

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Empress: Mondo, it’s so hard for me to find you

The sea.

The sailing ship Wanli Sunshine is passing through the sea.

at this time.

It was already the second day before Huang Yuan was defeated.

A newspaper fell from the sky and was caught by Usopp.

When Usopp saw the contents of the newspaper, his eyes suddenly went wide!

"Big, big event!! Luffy, Sauron, come and see!"

The straw hat pirates on the boat were all disturbed and surrounded one after another.

After everyone finished reading the newspaper, everyone was shocked.

"Senior Mondo, he is so strong…" Sanji murmured.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The admiral was so powerful that he was defeated by Mundo, which was enough to prove the power of Senior Mundo.

"That uncle, did you really capture General Huang Yuan?" Nami couldn't believe it.

Nicole Robin calmly analyzed: "In this way, the navy will not stop. I am afraid that a war is inevitable."

"Luffy, do we want to go back and help?" Sauron asked.

Luffy was rarely impulsive, and shook his head: "Our strength is too weak, and the strength of those enemies is far beyond us! 27"

Everyone was silent after hearing the words.

Think about it, isn't it like this?

A mere pacifist can drive them to despair!

And in front of Uncle Mundo, pacifists can be killed in seconds with the touch of their fingers!!

This is the gap!

After that, Luffy had a calm face and looked at his friends with an unusually serious look:

"Sauron, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Chopper, everyone listened to me, I hope everyone will be separated temporarily, to find a suitable place to practice, and make ourselves stronger! We want to fulfill our dreams, Must be strong"

"The time is set for two years! Two years later, we will reunite in the Chambord Islands!!"

With these words, Lu Fei has been thinking about it since he went to sea.

The Chambordian Islands incident gave Luffy a profound realization that if you want to mix in the Pirate World, you can't do anything without doing it.

A general can make them desperate!

Had it not been for Uncle Mondo's appearance, they would have been wiped out a long time ago, so why did they become the "One Piece"?

When everyone heard Luffy's words, they looked at Luffy in surprise.

It seems a little unbelievable, these words will be said from Lu Fei's mouth

Because the character Luffy usually shows is a reckless tease, he can do it, and he never wants to use his brain.

It is really surprising for such a person to appear in these words.

But everyone thought about it, and felt that Lu Fei made a lot of sense!

In this world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, strength is really important

If they are all as strong as Mondo's predecessors, why should they flee in embarrassment this time?

"Luffy makes sense!"

Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and calmly said: "The new world is a more chaotic and dangerous place. With our current strength, we cannot conquer such a place."

Sauron said firmly: "I agree to be together in two years!'



"I agree!!"

Everyone nodded, then put their palms together, and agreed to meet again in two years

Daughter island.

The Nine Snakes and Pirates.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge body ran, causing the ground to vibrate.

The one running is a giant woman with a face that looks like a snake.

Seeing this giant woman, all the residents on Daughters Island would bend over respectfully, let alone stop them.

At this moment, the giant woman didn't care to say hello to other people. With a newspaper in her hand, she ran towards the palace in the center of the island at a very fast speed.

"Sister! Sister! Big event"

While shouting, the giant woman rushed into the palace and stopped in a spacious hall.

On the main seat of the hall.

Sitting there is a woman who is beautiful and upsetting!

The appearance, figure, and temperament of this woman can no longer be described in any words!

It is impossible for any normal man to refuse her charm when he sees her

This woman is the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the emperor of the Amazon-Lily Kingdom on the daughter island: Boya Hancock!

One of the Seven Martial Seas of Today's Kings!

Known as the most beautiful woman in the world!

Nickname: Empress!

"Mary Groud!

Looking at the hurried sister, the empress had a headache and said, "If you run like this, the floor will be trampled by you!"

"Sister, I didn't mean it, but something really happened!

"What big event?

"Navy headquarters, sent us a compulsory summoning order, asking us to assemble to the Chambord Islands to arrest someone!"

The female emperor was a little surprised when she heard this.

The Navy Headquarters actually issued a summoning order to these pirates. It seems that something big has indeed happened!

"Who arrested?"

"It's our benefactor. Marie Groud was very excited and said a name: "Senior Mondo!"


Hearing the name Mundo, the empress immediately got out of the chair and stood up.

She can be called a perfect figure, fully showing

"Mondo," the empress murmured.

This name is her dream name.

She will never forget that ten years ago, Mundo was in the navy headquarters and killed the evil Heavenly Dragon on the spot.

And it was precisely because of Mundo's actions that she escaped the devil's claws and regained her freedom.

It can be said that Mundo is her second parent and savior!

For the past ten years, the empress has been inquiring about the whereabouts of Mundo and never gave up.

Ten years have passed.

She was also a slave girl from that year.

Become a beautiful empress in the world!

"Ten years, Senior Mondo, you finally appeared again."

An excited look appeared on the female emperor's pretty face.

"Sister, don't get too excited about 660. Senior Mondo is very dangerous now."

Upon hearing this, the female emperor calmed down a bit, and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"According to the news I got, Senior Mondo appeared suddenly in the Chambord Islands yesterday."

Marie Gruder briefly talked to the Empress about what happened.

When the female emperor heard that Senior Mondo had defeated the admiral Huang Yuan and even captured Huang Yuan, Qiao's face couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Especially when she heard that Senior Mengduo killed another Tianlongren and captured two Tianlongren, the empress was even more restless and couldn't restrain herself.

For the Tianlong people, the female emperor hates her!

"This is such a big event."

After that, the empress couldn't help but began to worry about Mundo.

Mundo has done so many things, and the navy headquarters and the world government will never give up.

No wonder, the navy headquarters will suddenly issue a mandatory summoning order for them!

"Sister, shall we refuse the convening order of the Navy Headquarters?"

The empress thought for a while, and suddenly said: "No, we accept the call!


Mary Grudd didn't understand what her sister meant, and couldn't help but speak: "But Senior Mondo, is our benefactor!"

"Who said that the concubine's response to the navy's call was to deal with Senior Mondo?

There was a hint of meaning in the eyes of the empress.

"Let's go to support Senior Mondo!!"