

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The yellow monkey is injured, the terrible Mundo [bonus chapter]

"Ah! Ah! I'm going to die, I'm going to die

"Help! I don't want to die yet!"

Chopper and Usopp screamed in fright by the sound of explosions around them.

Sanji couldn't help cursing, "Shut up, you are very safe, Senior Mondo, help us block the general's attack!"

Hearing Sanji's words, Chopper and Usopp regained their silence. When they looked up, they saw Uncle Mondo standing in front of them.

And the terrifying light spot sent by the general will be bounced off by an invisible force when it attacks in front of Mondo.

Very strange.

"Uncle Mundo!" Chopper couldn't help crying with joy: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

Usopp was also happy and said, "Senior Mondo is too strong. With Senior Mondo, the general can't hurt us. We are saved!"

Sanji was too lazy to take care of these two timid guys. He looked at Nami and couldn't help but reminded: "Nami! You can let go of Senior Mondo!"

Nami heard the words and shook her head desperately: "No! I am not loose, the general is too terrifying."

Looking at the comrades, under the general's attack, Lu Fei shivered and suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, he really realized that the strength of himself and his partners, compared with the top big men, is too far behind!

The actions and thoughts of Lu Fei and others have no influence on the duel between the two masters!

"Yellow Ape, your attack, but so!" Chen Ye laughed.

In fact, Chen Ye could fight back against Huang Yuan a long time ago.

Having been passively defending, Chen Ye wanted to test the Yellow Ape. He has been in the reincarnation space for so long. What is his current strength? What is his rank in the Pirate World.

As for saving Lu Fei and others, it was completely easy to do.

By the way, see if you can use Luffy to attract big fish.

Chen Ye knows the plot, and of course he also knows how big Luffy's background is!

He Laozi is the leader of the revolutionary army "Dragon", and his grandfather is the naval hero "Tekken Karp". Both of his elder brothers are big influencers and have a close relationship with the four emperors "Shanks".

It can be said that if you fight backstage and background, few people in the entire Pirate World are Luffy's opponents!!

In the original plot, Huang Yuan released Luffy many times.

"What a terrible ability~!"

High in the sky, Huang Yuan looked at Chen Ye on the ground: "Mondo, what kind of monster are you?"

In the confrontation with Huang Yuan, Mondo has already demonstrated the ability to control the thunder, and now this weird ability has appeared again, which also looks like a devil fruit.

But a person can only use one devil fruit, this is the iron law of Pirate World.

It is too rare for two abilities to appear in one person at the same time.

"Yellow Ape! If you have no other way, just let this group of little ghosts go!"

Huang Yuan said in a strange tone: "The old man didn't lose, Mondo, your ability should have its limit!"

As the voice fell, Huang Yuan sharply increased his attack output.


Countless light spots fell to the ground like a pouring rain.

Moreover, Huang Yuan deliberately controlled the attack range, focusing countless light bullets all towards Chen Ye.


Chen Ye felt tremendous pressure.

Under this kind of enhanced attack, Chen Ye knows that he can't hold it for a minute if he resists hard.

"Huang Yuan, you have been attacking, now it's my turn!"

Chen Ye suddenly put away his right hand, and then he retracted his right hand back to his waist to accumulate energy.


The palm of Chen Ye's right hand lit a flame.

Nami and Robin nearby clearly felt the scorching heat.

At the same time, Chen Ye's legs were slightly bent, and his dantian was sinking.

next moment!

Launched in a fierce palm!!

The palm of the blazing Tathagata!

Ten success strength!!


A huge flame palm print appeared from Chen Ye's hands, going up against the sky, carrying incomparable powerful destructive power, and killing towards the yellow ape.

All the light bullets that fell when they hit the flame palm print were all annihilated and disappeared.

It can't stop the flame palmprint at all!

The attack has not yet arrived, and the overwhelming pressure has already hit the yellow ape head on

The flame palm print lasing speed is very fast, and it is getting bigger and bigger in Huang Yuan's eyes!

Years of fighting instinct has crazily reminded Huang Yuan to give way!


Huang Yuan has a feeling that such an attack, if he does not hide, is likely to kill him!

It's normal to feel this way!

Chen Ye's current strength can already be equal to that of a general, and the "flaming Tathagata palm" is Chen Ye's strongest attack method!

It's just a matter of time.

Huang Yuan immediately stopped his pointless light attack, the whole person glowed with golden light, and his body began to energize


A huge flame burst out in the void.

Reflect the entire sky red.


A golden figure escaped from the flame and fell to the ground.

It is Huang Yuan.

The clothes on his body are already a little scorched, and the "justice" cloak on his back is missing a large piece, which looks a little embarrassed.

The fruit ability of the yellow ape belongs to the natural family, and the body can be transformed into a natural element to avoid attacks. Ordinary physical attacks can't hurt him at all.


Armed color domineering, is the nemesis of all devil fruit abilities.

In the attack just now, although Huang Yuan energized his body in time, under Chen Ye's superbly armed and domineering additional attack, he was still hit by a part of his body.

This is the first time Huang Yuan has been injured since he became a general!

"General Huang Yuan, I don't know my attack, how does it feel?

Chen Ye's face is full of smiles, but in fact he is sighing in his heart: nature is the fruit of the devil, it is really difficult!

This ability to be elementalized is really abnormal.

If you can't be armed with domineering, no matter how strong the attack power is, it will be useless in front of the natural devil fruit ability.

The blow of the Tathagata Palm just now consumed a lot of physical strength for Chen Ye, only to exchange for the slight injury of the Yellow Ape.

On the surface, it looks like Chen Ye made the money.

(Wang Li Zhao) But Chen Ye finds it uneconomical!

Because he wanted to capture not only Huang Yuan, but the entire navy headquarters!

"You are really amazing, Mundo!"

Huang Yuan no longer looked calm before, staring closely at Chen Ye, and the sky cloud sword in his hand also appeared again, treating Chen Ye as a great enemy!

"There are more surprised!"

When Chen Ye said this, he suddenly turned his gaze to somewhere and said loudly, "Pluto Raleigh, how long do you plan to watch?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, subconsciously looking in the direction of Chen Ye's gaze.

Huang Yuan was slightly startled when he heard the name "Pluto Raleigh", his eyes also looked at that direction.

After a while.

In the shadow, the ravenous Rayleigh walked out from behind a big tree.

"The young people nowadays are really terrible!"

Raleigh sighed as he walked: "It seems that I am really old, and I can't even hide.