

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Huang Yuan(kizaru) is defeated, and the navy is in turmoil [bonus chapter]



The battle between Chen Ye and Huang Yuan was earth-shattering.

There were explosions everywhere, fire and thunder lights soaring everywhere.

That island was destroyed beyond recognition and messed up!

It is more destructive than two modern armies!!

However, the two fought for a while and found that it was difficult to knock down each other in a short time, and no one could do anything about it.

Huang Yuan is very fast, and he is not weak in seeing and hearing, so he can avoid Chen Ye's attack.

And Chen Ye wins in many abilities, ~ strong offensive power.

Fighting back and forth, each other has become a war of attrition!

It depends on whose physical strength-can't stand it first!!

The war of attrition is actually not good for Chen Ye.

Because Chen Ye has to deal with not only Huang Yuan, but also the naval headquarters behind Huang Yuan!

If the battle with Huang Yuan consumes too much energy, even if he finally defeats Huang Yuan, Chen Ye will not be able to cope with the Navy's next attack.


With the sound of breaking through the sky, Huang Yuan held the Sky Cloud Sword and stabbed Chen Ye with a sword.

Suddenly, Chen Ye's eyes flashed, and he didn't even dodge, he also raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and stabbed towards the yellow ape!

"Do you want to trade injury for injury? Mundo! It's a pity that the old man's attack is longer than you!"

Huang Yuan thinks he has an insight into Chen Ye's routine, and uses all his strength to stab!

Just when Huang Yuan was about to be stabbed, Chen Ye suddenly showed a clean smile.

Brutal collision, launch!

Five seconds invincible BUFF appeared.


Huang Yuan's Sky Cloud Sword seemed to have pierced a hundred times stronger alloy steel. Except for piercing Chen Ye's clothes, the tip of the sword couldn't make any progress.

Suddenly, Huang Yuan was shocked!

"Catch you! Huang Yuan!!'

Chen Ye yelled, and his thoughts exploded. With the increase of the barbaric collision, an encirclement was formed directly, and Huang Yuan was firmly locked in place.

Afterwards, the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand slashed towards Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan's pupils shrank, and it was too late to use the Sky Cloud Sword to block it


The sound of sharp blade cutting suddenly sounded.

A touch of blood rushed out of the yellow ape!

Huang Yuan's expression changed, he knelt on one knee, and tightly grasped Chen Ye's Xuanyuan Excalibur.

The tip of the sword had already pierced into the fierce chamber of the yellow ape.

"It's careless."

Huang Yuan spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Chen Ye.

"Mondo, what ability was it just now?"

Chen Ye smiled slightly: "You can understand it as absolute defense. I can't use this ability multiple times!"

In order to deal with Huang Yuan, Chen Ye also used the ability to press the bottom of the box.

"You are such a monster! Mondo Huang Yuan sighed.

He lost!

It is not because of lack of strength.

It was because of ignorance of the enemy and carelessness, which caused serious injuries.

Chen Ye's abilities emerge in an endless stream, which Huang Yuan never expected.

In the Pirate World, most people have only one Devil Fruit ability (except for Blackbeard).

Something like Chen Ye is really amazing!!


If Huang Yuan could be more cautious, he might not lose so soon.

However, since Huang Yuan became a general, he has been going smoothly, which inevitably gave him an arrogant heart.

In addition to his initial perception of Chen Ye, he still stayed ten years ago, subconsciously thinking that Chen Ye is just a junior and cannot be his opponent.

Contempt of the enemy is a big taboo in the master showdown!

Chen Ye has mental arithmetic and unintentional, and Huang Yuan is not unjustly lost in this wave!!

"Mondo, how do you deal with the old man?"

Huang Yuan spoke again, looking at Chen Ye.

After being attacked by an armed and domineering sword, the fierce chamber was almost pierced, causing Huang Yuan's injuries to be very serious and directly causing him to lose most of his combat effectiveness.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being, I want you to see with your own eyes the destruction of the Navy Headquarters!"

Hearing Chen Ye's words, Huang Yuan was a little disdainful: "Mondo, don't think that if you defeat the old man, you can despise the navy headquarters.

Chen Ye smiled slightly without explaining.

At this time, Raleigh finally hurried back.

Seeing the scene of the battle, Raleigh couldn't help but sigh: "They are really two monsters!"

However, when Lei Li saw the yellow ape sitting on the ground, half of his body was stained red with blood, he was shocked.

Looking at Chen Ye again, there was only a small wound on his shoulder, which made him even more surprised.

The current situation, fools can see, it was Mundo who won.

"Mondo, you are really amazing!" Reilly couldn't help but said.

As a legendary pirate, Raleigh certainly knew how powerful the admiral was.

Those who can sit in that position are all top powerhouses.

Especially Huang Yuan, Lei Li had heard of this person's power a long time ago!

If Lei Li and Huang Yuan are facing each other, Lei Li thinks that he can protect himself, and the possibility of winning is very small.

Huang Yuan's face was a little ugly when he heard Lei Li's words.

He is seriously injured now.

If it were not for the power of the Devil Fruit, he would have fallen.

"Mondo, what are your plans next?"

Raleigh asked first, and then persuaded: "It's better to take it if you see it! You can defeat a general, enough for your name to spread throughout the great route to the new world, where is your stage!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Ye smiled slightly.

Seeking flowers…0

He knew that Raleigh was pleasing to his eyes and doing him well.

If he were a native resident of Pirate World, he would definitely consider Raleigh's opinion seriously!

With his record of defeating Huang Yuan and going to the New World, he might be able to become a "five emperor".

Unfortunately, he is not!

He came to this world with a mission.

In order to pursue a higher task evaluation, he could not follow Raleigh's suggestion.

"Mr. Raleigh, thank you for your suggestion!

Chen Ye smiled and said: "My pursuit is not ONEPIECE"

Lei Li was not a mother-in-law. Seeing Chen Ye had his own attention, he stopped to persuade him.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"I want to challenge the navy headquarters!"

Lei Li frowned when he heard the words, and suddenly smiled heartily: "It's really ambitious!"

"Mr. Raleigh, next, this island will be very unsafe, don't you want to leave first?"

"No, I believe you do this and have your own confidence. I don't want to miss this kind of excitement, old man." Reilly smiled and said: "Maybe, I can witness a miracle, maybe!"

Chen Ye also laughed: "In that case, Mr. Leily, just watch it!!


Chen Ye first went to the distance and fetched a wooden box.

Then came to Zhan Tao Maru.

Before Zhan Tao Maru was beaten by him with a palm, and he has not woken up yet.


A flame appeared on Chen Ye's palm, and then slowly approached Zhan Tao Wan.


The huge burning sensation awakened Zhan Tao Wan.


Seeing Chen Ye's face, Zhan Tao Maru was so scared that he backed away again and again, and couldn't help shouting: "Master?"

Huang Yuan said weakly: "Don't call the old man, the old man can't protect himself now!"

After hearing this, Zhan Tao Maru looked towards Huang Yuan, and was shocked.

"Master, are you hurt?"

"Mondo! Did you do it?" Zhan Momomaru couldn't believe it.

Chen Ye was too lazy to answer, threw the wooden box to Zhan Tao Maru, and said: "Zhan Tao Maru, you immediately return to the navy headquarters, give this gift to the red dog, tell the red dog, I will give him three days , If he doesn't come within three days, then the other two Tianlongren and Huangyuan General will stay here forever to sleep!"


Zhan Taomaru couldn't help but opened the wooden box and was shocked when he saw the head of "Charlotte Saint" inside.

"Mondo! You are such a lunatic!!"