
Gluttonously BNHA Fan-fic

Six, after surviving through the horrors of The Maw, finds herself on the end. Nothing left to do, nothing to eat. As she doses off, she finds herself in unfamiliar place ... but with lots of things to eat. This is a side project that I work on. Main account : ATrueWaifu. Don’t forget to check out my works on account mentioned above ! ( .UwU) Unregulated updates, mainly however I feel like updating.

BeggarNoChoser · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Wind was blowing slightly, almost mockingly, blowing my hair around. Light drizzle dropping from the sky, causing millions of small droplets of water to hit the ground, creating a beautiful song.

I was currently walking around the empty city square, unfortunately, without my cloak. After what I have pulled off at this big school, Overhaul wanted me to deal with my insecurities. As such, I was ordered to walk without my cloak. At first I wanted to just brush it off, however he annoyed me about it very often and I did obey. I didn't want to kill the guy, however in this moment I really wanted to do so.

At first, it was quite bad. I was very paranoid, raging out at everyone that came near. But, after few days I was dealing quite well with it. However after my non-cloak time ran out, I sped into my raincoat as fast as one could. No matter how good I was doing without my coat, I still very much preferred seeing world from inside of it.

Aside of that, I spent more time with this little girl named Eri. I realized that beside of eating, I didn't have anything other to do. As such, I started visiting Eri more often. She was a cute girl, would make a great snac- no no no, I need to stop this. Overhaul did say that I can't eat friends, it is apparently not appreciated. I did promise him that I won't eat or think about eating my comrades.

As to what we did ? Well, it was mainly me telling her stories. I did tell her about some things from the Maw, of course changing it to more family-friendly. We also played some board games, she was good at them. However, I did win at chess ! I ended by eating her king, to which she only giggled.

Overhaul did make me something akin to her caretaker, mainly making me get her to and from the 'test' site, serving her food and spending time with her.

I also changed in appearance, it meaning raise in height and my hair ... and my breasts that grew little larger. I was wondering, why did someone need them ? They were just hindering me, not helping in any way. I started to worry if cloak will fit on me at this rate.

As such, I contacted Giran for him to make the cloak bigger.

He did agree, still fearing that I will eat him.

Everything other than that continued as normal. Heroes ate meals, I ate heroes, no one eats me.

I went back towards our yakuza base, hoping to find a way to pass the time. I was quite full, eating bunch of people recently. Giran was silent, not having any information regarding my cloak aside of 'I will give it to you soon' thingy. I could only walk around, wishing for something interesting to happen.


Class 1-A was currently wholly immersed into their respective training.

Midoriya trying his best to figure different ways to use his powers, without severely injuring himself.

Bakugo training his body to be able to generate more explosions.

Tsuyu swimming in water and increasing strength of her tongue.

Even usually perverted Mineta was quite serious in taking his balls out.

But lets zoom into the most interesting one, it being Kyoka.

After Aizawa's talk with them, she realized that sitting and doing nothing just because she lost once was stupid, as such she started training even more. All, just to have a chance of extracting her revenge on a little girl.

She decided to try and strengthen her earlobes, as well as improve her body condition. She was picked up and dragged by a little girl, it probably isn't normal.

As such, she decided on standard push ups, squats and other basic exercises. She made it her daily routine, hopefully, she won't be so weak next time they meet.


Six PoV

I was currently playing chess with Eri, mostly to pass time and partially because I liked atmosphere around her. Purest variety of kindness, not tainted by any greed. I would even feel bad because of the tests that are done on her.

With emphasis on would. I just do my part of work, no need for any real attachments.

Right now, I was faced with great dilemma. With brief analysis of chess board, I concluded that I had to make one of two moves. I can move my knight to the right-up, effectively taking down her rook, I would be risking my queen's wellbeing however.

On the other hand, if I try and risk my rook, I can endanger her king and take down the other rook.

Hmm ... okay ! I will probably go with-

*Ring !*

My phone decided that it was a good time to interrupt me, how rude. I can say that this thing can think, ringing on the worst occasions.

I picked it up silently, not speaking a word. Someone on the other side would think that it would be rude or that someone is pranking them, no. From this number, Giran called with jobs, I was only listening to details.

"Two targets, no fire quirk in play. For one, I already have information and for other, you will have to get it from client. Also, Six, I have great news ! My friend called me, saying that your cloak is almost ready ! Come later after ending this two guys."

He said before hanging up. I put the phone down.

"Sorry. Job."

I spoke to Eri, she needed to at least understand that I won't be here all the time. She seemed a little sad, however way better than I thought.

As such, I made my way out of the hideout.

First target, was someone called a club manager. I got his location, making my way over there.

It was some kind of building, purple and red lights nearly everywhere. I identified something that resembled entrance, I decided to sit and wait for him. If he doesn't appear here, I will have to check for other exits and if necessary, storm the building by myself.

Fortunately, I didn't need to do such thing. He came out, dressed in some kind of dress, that kind that you would expect woman to wear. I was a little puzzled at first, however, I followed him nonetheless.

Going through the city, he finally had to go through one alleyway. He probably does not know full layout of the city, because he was walking into the dead end.

I dropped down from above on the entrance, trying to not make any noise. He continued on his way towards the dead end. I continued behind him.

As he stumbled upon said dead end, he turned around wanting to go in other direction, however I blocked his way.

"Oi ! Little girl, get out of here, there is no good things in this place and I don't have any candies."

He said that in female voice, now fully resembling a woman. Maybe his power ? I decided to end it here, my cloak is waiting.

I jumped at him and bit into his neck, ripping part of it with me. He or she just gasped in response, no longer able to breath.

I then got for eating her whole, by eating her life force.

She quickly turned into dust and I was on my way back.


Second target, I first needed to get to client. This option always annoyed me, going to someone just to get information that Giran should gather beforehand. He said that I need to go to this alleyway and then left ...

I followed his direction, until I can upon a door. I opened it, no harm in doing so. Once I entered, a familiar bar came into view. So this was my client, huh ?

"I am glad that you came."

Said Kurogiri, still trying to maintain his record of the cleanest glass in the world. There was no one other than us in here.

"I am to tell you about your mission. We want you to kill the Hero killer Stain. He usually comes around the Hosu city, so you should start there."

He said. No details, no current location habits. I am an executioner not a bounty hunter.

I exited the bar and called Giran, telling him that I cancel the second task.

"What ?! You can't just do that !"

He yelled through the phone.

"They don't have targets living place, habits or favorite places. I am no bounty hunter. I am going for cloak."

"Six, listen. I will dou-"

*Click !*

I ended the call. There is no need to talk about things that won't happen.

Did this idiots really think I was going to do this whole thing ? Giran perfectly knows that I am an executioner, his clients also probably know about it. I only kill, I am no detective.

I went towards the hideout where Giran usually is, I couldn't wait to retrieve my favorite cloak. I mean, this one did its job and was fire resistant, however, I still felt lot better in my yellow raincoat. Sentimental value.


Hour later

With my newly restored coat, I got out onto the roofs. Giran was quite adamant on trying to force me to kill this Stainy guy, however I still refused. If he gets information where Stain resides and goes, I would be willing to do so.

As I was returning, I saw some fire and smoke in the distance. News helicopters, police cars and ambulances rushing in that direction as well as some kids dressed in spandex costumes running towards the chaos. I still needed to make it to the base, as such I walked in that direction, really hoping to avoid any trouble on the way.

Audacity of Fate, may I say.

I will try releasing chapters in bunches, three-four chapters. Hope you will be satisfied, please leave your thoughts about this book in form of comments and reviews ! Also, save this power-stones for some better book.

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