
Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

In an age of evolution, humans coexisted with beasts and evolution was the main topic of the world. Chu Zhou was transmigrated to this world and he awakened the attribute board on his 17th birthday. From breathing techniques to fighting skills and talents, he could level those up by adding points to them. After leveling up his Basic Breathing Technique 10 thousand times, it had become the Dark Hole Breathing Technique. After leveling up his D-rank Fighting Skill 10 thousand times, it had become the SSS-rank Divine Skill. After leveling up his Normal Talent 10 thousand times, it had become the True Deity Talent. A few years later, Chu Zhou stood on top of the food chain. After facing countless space lords, true universe gods, and universe saints, he concluded his life up until then with a sentence. “Everything I gained up until now is through my own hard work… of adding points!”

Black Eyes White Hair · Sci-fi
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1124 Chs

Intermediate Awakening Realm Martial Artist

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next day.

12 noon.

Three uniformed staff members carried a few alloy boxes and an exquisite packaging bag to the door of Villa 115.

Two of them moved a few heavy wooden boxes from outside the district.

"Mr. Chu Zhou, these are all the items you ordered from the Martial Artist Mall. Please accept them."

"You can open these boxes with your fingerprints."

A staff member said to Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou pressed his finger on a fingerprint collector in a box.

"Fingerprint verification passed!"

An electronically synthesized sound rang out. The alloy box automatically opened, revealing four books.

There were four books, some thick and some thin.

On the books were the names "Extreme Titanium Golden Body", "World Destruction", "Treasure Pagoda Meditation Technique", and "Phantom".

The three staff members looked envious.

They estimated that the total price of these four secret manuals was at least 50 million.