
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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45 Chs

A Rookie Mistake

Afterwards, everyone began to do one of the most important things in the world of Haven, retrieve their attribute crystals.


Everything was how they regularly were, with everyone dissecting their kills in search of the crystals.

But this strange state is peace was suddenly broken by an alarming scream.

"Arghh! Shit!"

Looking around, everyone turned to see Jeff jumping up from a pile of corpses with an extremely furious expression on his face.

In front of him, a spider that everyone had believed to be dead jumped up and attacked him

"Why You little shit! Die for me!"

Jeff didn't say anymore, smashing down his sword and squashing the bug into paste!

But even then, it wasn't over.

After dealing with the creature, Jeff turned to see everyone looking at him with strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why the strange looks?."

But even after asking his question, nobody answered, causing him to look at himself.

It was only then that he realised that starting from his fingers, his hand had slowly been turning a sickly grey colour!

'Shit! did that critter bite me!'

Jeff didn't think any longer and instantly began to dash at Lucy.

"Heal me God damn it! If you don't do anything, I'll die!"

Seeing the mad desperation on Jeff's face, Lucy began to panic, not knowing what to do.

In response to this, Lucas wordlessly drew his sword and stepped in front of his sister.

The tension in the air could be felt slowly rising, but before anything crazy could happen, Leon stepped in front of Jeff, blocking his path.

"Don't heal him Lucy, there's no point in wasting your mana." said Leon

As Jeff heard this, he was filled with rage!

"Why you little-"

But before Jeff could continued on, Leon interrupted him

"Now Let me finish talking. There's no point in healing you right now. Lucy's healing skill is not able to cure poison, only heal wounds. In other words, it's useless on you. The only way to save yourself would be to amputate the infected body parts."

Jeff couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this a joke?

Lose an arm? Become a cripple in such a world like this? It was nothing short of suicide!

"S-so you're telling me I have to cut my arm? That I have to become a cripple!"

Hearing the despair in his voice, Leon didn't reply and only gave him a sad look.

Truth be told, Leon even felt kind of guilty.

An enemy playing dead.

Such a basic trick and yet, as the leader of the group, Leon still had let someone fall to the trick and now he would lose an arm because of it.

It didn't matter how much Leon disliked the other party, that was a absolute rookie mistake on his part.

Ever since he had regressed, everything had simply gone too smoothly.

It'd been less than a day and he'd already lost his touch.

The excitement, the emotions and the urgency Leon was feeling.

It had all gotten to him and led to him making mistakes, which all accumulated into this.

His attributes were a mere speck when compared to his past self, yet he was still walking around with the same confidence he had before.

Whether Leon wanted to admit or not, he had become arrogant.

But no more! From now on, he would tread with caution. It's just that for Leon to wake up to this reality, it came at a cost.

But Jeff just couldn't accept being this cost.

And even after Leon's explanation, Jeff refused to accept that he would have to lose an arm.

"No! I don't believe you! You're lying!" Roared Jeff.

"You know things I don't! You know things we all don't! yet despite all this you're telling me I have to lose an arm? You're hiding things from me, from everyone!"

As Jeff spoke, he stepped closer and closer to Leon with a crazed pair of eyes.

"You have a way to cure me. I know it!"

"Give it to me! Just Give it to me God Damn it!"

Just as Jeff was about to lunge at Leon, he suddenly curled over onto the floor, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the poor man, Leon spoke

"The poison had spread across your entire arm. You're slowly dying and if things at this rate you won't have much time left. You need to amputate your arm now!"

But even with Leon's stern warnings, Jeff refused to concede.

"You bastard! You know how to heal me, yet you still refuse to share it! You're a monster! A devil even!"

But Jeff didn't get to hurl insults for long before he curled over in pain again.

The grey infection of poison had now spread all over his body, even going as far as to cover half of his face.

Seeing this sight, Leon just sighed and turned around.

"It's over, He's already a dead man. There's no point in staying here any longer. Let's move."

As Leon spoke, he slowly walked away from the scene, leaving the dying Jeff behind.

Soon after Leon left, the two kids followed after him.

Lucas didn't want his sister to watch such a slow, cruel death, so he quickly dragged his sister away from the scene.

All that was left were Jessica and Martin, who could only nervously look at each other.

Eventually the two just sighed before walking a way but before they could leave, they were stopped by a strange sound

"Keke! Cough!"

"It's me now, but who's to say it won't be you in the future?" laughed Jeff

"That man sees you as nothing other than tools, objects that can die by the wayside. Just look at me. When your use runs out or your burden becomes too much, you'll end up just like me!"

Conflicted expressions appeared on both their faces before they eventually decided to ignore the ramblings of a dying man and followed after Leon deeper into the cave.

Seeing this, Jeff just laughed even harder.