
Glance, Fall Out Boy songs brought to life

Menace, Phoenix, Dark Dark, Frosty and some other people live in a big building on a glade in the woods and are training fighting together to defend themselves against the shadows in the woods. They all have different magical powers and personalities, hobbies, jobs and relationships. Getting along with each other isn't always easy but they are holding together. Will that be enough to get through all the trouble in their lifes, surviving and fighting shadows?

Menece · Fantasy
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81 Chs

12th The Show Is Over

With one last look, she smiled at Dark Dark and let him free. At least I'm not a coward anymore, just a loser, he thought. Quickly he stood up and looked at all the people around them, he didn't recognise while fighting. Some always gatter around if someone fights on the field.

Trick looked a little sad, July and Care seamed worried, Sugar was there too, Phoenix looked quite surprised, Menace was there trying to make him smile and even Cherry Blossom. Kinda ashamed Dark Dark looked at the ground and just wanted back inside the building. He hated attention. Frosty gave everyone a look like "the show is over. Here is nothing left to see" and headed towards the building, Dark Dark following her. "You gave up so fast. What's wrong?", she said. He had his hands in his pockets and muttered "you are just too strong."

Somehow surprised she answered: "You are not that weak eighter." Was that a compliment? From Frosty? Does she really care?

Staying silent he got lost in his mind thinking about a new fighting partner. My sister Phoenix is too strong but we are also used to fight together not against each other. But I should talk to her soon anyway. Definitly not Menace, she is the strongest of all of us with her telekinesis. My other sister Young Blood is also very powerful as in controling pain. Threatening. Trick is almost scared of me and some more things and not that skilled. What about July? Her nature magic is kinda scary but could be interesting. Saturday can stop time, so that's nothing for me. Numb or Fade would be cool. We are good friends. I will just ask them.

Woops I posted a lot at once but "don't panic, no not yet" . The Show must go on haha. Nothing's over...