
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Vicious Brawl

He had to come up with a solution fast, as he knew right after the ogre finished dealing with the stone golem, the next target would be him!

Leon quickly rushed to the side of the ogre that the stone golem had killed and after a few seconds of fumbling around, he pulled out the attribute crystals dropped by the ogre.

With these attribute crystals in and Leon pulled out the remaining crystals in his space pouch and counter them up.

After a few moments, the numbers had been calculated.

In front of him were +17 constitution points. +10 strength points and +8 mana points and +6 perception points.

With these points, Leon knew that just absorbing these crystals by themselves would not be enough to change his current situation.

Leon's mind whirled as he quickly came up with all sorts of plans when suddenly, a thought popped into his mind

'System First!'

Leon's eyes quickly flashed as he looked up the information about the achievement once more

[System First!]

Effect: once a day, the user can convert all attribute crystals in front of them into another attribute.

A fiery vigour grew in Leon's eyes as he took in this information. All of the attribute crystals in front of him added up to nearly 41 points, and if all those were added to one attribute, then Leon would definitely have the confidence to face the ogre head-on.

Leon quickly to a breath calm himself down and took one last look at his stone golem.

What he saw was a tragic sight.

Its arms had been completely torn off and even one of its legs was missing.

The way things were going, it would only be a few moments before the golem was completely demolished and, at that point, the furious ogre would then set its eyes on the next victim.

Feeling the large threat that the ogre posed, Leon quickly laid down all the attribute crystals in front of him and activated the ability of his title.

Slowly, a white glow began to spread forth from Leon, completely engulfing the crystals. The glow continued getting brighter and brighter until it suddenly stopped, fading away even faster than appeared.

Leon then scanned the crystals and was happy to see that all the crystals had turned a deep red colour, unique only to strength crystals!

Seeing that the skill had actually worked, Leon didn't waste any time and quickly began to absorb all the attribute crystals in front of him.

The instant he absorbed the crystals, Leon let out a soft groan.

Due to the fact that he had absorbed so many attribute points at once, his body started to experience some strange conditions.

Leon could feel his muscles begin to worm around in his body as his bones made a crackling sound similar to that of popping corn.

The feeling of rapidly gaining strength was almost inexplicable.

His body felt an innate pleasure as his body stepped closer and closer to biological evolution.

Under all these effects, Leon was almost lost in his newfound strength. For a second, he felt like he could even move a mountain if he wanted to!

But this intoxicated state only lasted for a short while before Leon quickly suppressed it. It was impossible for Leon to lose himself in this state, no matter how intoxicating g it was. After all, Leon had once controlled a strength that had far surpassed this in his last life.

Feeling his newfound strength, Leon took a glance at his attribute panel

[ Leon El'Jonson ]

-Race: Human

-Innate trait: Incorruptible Soul

-Class: none

-Profession: Primordial Runesmith

-Title(s): System First!

- Status

Strength: 97.5 (79.5 +18)

Constitution: 37.5

Agility: 40.9 (30.9+10)

Perception: 22.1

Mana: 13/13

Primordial energy: 15/15

After spending a few moments adjusting to his new strength, Leon's eyes quickly locked onto the hulking figure of the ogre chieftain. It's only this time the eyes weren't watching on from the perspective of a terrified prey, no this time they were the eyes of a vicious predator!

Gathering his strength in his feet, Leon didn't flee forward. It's just that this time, Leon didn't rely on his agility. Instead, it was more of a jump that showed off his explosive newfound strength.

The ogre chieftain found something wrong and quickly turned around, smashing towards Leon with its giant club but unlike on previous occasions, Leon didn't dodge. Instead, this time, Leon quickly thrust out his spear, meeting the attack head-on!


A deafening blast erupted as the two titanic blows met. But once the ogre chieftain saw that Leon remains standing even after taking its blow, its eyes shook in surprise.

This little weakling could barely take the blow of one of its ogre warriors, but now he could withstand an attack from himself and one when he was boosted by his blood rage spell, no less!

For a second, the ogre chieftain's suspicions grew as he even began to get the faint sensation that something wasn't right and that it should leave.

But this thought only lasted for a second before it was quickly swept away.

How could he leave? This was the one who killed its brother! He had to crush him!

The more the ogre chieftain thought about its brother's death, the more its blood burned and the more furious became until its eyes had completely turned a deep bloody red!


The Ogre chieftain's rage-filled roar shook the sky as it lunged forward at Leon once again, but unlike last time, its attacks were much more vicious.

This time the ogre attacked with everything at its disposal, Arms, legs and claws and even teeth! The ogre didn't care about the consequences and launched a primal and bestial siege on Leon. But Leon didn't back down and returned each attack with a punch or kick of his own.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thunder-like blows resounded across the clearing as the two monsters completely layed into one another!

Punch met punch and kick met a kick as the earth around them was torn asunder !

As the attacks raged on, Leon's spear twirled and slashed the arm of the Ogre. In Leon's mind, it was no different from the countless other attacks that he pierced the ogre chieftain. It's only when the Ogre chieftain's punch stopped midway that Leon finally paid attention to it.

As Leon saw the Ogre Chieftain freeze up, the effects of his weapon quickly flashed in his head.

[Name: Spear of the Arachnid]

[Effect: +5 strength to all attacks plus the slight chance of paralysing an enemy.]

The ogre chieftain was actually paralysed!

The moment Leon saw this, he was just as stunned as anybody else. But Leon couldn't Be blamed, in the countless fights he'd had up until now, the paralysing effect of the spear hadn't come into play once, so Leon was truly surprised when he saw this development.

But just because Leon was surprised didn't mean he was going to give up this chance.

All these thoughts took mere Milliseconds to flash through Leon's brain so the moment the Ogre chieftain became paralysed, Leon's body flickered, appearing right beside the Ogre Chieftain in an instant as he viciously plunged his spear straight for the Chieftain's neck!

Within moments, Leon's spear pierced through the ogre's flesh, but just as Leon thought he would be able to sever the ogre's artery, Leon quickly felt the surrounding muscles tighten and contract with a toughness comparable to that of stone!

The moment the Ogre Chieftain had sensed a mortal threat, its muscles in the surrounding area had completely tensed and tightened, preventing the spear from moving an inch!

Narrowly saving its life, the ogre chieftain swatted at Leon, smashing his body into the ground.

The ogre chieftain didn't pay attention to the fallen Leon and slowly pulled the spear out of its neck.

The ogre hatefully looked at the spear that had caused him so much damage but was like a toothpick in comparison to its size. Without hesitation, the ogre threw the spear, launching it deep into the forest, far out of sight.

The moment this action was completed, Leon's dusty figure eventually crawled out of a crater and looked towards the Ogre Chieftain with a twisted expression on his face, only to see the ogre Chieftain looking back with a similarly twisted expression of its own.

The two murderous glares met as sparks seemed to fly.

No words were spoken, but the two clearly understood the intentions of each other

'Only one of us can leave this place alive today!'

With the two rushed towards each other as they exchanged a storm of blows once more. It's just that this time, Leon wasn't in a rush to end the fight.

After fighting for so long and exchanging countless blows, Leon had realised that the result of this battle would come down to endurance.

The strength of the two was nearly equal, so it would be impossible for one to quickly overpower the other. If they were going to reach a conclusion to this battle, it could only come down to who would give in first.

The ogre chieftain was on a time limit after being boosted by the mysterious spell and had a deep wound in the neck.

Leon, on the other hand, wasn't much better.

You see, Leon's boost in stats only applied to his strength and all of his stats were lagging far behind.

For most of his stats, this wasn't a problem, but the lack of one stat caused a big problem.


Leon had the strength, but his body wasn't able to bear the repeated full use of this strength. To make matters worse, his body was still subjected to the terrifying attacks of the Ogre chieftain and even if he countered with an attack of his own, greatly reducing the force of impact, Leon's body still had to bear the backlash. And even if he had the support of his exoskeleton skill, it could quickly be broken and he didn't have enough mana to support the continuous use of the skill.

Despite clearly knowing the issues that his body faced, Leon didn't back down and charged towards the ogre yet again.

The two fighters met as they traded blows again and again. Whether it was because of frustration or whether the other party wanted to tire out their opponent first, this exchange was much more brutal and bloody than anything other than they'd fought before.

Blood soared into the sky as each party showed off a set of desperate attacks.

This strange stalemate lasted for almost 15 minutes with every attack made being retaliated against with a much more vicious one made by the other party.

But like everything in this world, nothing could last forever. Eventually, one party had to give in and that party was the Ogre chieftain!

Gradually, the ogre chieftain's attacks started to slow down and Leon also noticed that the viciousness and power behind each attack was slowly getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on his face.

Leon had always known that the Ogre chieftain would weaken. He had seen the same thing happen to the Ogre warrior that had fought against his stone golem, and the same thing was also happening to the Ogre Chieftain in front of him. And to make matters worse from the ogre, he also had a giant wound on his neck that was continuously leaking blood, that was surely not doing him any favours in maintaining his endurance.

But even though the ogre chieftain had started to weaken, Leon didn't act quite yet.

He casually maintained this weird equilibrium and continued fighting for a while longer, watching the ogre chieftain get weaker and weaker with every punch it made.

Eventually, after fighting for about 5 more minutes, Leon finally took his chance.