
Chapter 22 Evolution Fruit_1

Translator: 549690339

As his strength improved, Ye Feng found that his special abilities were also becoming stronger.

Take the Devouring Ability, for instance.

At the First Order, it took him at least 10 seconds to Devour a single Spirit Point, but at the Second Stage, it only took 1 second.

And now, he tried it out, and Devouring a single Spirit Point took him, at most, only 0.1 seconds.

Which means he could now Devour 10 Spirit Points in one second.

Such a rapid rate of Devouring could even be utilized in actual combat.

He estimated that for a large-sized First Order Mutated Being like a Mutated Buffalo, it would take him at most 30 seconds to completely Devour and break it down.

Of course, against creatures of the Second or Third Order, it would definitely take longer, but during combat, he didn't need to Devour the opponent completely.

With each attack, while making contact with the roots, Devouring some Spiritual Energy and Bioenergy could achieve a remarkable effect.

Putting thought into action, he specifically sought out a King Cobra for a quick spar, and this time, he equally pulled out 5 root strands, but with his greatly increased strength, he was able to make the King Cobra retreat again and again.

What's more, with each attack, when he made contact with the opponent, he triggered his Devouring Ability.

After merely a dozen or so attacks, the aura of the King Cobra had weakened considerably, and even its body had slimmed down a notch, causing the King Cobra to howl in misery.

"Now, with every attack of mine, it's as if it comes with True Damage, and it also has a pretty good Healing Effect," Ye Feng nodded, looking at the results with satisfaction.

Moreover, after this battle, he gained a clearer understanding of his own Combat Power, figuring he was approximately equal to 60 King Cobras.

Beyond his Devouring Ability, his Capture Ability had also been enhanced; previously, he could at most Capture 20 Mutated Animals, but now it had increased directly to 30.

"It seems I need to find more powerful Mutated Beings to fill up spaces; otherwise, it's a waste to leave these places empty," mumbled Ye Feng.

Simultaneously, his gaze involuntarily fell upon the last special ability that appeared.

Evolution Fruit!

Just the mention of the name made his heart skip a beat.

As he clicked on it with his thoughts, the information for the Evolution Fruit appeared on the system panel.

After reading through, he became excited.

"To think it can condense Evolution Points into a fruit to help other Mutated Animals break through, simply magical. This resolves everything," Ye Feng's eyes shone as he immediately began to attempt it.

As he used the Evolution Fruit special ability, a crystal-clear fruit quickly appeared on his branches, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

With further application, he had more insights; he could now condense two levels of Evolution Fruit.

Corresponding to First Order and Second Order respectively.

A Level 1 Evolution Fruit required him to expend a full 100 points of Spiritual Power and 100 points of Bioenergy, finally condensing 10 Evolution Points inside.

A Level 2 Evolution Fruit, on the other hand, needed 400 Spiritual Points and 100 points of Bioenergy, finally condensing 40 Evolution Points.

"So, the consumption is calculated entirely based on my template," Ye Feng pondered.

In just one minute, a Level 1 Evolution Fruit was condensed by him.

He thought for a moment and directly threw it to the Mutated Buffalo.

The Mutated Buffalo that had been standing idly by, having no reaction as it saw a crystal-clear fruit fly towards it.

But as the Evolution Fruit approached, with its scent wafting out, its mouth instantly began to drool, its eyes turned blood-red, and a feeling of intense craving rose from the depths of its being.

It wasn't just it; the other mutated beings around it also felt an incredibly strong desire to devour at that moment.

Fortunately, Ye Feng reacted immediately and ordered all the mutated creatures to stay put. Otherwise, the creatures might have started fighting each other at any second.

After realizing what was happening, the Mutated Buffalo didn't hesitate to open its mouth wide and swallowed the fruit.

The next moment, it roared towards the sky as the aura on its body began to climb steadily.

But as it entered the breakthrough state, it lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

Before, Ye Feng had witnessed the King Cobra's breakthrough scene, which also involved falling into a deep sleep.

"It seems these mutated beings are more dangerous than I imagined during their breakthroughs," Ye Feng murmured to himself.

Not to mention the chance of failing during their breakthroughs, just the act of falling into a deep sleep during the process was deadly. If they were attacked at that moment, the consequences would be unimaginable.

If they were attacked, they might be able to wake up quickly, but that would mean the breakthrough had failed.

If they couldn't wake up, the situation would be even worse. What awaited them wouldn't be rebirth but death.

"Fortunately, I don't have this problem," Ye Feng felt somewhat relieved. He could remain conscious during his breakthroughs and even fight if necessary.

Afterward, Ye Feng began to condense Evolution Fruits one after another.

Previously, during his breakthrough, the Spiritual Energy stored inside Ye Feng was at its maximum, reaching a full 650 points.

This was enough for him to condense six Level 1 Evolution Fruits in one go.

This was perfect to give to six mutated creatures that were stuck at their bottlenecks—one fruit for each beast.

Soon, two sparrows, a rat, a bat, a black crow, and a buffalo all entered the state of breakthrough.

Looking at his subordinates all breaking through, Ye Feng was quite satisfied. Once they completed their breakthroughs, the "Mutated Animal Special Forces" he wanted to establish would have taken its initial shape.

After all, at this stage, Second Order mutated creatures were still quite rare. Those that did appear would almost certainly be able to make it onto the danger lists.

Of course, this refers to large creatures. The likes of a little sparrow might not cut it.

But no matter what, after breaking through, a Second Order creature fighting a First Order should be no problem.

After infusing his subordinates with Spiritual Energy, Ye Feng also started his routine addition of points.

"Ding! Do you wish to deduct 2 Spiritual Points and Bioenergy to add a point?"

Seeing the system prompt that had popped up, Ye Feng couldn't help but think to himself that things were indeed as expected.

He knew that as his strength increased, the cost of each point addition would definitely get higher and higher.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate in his selection.

Then, the familiar sensation came; over 300 roots were wrapped in a comfortable warm flow and began to grow rapidly.

In just 10 seconds, all of them had grown by 10 centimeters.

"One point addition requires 2 Spiritual Points."

"One Evolution Point requires adding points ten times, which will use up 20 Spiritual Points."

"Third Order needs 120 Evolution Points to break through, which means I need 2400 Spiritual Points to break through a Minor Boundary?"

After calculating the results in his mind, Ye Feng was somewhat surprised.

Indeed, after each Big Realm breakthrough, the difficulty of advancing would soar dramatically.