
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 99

Zhu Xiaobao's stepmother, Xia Wanying, was lying on the bed very coquettishly, wearing only a low-necked thin pajamas, her snow-white thighs were exposed, "Xiaobao, is your friend Ye Qiu? When is he coming?"

Xia Wanying seemed to be very concerned about whether I would come or not, which seemed a little unreasonable. No matter how slutty a woman is, she would not take the initiative to mention this matter. Although Zhu Xiaobao made an appointment with her to have sex with her, she shouldn't ask so directly.

"He may not be able to come, Aunt Xia, you are really worried that I won't be able to satisfy you alone!" Zhu Xiaobao said disdainfully: "It's no wonder I don't let you kneel under my crotch and beg for mercy today!"

"Hehe..." Xia Wanying hooked her fingers to Zhu Xiaobao. The movement was very strange. Every time she hooked, Zhu Xiaobao took a step forward, completely involuntary, but Zhu Xiaobao didn't notice it, and stared at Xia Wanying's sexy and soft body with hot eyes. body.

"Xiao Bao, when is Ye Qiu's birthday?" Zhu Xiaobao walked up to Xia Wanying with straight eyes, like a puppet, after Xia Wanying asked, he felt that his brain was a little out of control, and replied: "September 99th! "My glamorous mistress [-]

Xia Wanying's eyes showed a hint of horror, followed by uncontrollable joy, and she secretly said in her heart, so it turns out that Ye Qiu is the sun body of a very sunny day, and the person who meets once in a thousand years finally shows up. changed!

"I heard that he has a Taoist master, so do you know what sect his master is from?" Xia Wanying stretched out her index finger to lift Zhu Xiaobao's chin, and asked with a smile, her eyes gleaming with coquettish luster.

At this moment, Xia Wanying exuded a strange aura all over her body, and her usual gentle and low-key appearance was completely subverted.

As long as Zhu Xiaobao had questions in his memory, he would immediately answer them. Xia Wanying asked more than ten questions about Ye Qiu one after another, but Zhu Xiaobao only answered half of them, and Zhu Xiaobao didn't know many of the questions.

With a flick of Xia Wanying's finger, an invisible force shot at Zhu Xiaobao's head. Immediately, Zhu Xiaobao's body trembled a few times as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and then his consciousness slowly recovered, but he knew nothing about what happened just now.

"Xiaobao, do you want Aunt Xia's body?" Xia Wanying asked, twisting her soft body after asking the question.

"Of course I do, why don't you want me to come to your room, Aunt Xia, take off your clothes quickly, I can't wait." Zhu Xiaobao hurriedly urged Xia Wanying while taking off her own clothes.

Zhu Xiaobao didn't need any prelude at all. After taking off his clothes, he directly jumped on Xia Wanying's white and smooth body, straightened his lower body, and immediately entered Xia Wanying's already wet lower body.

At this moment, the change happened, Zhu Xiaobao felt his lower body was sucked tightly by Xia Wanying, it was hard to pull it out like being sucked by a vacuum cleaner, but it was very comfortable, and the pleasure came one after another!

This was the craziest time Zhu Xiaobao had ever had a relationship with a woman. Xia Wanying raised the corner of her mouth with a sneer. Two or three minutes later, Zhu Xiaobao sprayed, and what happened next made him gradually feel terrified.

Xia Wanying's powerful lower body sucked Zhu Xiaobao's baby, and kept spraying out her own essence. It lasted for 2 minutes and did not stop. Only then did Zhu Xiaobao realize that something was wrong. She wanted to pull it out but couldn't. out!

"Xia Wanying, what did you bastard do to me!" Zhu Xiaobao said angrily, and when he looked up to see Xia Wanying's gloomy expression, he couldn't help shivering, "Xia... Aunt Xia, let me go!" ,I can not stand it any more!"

"Hehe... Don't you want to have sex with me? Didn't you say that you want me to surrender under your crotch? It's only just started now! Xiaobao, you are a man, how can you surrender so easily!" Xia Wanying looked at Zhu Xiaobao trembled with fear laughing.

A man's essence is a matter of life, once it is sucked dry, his lifespan will come to an end.

Zhu Xiaobao gradually felt exhausted and became more and more afraid. He said in a trembling voice, "You...you, who the hell are you! Let me go!"

"Haha..." Xia Wanying's face became contorted, and she let out a terrifying laugh, "Since you want to know, then I'll tell you, actually... I'm not human, haha..." The sharp and piercing laughter made people tremble all over the body. Goosebumps.

Zhu Xiaobao's heart was beating wildly.

Suddenly, Xia Wanying's face was full of hostility, her eyes shone red, her nails and teeth became extremely sharp, Zhu Xiaobao was so frightened that she almost fainted, and screamed, "Ah... ghost!"

Xia Wanying is not a ghost, but a demon with a human body, that is, a charming girl!My Beautiful Mistress 99

As long as she doesn't reveal her true form, outsiders won't be able to see her at all, even ordinary Taoist priests can't peek at her. The fifteenth day of July will come in three days, and she has been waiting for half a year for this moment!

Xia Wanying's body was seized by the charming woman half a year ago, because she cherished it very much because she finally got it, and she didn't go around harming others. She was afraid of attracting the attention of those high-level Taoists, so she seduced Zhu Chengshan and had a relationship with her. Behind Zhu Chengshan's back, he messed around with other men in the company.

Basically every man in the company, even the janitor, had slept with Xia Wanying, absorbed enough essence, and this body stabilized.

Zhu Xiaobao's lower body seemed to be stuck in Xia Wanying's body, and he couldn't get out no matter what!Anxious cold sweat broke out!