
Global Superpower: Getting Stronger through Reading

When millions of monsters appeared on Earth from a different dimension, humans were introduced to a Class system to fight against them. There were Martial Artists, Swordsmen, Archers, Medics, Mages, Summoners… Lin Bai had awoken an SSS-Grade Class, the Reader. He had the power to summon any item or power he had read from a book. After reading Journey to the West, he collected the [Flying Nimbus] and [Complaint Golden-Hooped Rod]. After reading Legend of Ninja Village, he learned [Shadow Clone] and [Reincarnation]. After reading Big Pirate's Treasure, he received the [Random Fruit] and [Random Domineering]. After reading Blue Cat-Shaped Robot from Future, he was awarded the [Bamboo-copter], [Translation Jelly], and [Gourmet Tablecloth]. … The world was shocked when they learned of his Class. It was undoubtedly the strongest Class of all.

Unreachable Nose · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At this critical moment, Lin Bai suddenly stopped resisting. It was as if he was resigned to fate.

However, he whispered something meaningful in the Fantasy Serpent's ear.

"Let's end this. Stop acting."

His soft voice stopped the Fantasy Serpent's attack.

The edge of the cliff suddenly fell silent. Only the violent wind raged.

"What do you mean?" The Fantasy Serpent asked.

"You are not the Fantasy Serpent that I fought with just now." Lin Bai simply exposed the Fantasy Serpent.

The Fantasy Serpent looked at Lin Bai's eyes with surprise.

"How can you tell? Aren't humans only able to differentiate between different types of magical beasts? How did you differentiate between individual magical beasts?!"

Lin Bai made a "shh" gesture with his hand, indicating that it was a secret.

In reality, he had only borrowed the effects of the Spirit of Nature.

With the senses of humans, it was naturally very difficult to differentiate the different individuals of the same type of magical beast. However, in these aspects, the Spirit of Nature was an absolute expert!

With the effects of the Spirit of Nature, the minute differences between the individual Fantasy Serpents had been magnified infinitely. It could be said that as long as one had eyes, they could tell the difference.

The Fantasy Serpent laughed. "Honey, come out. I found someone very interesting."

Just as it finished speaking, another Fantasy Serpent suddenly jumped out from a small nook on the cliff.

At this moment, Lin Bai saw the suction cups under the Fantasy Serpent.

It turned out that the Fantasy Serpent had relied on these hidden suction cups to attach itself to the cliff and hide in Lin Bai's blind spot. This gave him the illusion that the Fantasy Serpent had fallen off the cliff.

The male Fantasy Serpent approached Lin Bai and sized him up. Then, it smiled and said, "Congratulations on passing our test."

Lin Bai did not show much surprise. After all, after realizing that the Fantasy Serpent had swapped places, he had more or less guessed that all of this was just a test.

At this moment, Su Ya rushed over.

Just as she stopped while panting, she saw two Fantasy Serpents, as well as Lin Bai, who was surrounded by them.

"It's dangerous!" Su Ya cried out in alarm. She subconsciously charged towards one of the Fantasy Serpent, wanting to help Lin Bai share the burden of the attack.

However, just as she rushed to one of the Fantasy Serpent, not only did the Fantasy Serpent not dodge, it also took out a pass from somewhere.

Su Ya was stunned. However, she did not stop in time and crashed into the Fantasy Serpent due to inertia.

When Su Ya struggled to get up and looked up again, she realized that the two Fantasy Serpents had turned back into humans.

The Fantasy Serpent that Su Ya had knocked into earlier on transformed into a man and handed the pass to Su Ya.

"Actually, we are the final examiners of this Elementary Test. Your performance just now has granted you a pass."

Su Ya continued to be stunned.

"We are magical beasts that can transform into humans. We have also established a peace treaty with the Hunter's Association to work for humans. We are pacifists of the magical beast world."

"Are there still pacifists in the magical beast world?" Lin Bai asked.

"Of course. Not all magical beasts are bloodthirsty by nature. For example, we are willing to cooperate with humans and nurture outstanding Hunters together to contribute to the peace and stability of the world," replied the man.

Lin Bai nodded thoughtfully.

This world was truly filled with wonders.

"Actually, when this lady recognized that the woman on the ground was a magical beast, you guys had already passed the test. Everything that happened after that was just an additional question."

"An additional question?" Lin Bai and Su Ya asked in unison.

"That's right. It's an additional question that no one has answered correctly in 30 years." The woman emphasized.

"That's right. You were able to remain calm in an emergency when your life is at stake. Furthermore, you could tell the difference between the two Fantasy Serpents with your sharp observational skills." The man explained further.

The woman also nodded. She stared fixedly at Lin Bai, full of admiration for this young man.

"Your Hunter Elementary Test will end here. This means that you have obtained your true identity as a Hunter." The man smiled when he saw the excitement in their eyes.

"By the way," Su Ya gently poked Lin Bai's shoulder and asked, "How exactly did you tell them apart?"

Lin Bai smiled and blinked. "It's a secret."

Su Ya's expression darkened as she looked helplessly at Lin Bai. Then, she shrugged her shoulders and arrogantly turned her head away, ignoring him.

Lin Bai laughed bitterly. The fewer people who knew the secrets of the Spirit of Nature, the better.

Otherwise, his uniqueness as a Reader would probably be exposed as well.

After that, the four of them chatted for a while. Then, they parted ways. Lin Bai and Su Ya began to travel down the long mountain path again…

In the hall.

It was an absolute hubbub.

All the upper echelons were in an uproar.

No one could imagine how Lin Bai had seen the difference between the two Fantasy Serpents.

The blond middle-aged man at the table had already turned deathly pale.

He was now beginning to regret why he had retorted back then. Now, he simply couldn't find a way out.

Not only had this team from Sorcha College completed the mission, they had also done it extremely well.

No one had passed that hidden mission in 30 years!

How did Lin Bai do it with a calm expression?!

Even some of the elders present did not have absolute confidence that they would be able to pass the test when they watched it through the screen. They could not guarantee that they would be able to discover such a minute difference in such a situation.

The strong ability to differentiate between magical beasts was a skill that all Hunters yearned for.

As for Lin Bai… he seemed to be born with it…

He was strong without knowing it. He was simply showing off too much!

"Let's give them a grade." The white-robed old man took a sip of tea from the table and reminded everyone.

They had the responsibility to give an objective evaluation to all the teams that had passed the Elementary Test based on their previous observations.

"I'll give them an A-Grade." The blond middle-aged man simply gave his evaluation.

The white-robed elder gave the middle-aged man a strange look.

This evaluation undoubtedly included his own subjective opinion.

It was simply a form of revenge.

It was revenge for slapping him in the face.

An elder at the table looked around and pondered for a moment. Then, he said, "Then I'll give it… an SS-Grade."

The middle-aged man's expression became ugly. The other party was undoubtedly destroying his reputation by doing this.

"I'll give them an SS-Grade too."

"Me too."

"I'll give them an S-Grade."

There was a tide of praises. As a result, the middle-aged man's expression turned livid.

He had no place to put his pride.

He just wanted to find a hole to hide in now.

After everyone had given their marks, the white-robed old man gave his final evaluation.

He stroked his beard and muttered, as if he was thinking about something.

Then, he finally gave his answer.

"I'll give them… an SSS-Grade."