice some rich boy. They had given him that month's salary and ordered him never to come to their house again. It is not difficult to imagine that after hearing all such disdainful accusations, a white collared and honourable man like the Maulvi must have been left with no option other than death. But people like the Maulvi do not have the opportunity to enjoy the luxury of death at their will. If suicide had not been forbidden in Islam, he would surely have finished his life that very day. Everything had happened because of me and I was responsible for his insult and disgrace. At that time, I was full of hatred for myself. As I angrily returned home, I shattered into fragments whatever lay in my way in the drawing room, the lounge and the lobby. The frightened Abrina locked herself up in her room but I had another heated debate with my mother. Like a typical traditional woman, she taunted me and accused me of coming under the influence of some charm or spell cast by the members of the Maulvi's family. Then, she began shedding tears, because, tears are the last weapon which a mother can use to persuade her children. That very night, the Commissioner gave his final judgment about me. I would never be allowed to break the family traditions and I would have to fly to London the very next week. I did not have any discussion with the Commissioner that night, Because, I had also decided something and I knew very well what to do. With the first light of the next morning, I left my house and went to the old Haveli where Shakir had already got some information about the matter from other servants but he was still unaware of the full details. Seeing me in the Haveli in the early hours of the morning he was much worried. He immediately took me to the round room of the Haveli. "What's all this? Is it true what I've heard? Was the Maulvi really dismissed from his job yesterday? Sharafat the watchman has told me about it." "Whatever you have heard is correct. Everything has happened because of me." Then, I told him the whole story from a to z. Shakir held his head in his hands and remained sitting there. "O Mr. Hammad, what a strange thing you've done. You know very well that the members of your family would never agree to this marriage; and as far as the Maulvi is concerned, he is a very sensitive and delicate person. And look what Nighat has done. I never expected her to do such a stupid thing." "Nighat is not to blame for whatever has happened. She simply couldn't refuse to help me. Don't say anything to her." "All right Mr. Hammad, but how to compensate for the injustice done to the Maulvi by the members of your family?" "I'll compensate for that injustice. I want you to go to the Maulvi's house with my marriage proposal." Shakir jumped from his place. "What! What are you saying Mr. Hammad? How can I do it?" "There's no other alternative for me now. My parents would never go to the Maulvi's house with the marriage proposal and the stain of dishonour which has come upon the Maulvi's family because of me, would never be removed. I've therefore, made the final decision. Now you've got to decide whether you would help me or not." Shakir silently sat there lost in some deep thought. Nighat entered the room and placed the tray with tea cups on the table. After pouring the tea into the tea cups, she silently left the room. At last, Shakir lifted his head. "You've put me in a very difficult test. On one hand there is my old friendship with the Maulvi and the other hand, there are those countless favours that you've been doing to me and my family for the last several years. In this adventure, I may lose my old friendship with the Maulvi, but what else can I do? I can't lose you at any cost." With a deep breath, Shakir became silent but I could foresee a horrible storm behind this silence.