
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Bloody Rage!

Leon looked behind him to see if he could get the assistance of his golem, but his frown only deepened once he saw it in a fierce brawl with another ogre.

In an instant, countless plans and tactics rushed through his mind on how to break through his current situation.

But, as these plans were running through his mind, Leon suddenly felt the ground beneath his feet tremble.

In an instant, countless thorny vines shot out of the ground, lunging towards Leon.

Faced with this threat, Leon's spear quickly shot out, severing a number of vines but the number seemed to be endless, forcing Leon to desperately flee from the area affected by these vines .

Suddenly an ogre warrior appeared in front of Leon once again and knowing he couldn't avoid this blow, Leon activated his only skill


A deep blue layer quickly coated Leon as his spear met the giant club.

As soon as their weapons met, Leon could feel his bone creak as he let out a deep groan as he took several steps backwards.

Leon quickly felt a feeling that made him want to vomit. But Leon quickly suppressed it as he knew what would come out wouldn't be sick, but blood.

The difference in strength between an ogre and a human was not something that could be underestimated. Just one attack had left him with substantial internal injuries.

Just as Leon was prepared to use a healing potion, countless vines burst out of the floor, forcing Leon to dodge once again.

Slowly, Leon fell into a helpless situation where he was being forced back by the furious ogre warrior whilst also constantly being attacked by the ogre chieftain's vine spell.

Leon gradually started to steer the fight In the direction of his golem that was fiercely fighting another ogre warrior with one last plan left in mind.

On the battlefield, two fierce fights raged with each party, furiously sending out blow after blow, but gradually these two fights started to converge until they were suddenly only within arm's length of each other and that's when Leon acted.

Suddenly the golem's eyes flashed with a dangerous light as it completely ignored the devastating blow its opponent smashed onto its back and rushed towards Leon's opponent, sending a fist crashing into its head.

The golems opponent was left stunned as it watched this strange move, when suddenly it felt a terrifying sensation and moved to defend itself.

But it was useless. It was already too late.

Leon's agile figure flickered onto the shoulder of the ogre as his spear rushed straight through the ogre's eye, piercing deep into its brain.

The two- headed ogre that had been casually watching let out a furious roar as it realised it had been played.

It stretched out its barrel thick arms as an eerie red glow burst forth from it and eventually coating the two ogre warriors.

The instant the two ogres touched the glow, they let out two horrifying roars as their eyes quickly turned a bloody red.

But the changes didn't end there as their originally green skin began to heat up, eventually turning into deep red as they let off an oven-like heat.

Leon even watched as the ogre that was stumbling about to die from his attack began and began to steady his feet.

Seeing this horrifying sight, Leon couldn't remain still.

Now that his enemy was already halfway in the grave, how could Leon let him crawl back out?

Plucking his spear out of the ogre's eye, Leon thrust into the ogre's other eye!

Even after such a cruel attack, Leon wasn't done yet. His previous fight with an ogre and the species' terrifying vitality was still fresh in his mind.

Tightly clenching his fist, Leon punched the hilt of his spear, causing it to burst out the back of the ogre's head

The ogre in question suddenly froze before falling backwards with a horrifyingly twisted expression on its face.

Seeing that his battle was finished, Leon quickly retrieved the attribute crystals and then turned to watch the battle of his golem.

The opposing ogre wasn't anywhere near as injured as Leon's opponent when he was hit by the ogre chieftain's mysterious spell, so he was able to show them to full effect.

Its red skin let off steam as its fist crashed down with an unbelievable level of force. Not wanting to be outdone, the stone golem's magical inscriptions flashed with a dazzling blue light as it fought to the extreme.

The ogre chieftain's to the side watched on with a subtle smile.

It didn't even bother to interfere with the fight because, in its opinion, the fight was already over.

Ever since it had been in these lands, nothing had been able to withstand the might of the warriors that had been blessed with its spell.

If it wasn't for the fact that all the warriors that had been blessed with this spell would eventually remain in the strange state and die and when added onto the fact that the two warriors he brought with him this time were the elites selected from his tribe, he would have used the spell earlier without playing any tricks.

But now that he had been forced to death and essentially sent one of his soldiers to his death, he could at least let him kill the two enemies that led to the situation with his own hands.

Leon, on the other hand, refused to interfere with the fight between the golem and the ogre for a completely different reason.

It's not that he didn't want to interfere with the fight, it's that he didn't dare!

In the previous fights with an ogre, just its normal attacks were enough to leave him with some internal injuries.

Now that it had been affected with a strange spell and entered into this strengthened, berserk state, just a causal attack from the ogre would be enough to smash him into mush!

Now that it had been affected with a strange spell and entered into this strengthened, berserk state, just a causal attack from the ogre would be enough to smash him into mush!

So with these thoughts and concerns in mind, Leon just decided to stay by the side and watch his golem fight it out and what he saw wasn't good.

Before the ogre entered this strange state, the ogre and the golem could have been said to be evenly matched, but now that the ogre was like this, this fight could only be said to be a one sided beat down.

In its mad, induced rage, the ogre had long abandoned the use of its primitive club and viciously struck out with its hammer like fists.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Blow after blow rained down on the stone golem, slowly forcing it back into a defensive position.

The stone golem wouldn't remain on the back foot forever. The inscriptions on its body started to flash in dazzling white light as the attacks released by the golem became even more fierce.

For a short while these two titans faced off rather evenly, but soon it was made clear that the stone golems situation was getting worse and worse.

But even when Leon saw this, he didn't panic. Instead, he just instructed the golem through his mental connection to go slightly on the defensive and wait for time.

Fortunately, Leon's instructions weren't in vain, as over time, the ogre's attacks began to slow down.

The reduction in speed wasn't dramatic. In fact, if you weren't specifically paying attention to this detail, you probably wouldn't even notice.

But this change, no matter how small it was, was still enough for Leon.

The instant he sensed the weakening of the ogre, Leon quickly sent out the instruction for the golem to go into an all out attack.

After Receiving Leon's instructions, the golem' eyes lit up as its inscriptions and runes burst forth with a brilliance that made it hard for some to even look at them.

If one could see inside the golem, they would've the energy core that powered the golem, furiously shaking as a dangerous amount of energy poured out of it.

With its new found power, the fist of the golem shot out with a terrifying speed. If the ogre had been in peak condition, then there may have been a chance to block this attack, but in its now weakened state, such hopes were completely gone.

The ogre could just watch, wide eyed as the golem's fist pierced through its chest and burst its heart!

Before the ogre could cry out in pain, a second fist crashed down into its head.

Under the impact, the ogre was left completely helpless as its head burst open, splattering its contents in a brutal and gory scene.

As this brutal scene occurred, the two headed ogre was left frozen in shock and confusion.

How was this possible?

Ever since it had manifested its spell, nothing had been able to stop its ogres. But now both of them were actually killed!

Whilst the two headed ogre was stunned, the stone golem began to move, quickly utilising what was left of its empowered state.

Quickly arriving beside Leon, the stone golem picked him up and, without any hesitation, launched him towards the two headed ogre!

A shrill whistle could be heard as Leon's body tore through the air.

Hearing this sound, the Two-headed ogre quickly realised something was wrong, but it was already too late.

By the time the ogre was prepared to react, Leon had already arrived and, instead of slowing down, maintained his terrifying speed.

Leon's figure could be seen piercing through one of the ogre's two heads, exploding it into countless pieces.

As Leon finished the attack, his figure could be seen crashing into the ground. Even though he tried rolling to reduce the force of the impact, it was still enough to leave his bones aching.

Leon slowly got up to see the giant figure of the ogre frozen in place.

The poor ogre in question was still trying to fully grasp what had happened.

One minute, it was confidently watching one of its warriors dominate the fight against the stone golem, but in the next minute, its brother had been killed!

The entire process was so quick, the remaining ogre-head barely even had time to comprehend what had just happened, but the second it did, a mournful roar shook the sky!

Instantly, the eyes of the ogre turned completely red as it was overcome with a catastrophic rage!

Brothers themselves were already close, but as two brothers that shared the same body it could only be imagined how close they were. But now this brother was gone, completely annihilated by the world they had sworn to conquer together.

Its red eyes quickly locked onto the stone golem as an ominous red aura began to swirl around it.

In an instant, its green skin began to heat up and quickly turned Red, whilst its already large figure ballooned, becoming even more ridiculous.

The ogre let out a furious roar as its humongous rushed towards the stone golem.

Before the golem could even put up any resistance, the ogre sent out a vicious kick that sent the golem soaring through the air.

But the ogre wasn't done. Quickly arriving beside the side of the fallen golem, the ogre kicked out, sending the golem flying once again.

Leon watched in horror as the ogre completely toyed with the golem.

It was like watching an adult fight a child.

The golem was helplessly beaten and torn apart.

The ogre's fists crashed into the golem, smashing it deep into the ground. Each blow was like a mini earthquake, shaking the surrounding ground and sending fragments of earth soaring into the sky.

Just watching this sight sent a cold shiver running down Leon's spine.

He had to come up with a solution fast, as he knew right after the ogre finished dealing with the stone golem, the next target would be him!