
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs


After making his choice, Leon started to memorise the patterns and methods of the rune used in this spell.

He carefully looked over every detail he could find. He looked at the countless curls and swirls; he looked at the countless criss-crossing lines that run throughout the rune.

Primordial runes were different from normal runes.

Runes that achieve the same effect varied greatly.

For example, the rune that was used to cast a fireball for a spell scribe would be very different to the rune used to cast a fireball for the magic arrayist even though they are both cast from the exact same element and achieve the exact same purpose.

Due to the different energies and rules and laws involved in each profession, modifications are needed to be made in order to make the runes applicable.

The benefits of the Primordial Runesmith was that that they wielded primordial energy born from the primordial chaos. Primordial energy was the origin of the derivative energies used in classes like spell scribe, magic arrayist and all other types of enchanter professions and, as the origin of all these energies, primordial energy can achieve the same effects as all these other derivative energies without changing itself .

Because primordial energy doesn't need to change, it can be used to achieve the same effects as all other professions and because of this there was no need to learn the complicated runes for each specific profession.

A Primordial Runesmith would only need to learn one type of rune and that rune could then be applied to a magic array, a spell scribe and even a weapon enchantment, with no none or at least very minimal modifications made to the original rune.

And because the runes don't need to be adapted to fit certain energies and are fitted for the original primordial energy, the runes of primordial Runesmith are often more simple than the runes used in its derivative professions.

The only problem was that as Leon took in the complexity of the rune, he almost couldn't believe that this was a simplified primordial rune!

Leon was starting to understand why the system assistance was needed for most professions, because his primordial runes were supposed to be simplified versions of existing runes, if it was already this difficult to memorise a simplified version, how were people supposed to handle the more complex real thing?

Leon put these thoughts to the side and carried on memorising the rune he was about to draw.

Finally, after around 30 minutes of constant memorisation, Leon felt like he was familiar enough with the rune to start drawing it.

Leon then brought out a slate of wood and began his inscription.

Normally a spell scribe would have to draw the runes using some form of magic in to seal the magic energy inside of runes and provide enough energy to cast the spells.

But a primordial run smith could avoid all that hassle due to the presence of primordial energy.

As the energy produced from the origin of the very universe, primordial energy is all-encompassing and is able to merge and assimilate with all things, meaning that as long as the runes are drawn properly, there was basically no need for Materials like magic ink, as primordial energy would achieve the purpose that the ink would have done in binding the mana in the object by itself anyway.

With this thought in mind, Leon activated his primordial inscription.

Slowly the purple energy in Leon's mind began to swirl as it flowed from his mind down his arm and gathered at his finger.

Leon took a deep breath and moved his finger towards the wooden slate and began to draw.

Realising his inexperience in the area, Leon took things slowly.

His finger slowly moved across the wooden slate, gradually overlapping with the image of the rune projected from his mind.

But as Leon got further along drawing the rune, things began to get more and more difficult.

The chaotic nature of primordial energy was displayed as Leon could feel the energy on his finger start to rock about, desperately trying to get out of his control .

As a person that has already lived an eventful past life, Leon's mental strength should be quite strong, but he was already starting to struggle in maintaining his primordial inscription. Eventually, his previously steady hand started to shake under the stress and eventually strayed over the path.

The second that happens Leon was bombarded with a notification.

[ Your inscription has failed ]

Despite hearing this notification, Leon didn't panic.

It was impossible for him to succeed on his first attempt unless he was some sort of heaven-defying genius. But after living an entire life as a mediocre man, Leon knew that his qualifications in everything were outstandingly average.

If Leon was such a heaven-defying genius, there was no way he would be so pathetic in his last life.

Leon took a breath to calm himself down and looked at his Primordial energy reserves

Primordial energy: 14.5/15

Seeing this, Leon nodded. One inscription cost 0.5 primordial energy, so as long as there were no changes Leon would have 29 more inscriptions available to him.

That was 29 more attempts to draw a successful rune. Leon knew that his talent was not amazing, but he didn't believe that he couldn't succeed at least once out of 29 more tries!

Quickly gathering his energy back towards his finger, Leon repeated the process once again.

But unfortunately the result wasn't any different.

[ Your inscription has failed ]

Leon didn't take it to heart and reacted the process yet again but..

[ Your inscription has failed ]

Refusing to give up, Leon tried again…

[ Your inscription has failed ]

And again..

[ Your inscription has failed ]

And again…

[ Your inscription has failed ]

This embarrassing process kept repeating itself, with Leon failing and refusing to give up continuously until his 17th attempt where something magical happened.

On his 17th attempt at trying to draw the talisman, Leon's focus was pushed to the very extreme. He seemingly forgot about the outside world as his gaze was filled only with the inscription of this rune.