
Chapter 21 Breakthrough! Third Order!_1

Translator: 549690339

Under Li Yongming's tense gaze, there were no more mishaps this time, and the video was successfully exported, containing all footage from two months ago to the present.

"Good! Move the time to around 2:10 AM and play it," Li Yongming said.

The member swiftly began to operate, and soon a rather blurry image appeared.

Since it was filmed in the sewers, there was hardly any light, and even though these devices were equipped with enhancement tools, the captured scenes could only be described as barely visible.

As the video played, soon there were loud booming sounds coming from the phone.

Everyone's expression instantly tensed up; they all knew that the monster had appeared and was now lifting sewer covers into the air.

Before long, a massive creature appeared in the video, its body almost filling up half of the sewer's space as it moved at an extremely fast speed.

The expressions on their faces became even more solemn; the creature was bigger than they had anticipated.

"Captain, what is that?" a member asked in a low voice.

Without directly answering, Li Yongming said, "Bring up the infrared camera footage as well, and play them synchronously."

Since the sewers were very dim, all cameras came with an infrared filming function.

However, as that member operated the equipment, everyone was surprised to find that the creature was almost invisible under the infrared camera.

"It's a cold-blooded animal," Li Yongming exhaled deeply and said, "In that case, the most likely possibility is that the monster is a mutated snake."

"Send the video back for the expert team to restore and analyze. We'll continue advancing; we must find out where it came from and where it's gone now."

"We cannot let it wreak havoc in the city."


At this time, Ye Feng, of course, was unaware that such a commotion had unfolded subsequently.

His group of mutated animals had already escorted the mutated parrot back to Sunset Valley.

The capture process went incredibly smoothly, and after being captured, the mutated parrot's loyalty unexpectedly reached 80%.

This made Ye Feng wonder whether the loyalty of all animals domesticated by humans would be exceptionally high after being captured.

Anyway, high loyalty was undoubtedly a good thing; the next step was training.

Ye Feng had no idea about the talent of his 9th captured animal.

But regardless, with an ample supply of spiritual energy, it would be able to reach the First Order Peak within a day.

If the creature had good talent, it might even break through to the Second Stage on its own.

And by then, its loyalty would probably also be well-cultivated, and it would be ready for possession.

Thinking about these things, Ye Feng was in an excellent mood, but when he glanced at the system panel, he became troubled again.

Because unbeknownst to him, he had reached the upper limit of the spiritual energy he could store.

This was still because he had reached the peak of Level 2, with a spiritual energy storage capacity of 650 points.

"Let's break through! If I don't, it's equivalent to wasting spiritual energy, which is too regrettable," Ye Feng said.

"Moreover, in the past two days, the height has increased by 45 meters. Today it only grew by 10 meters, so another breakthrough shouldn't be a problem, right?" With a grit of his teeth, Ye Feng chose to break through in the end.

The following procedures all proceeded in an orderly fashion.

After choosing to strengthen the repair speed of his roots, his entire tree began to grow rapidly.

This evolution took an unusually long time for him, extending from the original 10 minutes to a full half-hour.

Of course, with such a long duration, the extent of this evolution was unprecedented, not to mention the tree body height, which according to his estimate, shot up by 30 meters.

This gave Ye Feng a heart-pounding sensation, and to confirm, he immediately opened the system panel.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 95 meters

Trunk width: 4.5 meters

Root Length: 430 meters

Realm: Early Stage of the Third Order

Evolution Points: 0/120 points

Special Ability: Devour, Imprisonment, Evolution Fruit

Spirit Points: 550/900 points

Bioenergy: 550/900 points

Ye Feng took a glance at his current height, which had actually reached 95 meters, and he couldn't help but feel a bitterness in his mouth.

Previously, it took two days to grow by 45 meters.

Now, within a single day, he had shot up by 40 meters.

Without a doubt, in the eyes of the relevant departments, his "potential" had risen once again.

Moreover, he had become exceedingly conspicuous; the second tallest mutated Wutong tree was only half his height, and there was no need to mention the others.

"My ranking is most likely going to rise again," Ye Feng felt quite distressed.

Of course, having already evolved, it was impossible to go back now, so he could only look for things that would make him happy.

Breaking through to the Third Order, his strength could be said to have risen in every aspect.

The thickness of his trunk also increased significantly, especially his storage of Spiritual Energy, which had actually increased to 900 points—a doubtless piece of good news for him.

Of course, the most significant change was undoubtedly the roots.

Upon breaking through to the Third Order, the length of the roots directly increased by 60 meters, and the total length of the roots also broke through the 400-meter mark.

Of course, length was secondary; most importantly, with the breakthrough of the Big Realm, he gained 1 more main root and 100 more lateral roots.

In other words, he now had a total of 303 roots.

And every breakthrough in the Big Realm was like a comprehensive enhancement, so his combat power had significantly increased—not just by a little.

For example, each of his roots now had a strength that had surged from the original 200 catties directly to 500 catties.

The extent of enhancement was unprecedented.

A single root had the strength of 500 catties, and when all 303 roots were combined, the force they could unleash would reach 75.75 tons.

It could only be described as terrifyingly powerful.

This was just the plain strength aspect; the flexibility, toughness, and recovery speed of the roots had also been greatly enhanced.

It could be said that his strength now, compared to when he was at the Second Stage, had increased by at least threefold.

Not just the roots.

The trunk, branches, and leaves likewise underwent substantial enhancements.

If he desired, he could even use a single leaf to punch a hole through a normal person's body.

After fully sensing his own strength, Ye Feng was extremely satisfied with it now.

Setting aside anything else, ordinary firearms were already unlikely to cause him much harm.

The only thing he was concerned about was the heavy weaponry among humans.

As for mutated beings, there was no need to say more; in this vicinity, he was definitely invincible.

If he were to encounter that mutated wild boar again, he estimated that he would only need to deploy 50 roots to beat it into a pulp.

After feeling all the changes within himself, Ye Feng immediately shifted his attention towards the column of special abilities.


Dear bosses, the new book is still in its seedling stage, so I'm asking for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and investments!

Crystal bows and gives thanks here!