
Global Superpower: Getting Stronger through Reading

When millions of monsters appeared on Earth from a different dimension, humans were introduced to a Class system to fight against them. There were Martial Artists, Swordsmen, Archers, Medics, Mages, Summoners… Lin Bai had awoken an SSS-Grade Class, the Reader. He had the power to summon any item or power he had read from a book. After reading Journey to the West, he collected the [Flying Nimbus] and [Complaint Golden-Hooped Rod]. After reading Legend of Ninja Village, he learned [Shadow Clone] and [Reincarnation]. After reading Big Pirate's Treasure, he received the [Random Fruit] and [Random Domineering]. After reading Blue Cat-Shaped Robot from Future, he was awarded the [Bamboo-copter], [Translation Jelly], and [Gourmet Tablecloth]. … The world was shocked when they learned of his Class. It was undoubtedly the strongest Class of all.

Unreachable Nose · Urban
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40 Chs

The Fantasy Serpent

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After several hours of climbing the mountain, Lin Bai was already completely exhausted. Currently, he was advancing at full speed. He was basically pushing himself to his limits.

After all, there was a human in the mouth of that magical beast. No matter what, he could not ignore this situation.

"Stop!" Lin Bai roared at the top of his lungs as he chased after the magical beast with all his strength.

Just like that, the man and the beast started a chase down the mountain…

Inside the wooden cabin.

Looking at the woman lying in a pool of blood, Su Ya's face was filled with shock as she hurried over and squatted down to check her breathing.

"She's alright. She's still breathing." Su Ya felt as though a heavy stone had been lifted off her chest.

She did not want a living person to die in front of her.

Su Ya could no longer care about the bloodstains on the ground dirtying her clothes as she decisively knelt down to check on the woman's injuries.

There was a shocking wound on the woman's waist. It had clearly been caused by the sharp claws of a magical beast.

Su Ya gulped. This sort of wound made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

However, no matter what, she could not sit by and do nothing.

Su Ya took out the emergency gauze in her bag and began wrapping the woman's wounds carefully.

Suddenly, the scent of a magical beast wafted into Su Ya's nose, stunning her.

She instinctively looked out of the door.

Could it be that the magical beast had returned?

But what about Lin Bai? Didn't he go after that magical beast?

However, there was no one outside.

Su Ya suddenly came to a realization. With a flash, she took a few steps back. Then, her right hand moved and she tightly gripped the knife at her waist in her hand.

Then, without any hesitation, she used the advantage of her speed as an Assassin to quickly suppress the woman, who was prepared to take action. Her short knife stabbed directly into the woman's chest!

The woman's body was already in a half-sitting position. The knife in her chest made her spit out a mouthful of blood. Then, her human form disappeared, revealing the true appearance of a magical beast!

It was a snake-shaped magical beast!

"You were actually able to see through my transformation technique. You truly have some skill." The snake-shaped magical beast swayed its body as it glared at Su Ya's every move.

Su Ya's heart skipped a beat.

This magical beast could actually understand human language!

Even a creature as powerful as the Master of the Swamp didn't have the intelligence to speak.

A magical beast that could speak human language was definitely not simple.

The magical beasts that Su Ya knew were only limited to the range of some low-leveled magical beasts. However, this snake-shaped magical beast had clearly surpassed the range of her knowledge.

"You are…?" Su Ya asked. After asking this question, she realized how stupid her question was.

How could a magical beast who stood opposite her be so free as to help her explain this problem?

The snake-shaped magical beast did not hide its ridicule at all. Its burning gaze caused Suya's cheeks to flush red.

"There's no harm in telling you. My name is Fantasy Serpent, and I'm a snake-type magical beast. This entire mountain is my territory. How dare you mere humans barge in?"

When faced with the Fantasy Serpent's question, Su Ya could only shrug helplessly.

After all, she didn't break into its territory on purpose!

The Hunter Elementary Test had chosen this damned place!

Wait… They had started off halfway up the mountain, but they had walked to the peak of the mountain without thinking…

Could the real location of the Elementary Test be at the foot of the mountain?!

At the thought of this, Su Ya could not help but feel frustrated.

No matter what, she could only fight to her death!

Thus, Su Ya put down all the pressure she felt and began to fight against the Fantasy Serpent.

Both of them excelled in speed and everything happened in a split second. When others observed this battle with their naked eyes, they had no idea what happened in those few minutes.

Soon, the Fantasy Serpent was defeated. Su Ya was also in a somewhat sorry state, but compared to the Fantasy Serpent, her condition was much better.

Seeing that it was no match for Su Ya, the Fantasy Serpent turned around and fled.

"Halt!" Su Ya wasn't willing to let go of this magical beast. She left the wooden cabin as she shouted at the Fantasy Serpent.

On the other side.

Lin Bai finally caught up to the magical beast and began fighting it.

His opponent was a snake-shaped magical beast. For someone like Lin Bai who was innately afraid of snakes, it could be said to be extremely troublesome.

"Hey, hey, don't touch me. It's so disgusting." Lin Bai searched for an opportunity to attack while dodging the Fantasy Serpent's swift attacks.

Needless to say, its attacks were definitely venomous.

The Fantasy Serpent's speed was so fast that it dazzled Lin Bai's eyes. For the time being, Lin Bai could only instinctively block its attacks. However, he was unable to find any chance to counterattack.

Suddenly, it spat out a large mouthful of venom. The bright green, sticky liquid adhered to Lin Bai's arm. No matter how Lin Bai tried to shake it off, he could not shake it off.

"Give up. This venom is enough to kill a small Hunter like you!" The Fantasy Serpent stuck out its tongue and smiled slyly.

"Ah? But… I don't feel anything?" Lin Bai looked at the venom on his arm, then at the Fantasy Serpent. He blinked his eyes and said innocently.

The Fantasy Serpent's eyes widened.

"Why did this happen?"

Lin Bai smiled and said, "It's probably because of my antibodies. The Ghost Priest's poison is much stronger than yours. I've already endured that poison, so there should be some antibodies left in my body."

Lin Bai no longer cared about the disgusting venom on his hands. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity while the Fantasy Serpent was stunned and began to counterattack!


As matters stood, Lin Bai's magic had already reached the point of perfection, to the point where he could even cast spells without the wand.

The explosive curse landed heavily on the Fantasy Serpent's body, causing it to be covered in wounds. Its bloody appearance was very different from its previous arrogance.

The Fantasy Serpent glared fiercely at Lin Bai. Then, it fled in panic!

The offensive and defensive positions between the man and the beast had changed instantly!

Lin Bai did not hesitate at all. He also instantly chased after the Fantasy Serpent like an arrow that had left a bow. Very soon, he forced the Fantasy Serpent to the edge of the cliff.

"You have nowhere else to go. You should just surrender." Lin Bai threatened.

The best solution was to fight without any bloodshed.

Suddenly, an extremely strange smile flashed past the corners of the Fantasy Serpent's mouth. After that, its entire body fell backward and it simply fell off the cliff.

Lin Bai was very shocked.

This cliff was extremely high. Thus, even a flexible creature like the Fantasy Serpent would meet a tragic end.

He stared blankly at the bottomless cliff and was momentarily dazed.

Suddenly, a familiar aura came from behind him.

Before Lin Bai could turn around, the Fantasy Serpent pounced at him again!

"Hahaha, I will definitely take revenge for the blood feud just now!" The Fantasy Serpent shouted as it forced Lin Bai towards the cliff.

Lin Bai resisted with all his might. However, half of his foot was already off the cliff.

Suddenly, he stopped all his actions.

"Let's end this. Stop acting."

Lin Bai laughed mockingly beside the Fantasy Serpent's ear.