
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 103

"Ye Qiu, you sit down first. You are welcome at the teacher's house. If you want to drink, go to the refrigerator and get it yourself. I will call a few classmates to see if they are here!" The teacher welcomed me into the door with a smile, and then took a step Three twists and turns to the balcony to make a phone call.

The sun in the morning was unbearable, and I was sweating after only a few minutes of walking after getting out of the car. I didn't talk politely to the teacher in charge. I went to the refrigerator and got a bottle of iced Coke and drank it. I drank a few mouthfuls of cold feeling from my throat. Down straight to the tailbone, so cool!

After a while, Zhang Baizhi came in with a bitter face, and kept complaining: "These guys are really disgraceful. They agreed to come over, but now they tell me that they can't come. When the school starts, they won't do well in the college entrance examination. Let's see how I can deal with it." them."

To be honest, I don't have a good relationship with the other classmates with better grades. Except for Huang Rong, the English class representative, the others are somewhat hostile to me, even jealous. I don't know how many people there are, but she just likes me.

And this is an open secret. No one in the class does not know. I admire her courage. On the last evening self-study before the summer vacation, she publicly confessed to me on the podium in front of everyone, saying that she must catch up with me. !It's a pity that I only have my wife in my heart.My Beautiful Mistress 103

"Then it looks like I'm lucky today. It's rare for a head teacher to give me one-on-one free tutoring!" I smiled, put down the coke and stared at the head teacher Zhang Baizhi and said, her chest is no less full than Lin Yazhi, and even more so Tall, Lin Yazhi is 36 years old, and Zhang Baizhi is ten years younger than her, because of her age, her skin is better.

Especially the beautiful legs under her miniskirt, so fair that you can see the blue veins under the skin.

Zhang Baizhi glared at me with a smile, "Ye Qiu, you speak like the teacher is mean to you. I urged you to come here yesterday, but you can't come by yourself. Okay, come to the study with me!"

I stood up and followed Zhang Baizhi. When I was not close to her, I was able to ask her about the fragrance on her body. A strong woman has a stronger sexual desire, which is also true from my own observation experience.

The fragrance on Mistress's body is slightly stronger than that of Bai Ling. Comparing Sister Bai Ling with Mistress, Mistress and I seem to have a stronger desire to have sex, but Mistress and Lin Yazhi are not as good.

Now the scent on Zhang Baizhi's body is stronger than that of Lin Yazhi's, the desire must be stronger in that respect, and I don't know how she, a widow, can endure hunger and thirst and stay alone in an empty room.

After entering the study, we sat face to face at the round desk. Zhang Baizhi took out the lesson plans and began to tutor me in English. She spoke very carefully, and her eyes kept meeting mine.

I can basically know all the content she explained. They are some questions that I deliberately made mistakes in the exam. After she explained it, she asked me

The strongest body

Do you understand, I pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and quickly said I understood.She will immediately ask me to do a few questions related to those explanations, and the results are all right!

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Baizhi sat next to me. Their bodies were almost touching. I turned my head slightly and I could see the two bulging breasts inside her neckline. They were white and plump, with deep grooves, and That lingering body odor.

After I was distracted a few times, Zhang Baizhi seemed to have noticed that I was peeking at her chest, she suddenly tapped the pen on the table a few times, "Ye Qiu, the teacher is giving you a lecture, how can you be distracted!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean it! It's you...so charming!" I said a little embarrassed.

Zhang Baizhi smiled, closed the book, and said, "That's about the end of the story. Your comprehension is very good. The teacher is very pleased. Let's stop here today."

I got up and bowed to Zhang Baizhi, "Thank you teacher! If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Wait! Sit down first, the teacher still has something to ask you!" Zhang Baizhi called to stop me, and after I sat down again Zhang Baizhi asked, "Ye Qiu, are you 16 years old?"

"Well, yes teacher!" My birthday is less than two months away, and I will be sixteen years old on the ninth day of September.

Zhang Baizhi suddenly came up to me and asked, "I heard that you and Huang Rong are very close! Although you are in adolescence at this age, it is normal to have a good impression and curiosity about the opposite sex, but puppy love is not good, and it will not affect your studies. If it is not done well, it may hurt the girl's body!"

"Tell the teacher the truth, you and Huang Rong have reached that stage!" Zhang Baizhi paused and said, "The teacher doesn't want to pry into your privacy, but is just worried that you will make mistakes. Both of you are top students in the class. There are many opportunities to fall in love in prestigious universities, and now we must focus on studying." My beautiful wife 103

Damn, who the hell told Zhang Baizhi the secret! ?Lao Tzu and Huang Rong have only held hands a few times at most, and they haven't even kissed yet!Since she asked me how far I have developed, she must have heard others make small reports before she asked.

"Teacher, don't believe those gossips. Huang Rong confessed to me, but I didn't agree. You know this. I really have never done anything with her!" I explained to Zhang Baizhi a little annoyed. To prove my innocence.

Zhang Baizhi chuckled, "Why are you so excited, the teacher just asked you if this happened to you, it would be better if you didn't!"

Zhang Baizhi stood up, walked to my back, put her hands on my shoulders, and gently subdued her body. Suddenly, she felt two soft lumps on her back, and the tangy fragrance of her body kept approaching me. Zhang Baizhi touched her silky lips.

"Ye Qiu, according to what you're saying, does that mean you haven't seen a woman's body yet?" Zhang Baizhi asked in a soft voice, breathing heat into my ear.