
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs


This muscular man is not human. There is a furry tail on his buttocks, which looks a bit like a wolf's tail. The man's chest also has thick chest hair, which extends all the way to the lower abdomen. The whole person looks extremely rough.

Zhang Baizhi didn't seem surprised at all, the two were leaning on the bed and drinking red wine, talking and laughing happily, "Gong Lang, is that why you approve of me having sex with my students? Don't you feel jealous at all?"

Probably because of the alcohol, Zhang Baizhi's face was slightly rosy, and she smiled very charmingly.

The man named Gong Lang by Zhang Baizhi took a sip of the red wine, and the fan-like thugs slowly slid down Zhang Baizhi's pink and slender neck, pinching her plump and snow-white breasts in his hands, with a proud smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your heart is with me. As for who you have sex with, I don't care, whether it's a teenager or a 60-year-old man, as long as you like it, feel free to spread your legs and be fucked!"

Zhang Baizhi put the wine glass on the bedside table, and said with winking eyes like silk: "Gong Lang, I just want to be fucked by your baby now!" After Zhang Baizhi lifted the quilt covering the lower bodies of the two of them, immediately, Gong Lang's crotch A big furry thing was exposed, one size bigger than the average person's.My Beautiful Mistress 102

After playing with Zhang Baizhi's hands a few times, it became firm and erect, with a scarlet red on the hairy baby's head, which looked like the thing under the crotch of a male dog.

Gong Lang couldn't stand Zhang Baizhi's teasing, his whole body became blood boiling, he drank the wine in the glass, turned over suddenly and pressed Zhang Baizhi's naked body on his body, pushing his big hairy dick into her heart deep.

"Oh..." Zhang Baizhi trembled all over, his lips parted slightly, and he hummed softly with his eyes closed in enjoyment.

The temperature of Gong Lang's crotch is much higher than that of a human being, and the hot feeling makes Zhang Baizhi, who is in Chenghuan's crotch, want to die.

It is well known that animals mate much faster than humans. Gong Lang belongs to the wolf tribe of the Yao clan. It is more difficult for a monster man to transform into a human form than a woman. His current way of transforming into a human form is not much worse than that of Li Xiangjun.

There was a rapid crackling sound in the room, and Gong Lang's lower body violently shook as if he had been electrocuted.

Zhang Baizhi is not only obsessed with Gong Lang's muscular and masculine body, but also likes the thing under his crotch, and the extremely fast speed of coming in and out, waves of pleasure coming from the place of intercourse under his body.

The only thing Zhang Baizhi regretted was that every time Gong Lang vented quickly, it took less than 10 minutes on average.

After the incident, the naked bodies of the two were still entangled, and the lower body was still tightly intertwined. Zhang Baizhi panted and said, "Gong Lang, I love your baby so much!"

"You should attract Ye Qiu as soon as possible, and his essence will boost you up.

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OK that helps a lot! "Gong Lang didn't flirt with Zhang Baizhi, but hoped that she would seduce Ye Qiu as soon as possible.

Gong Lang risked disrespect to have an affair with Zhang Baizhi, a charming girl. Once discovered, it would definitely cause monsters and human Taoist priests to attack him. He must improve their morality as soon as possible.Zhang Baizhi can absorb the essence from Ye Qiu's body, and he himself can have sex with Zhang Baizhi to absorb the yin energy from her body to improve his morality.

"Yes! I will ask him to come over tomorrow, and he has already agreed!" Zhang Baizhi nodded in agreement, as if he was a little afraid of this Gong Lang.

Gong Lang pulled it out after his lower body was weak, put on his clothes and said: "Once you get it, don't act too hastily, only a slow flow of water can get the most benefits from him. I'm going to retreat in the deep mountains for a while, so you should be more careful. leaked his identity."

Zhang Baizhi said with some reluctance: "Gong Lang, come back soon!"

Gong Lang paused for a moment, then jumped down from the window without looking back, rolled a few times in the air and then landed on the ground smoothly. Zhang Baizhi lived on the seventh floor, more than 20 meters from the ground, Gong Lang jumped from such a high place It came down unscathed.


Early the next morning, I received a call from my homeroom teacher, Zhang Baizhi, urging me to go to make up lessons. The fifteenth day has passed safely, and there have been no large-scale supernatural events. Only a few remote urban villages died strangely for four days. Five people, and some places close to the water, drowned four, adding up to nine people who died abnormally or non-accidentally on July 102th.My Beautiful Mistress [-]

These nine people have one thing in common, they are all men, and they either wore excited smiles or extreme fear expressions when they died.

My wife said that after the fifteenth day, I no longer need to protect me personally, and I no longer need to restrict my actions. I completely regained my freedom. After agreeing to the teacher in charge, I went by car alone, while my teacher, my wife and Bai Ling went to work in the company. .

Four or ten minutes later, I came to the staff dormitory of the school. Five or six residential buildings with more than 10 floors are behind the school. My head teacher Zhang Baizhi is in Room 7106, Unit [-], Building [-].

ding dong...

When I came to the door of the head teacher's house, I rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened with a click, and when I entered the head teacher's house, I realized that I was the only one here. Zhang Baizhi smiled and said, "Ye Qiu, come in and sit down. Today, the teacher will give you a good tutoring lesson in English, and strive to start the school union." Get good grades in the exam, win honor for the class, and honor for me, the head teacher!"

Zhang Baizhi did not wear the formal attire she usually wears in class, but a sexy attire that makes people spurt blood. The upper body is a v-neck low-cut t-shirt, revealing a white part of the chest, and the lower body is wearing a black miniskirt. The well-proportioned snow-white thighs exude seductive Human luster!