
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs


He knew that spending time pitying himself would do nothing, so after calling a nearby person and asking for their axe Leon got to work.


A few hours later,

Leon looked at the large pile of wooden skates in front of him and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

If nothing unexpected happened, then these materials would probably be enough for Leon to practice with for the next few days.

Of course, it was impossible for Leon alone to have done this. Even a with a supernatural level of strength and agility, carving up suitable wooden slates would take anyone a considerable amount of time. It's just that after a few minutes of working by himself, a few people noticed what he was doing and offered to join in and help.

Of course, these people weren't doing such a thing out of the kindness of their hearts. They were all trying to curry favour with the current strongest member of the group. Despite knowing this fact, Leon didn't stop them and allowed for them to continue. After all, just because people were trying to win him over didn't mean he would have to pay them back in the future and Leon was never one to turn down free stuff. Which eventually led to the Scene in front of him.

But it was not like Leon was complaining either. He was the one that had truly been fired from this deal.

So after storing the majority of the wooden skates in his space pouch, Leon found a small spot near the campfire and began his practice.

Leon collected himself and entered into a focused state.

Leon wasn't completely new to how professions worked in haven, as he even had progression he had in last life.

Professions in haven were an interesting thing.

As production-based classes, normally it would be impossible for people who had no experience in anything like blacksmithing or even potion creation to have any sort of ability to craft right away.

Normally, even talented blacksmith apprentices would have to apprentice for a few years before they could make any decent weapons, so you could just imagine how long it would take for people with more esoteric professions like alchemist and magic arrayist to get started.

Fortunately, haven had solved this problem for the people.

It was unknown why, but when someone who had profession started crafting in their profession, they all received some sort of mysterious assistance as they were working, slowly guiding them in the way to complete the crafting process.

People in his last life called this the assisted state.

But just because there was an assisted state didn't mean there was no talent involved in crafting process.

As the name says, it was only an assisted state, meaning it only helped the person in crafting to a certain extent, their was still personal control and talent involved in various processes.

And talent still had a bigger role to play in some professions, as the level of assurance provided varied. From profession to profession.

Take the blacksmithing profession Leon had in his last life,

That profession was a basic and wildly available profession and had quite a powerful assisted state, assuring the crafter with around 80-90% of the crafting process.

As you can truly expect, the bar to enter and start that profession was naturally very low.

But for professions like Alchemist and Magic Arrayist, they only had 40-50% in assistance from the crafting process, so naturally such professions would have a higher requirement in talent needed to get proficient.

But the system assistance didn't mean that everyone could slowly work towards becoming master craftsman.

For every rank of crafting you went up, the assistance provided by the system would subsequently decrease.

It's said that when you become a master rank craftsman, the system assistance would completely disappear, but even in Leon's last life, he had never heard anyone reaching that level.

But Leon's attention wasn't on those high up titles. It was to craft a spell scroll.

As Leon was looking up the runes to craft the spell scroll from the ebook Arovier gave him, he couldn't help but sigh.

In his last life, a spell scribe was one of the most lucrative professions.

You see normally, professions that made high value items usually had a low level of assistance provided by the system, but the spell scribe was the one exception.

Since spell scribes had a high restriction on their profession, in that the profession could only be done by spell casters and only spells that have been learnt through the system could be scribed. The assistance provided by the system was as high as 80%!

The only downside of the spell scribe profession was that it was impossible to craft items above your rank, as it was also impossible to learn spells above your rank. But that didn't matter Lucy's to spell scribes, as there was always going to be a market for spell scrolls from all other non spell casting professions.

If levelling as a spell caster wasn't such a difficult job, Leon didn't doubt for a second that most people would become a spell caster for this lucrative profession alone!

The only pity that Leon felt was that although he was basically doing the same job, he would be receiving no assistance from the system at all.

The level of his assisted state was a big fat 0

Arovier had already told him that the system couldn't completely control the nature of primordial chaos, and actively restricted it.

So if Leon wanted to get started in any crafting using his Primordial Runsemith profession, then he would have to do it by himself.

Considering the difficulty of the task he was facing, Leon chose a very easy spell for his first attempt.

[ Fire bolt ]

Description: Send out a stream of fire that, upon hitting a target, erupts into a small cluster of flames.

Note: An effective spell that was not too difficult to scribe. Perfect for beginners.