

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The best plan

That's right!

Chen Ye chose to break into a private house just to grab a gun! !

Chen Ye has checked the store in the safe zone, and there are no dangerous goods such as guns for sale.

But the guns in the real world couldn't be brought in, so Chen Ye had to grab them by himself.

Sam's Empire is known as a free country.

It is not forbidden for civilians to possess guns. As long as you are a citizen of the country and are over 22 years old, you can go to a regular store to buy guns.

A country flooded with guns!

There are guns in almost every family!


The white woman hesitated and saw Chen Ye's fierce eyes, and immediately said: "In the drawer of the bedroom!!"

At this moment, Chen Ye's image is a burly man (made by the system), and it is quite scary to stare.

"Take me…remember, don't play any tricks, I just want a gun, don't force me to hurt you and your husband's lives!!"

"OK! OK! I'll take you to…"

With the cooperation of the white women, Chen Ye soon got the gun.

A Beretta M92F pistol! !

There are still six bullets in the magazine.

Seeing Chen Ye nodded in satisfaction, the white woman tentatively asked: "Sir, you have got what you want, please let us go…"

Chen Ye nodded, then slashed the white woman's head with a palm, knocking her unconscious.

This is to prevent the other party from calling the police immediately and causing him trouble.

As for the other party to wake up and then call the police…At that time, the whole city was reduced to a paradise for zombies. Whether there was a policeman was still a question.

Afterwards, Chen Ye took some U.S. dollar bills from the opponent's pocket and left directly from the front door.

Coming to the street, Chen Ye stopped a taxi.

"Hello, buddy, where are you going?" The driver is a black guy.


"Oh… buddy, are you contagious?"

"I am very healthy!"

Chen Ye directly took out all the beautiful knives and shook in front of the driver: "Send me to the CDC within ten minutes, they are yours!"

"No problem! Sir, please fasten your seat belt!"

Eight minutes later.

Chen Ye dropped the US knife, got out of the car, and walked quickly into the CDC.

There are still more than ten minutes before the zombie virus strikes.

He has to find what he wants as soon as possible.

So, what exactly does Chen Ye want to come to the CDC?

The movie "Zombie World War", anyone who has watched it will surely remember the key points.

That is, although the zombies in this world are extremely fierce and can be called the strongest zombies, they have a fatal flaw…

They only attack healthy humans! !

Like those humans with illnesses, they are not in the attack range of the zombies.

The more ill the zombies become.

This setting is very weird!

Such a ferocious zombie virus actually dislikes and even fears other viruses or diseased cells… I have to say that the brain circuit of the screenwriter is peculiar.

In the original plot, the male protagonist Gerry Lane finally discovered this, and then organized the surviving humans, expelled all the zombies from the human city, and became the savior…

Very old-fashioned plot.


This has nothing to do with Chen Ye.

Chen Ye's mission is to survive and hunt zombies.

He knows the plot, and of course he understands that the best way is to get himself sick and let the zombies avoid him.


He can safely hunt zombies boldly, and no longer need to be afraid of being surrounded by zombies.

Therefore, Chen Ye came to the CDC.

Afraid that the doctor here would not cooperate with him, Chen Ye came with a gun…

This is Chen Ye's plan! !

As soon as he walked into the lobby of the CDC, a blonde nurse approached him and asked.

"Hello, sir, is there anything I can help?"

Chen Ye ignored the nurse and fixed his eyes on a middle-aged doctor in a white coat with a nameplate hanging on his clothes.

next moment.

In the horrified eyes of the nurse sister, Chen Ye directly pulled out the gun and came to the middle-aged doctor, grabbed the middle-aged doctor, and at the same time turned the muzzle up and fired a shot!


A huge gunshot sounded in the hall.


Suddenly, the nurse sister let out a horrified scream.

The entire disease control hall was also caught in an atmosphere of panic. All the patients and medical staff lay on the ground one after another.

It looks like.

These people in the "free" country are very knowledgeable about shooting accidents. They should get down to avoid stray bullets as soon as they know that after a shooting occurs, instead of running stupidly…

The shot Chen Ye just fired was just for demonstration.

He is short on time and has no time to chirp with these people, so he is reckless when he comes up.

Afterwards, Chen Ye brought up the middle-aged doctor who was scared on the stomach and pointed a gun at his head.

"Hello sir, no matter what I say next, you have to do it, otherwise I can't guarantee that your head will blossom." Chen Ye threatened.

"Okay, okay…" The middle-aged doctor shivered with fright.

"Thank you for your cooperation, now, take me to the virus database!"