
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 100

Zhu Xiaobao was so frightened that he almost cried. The essence in his body was constantly draining, and his body was beginning to be unable to bear it. If he continued at this speed, he would be exhausted by Xia Wanying before long.

Xia Wanying made up her mind to wish Xiaobao to death this time, this little bastard dared to beat herself, she would definitely die today, not to mention that the quality of his essence was much stronger than those of those old men, which would be of great help in improving his profession.

People's desire to survive is extremely powerful. Zhu Xiaobao thought of how to survive after being horrified. Escape? It is obviously impossible. Xia Wanying's lower body is sucked into her body and cannot be pulled out. Even if he can pull it out, he is not Xia Wanying's opponent.

Zhu Xiaobao suddenly remembered the mobile phone under the bed, and flatteringly said to Xia Wanying: "Aunt Xia, can you let go first, I will suck it for you after I have accumulated a lot!" Thinking of Xia Wanying begging for mercy, he put his feet under the bed Touching the phone slowly, he dialed Ye Qiu's number based on his feeling.

I was sitting on the sofa with my wife Bai Ling watching a boring TV show. If I could not sit between them and eat their tofu from time to time, I wouldn't watch boring TV. Suddenly, the phone in my pants rang, I took it out and looked at it It turned out that it was Zhu Xiaobao who fought over again.My glamorous wife 100

"I'm going to answer the phone!" After getting up, I ran upstairs to answer the phone, but just as I was about to speak, I heard a woman's laughter on the phone, laughing eeriely.

"Haha..." Xia Wanying didn't pay attention to Zhu Xiaobao's tricks and movements, and she didn't know that he dialed the emergency call, and the sharp nails slowly slid on his face, "Xiaobao, didn't you want to ride me on this long ago?" Why are you not happy now that Aunt Xia has made you perfect! That's not okay, Aunt Xia will make you want to die today!"

Although Xia Wanying was smiling, her voice was sinister.

I suddenly felt something was wrong, maybe Xiaobao was in trouble, and then came Xiaobao's voice calling for help, "Aunt Xia, you can't suck me dry, I will die!"

I was shocked in my heart, no, Zhu Xiaobao's stepmother has a problem! I have to go to save him immediately!

I hung up the phone and ran downstairs in a panic, "Master, do you know where Master is?

"What happened, what a hurry!" Mistress turned her head to look at me and said, "Your master seems to be looking for an old friend to go to the city to seal the evil eye

Now, it will be July [-]th soon, if there is one less evil eye, there will be fewer evil spirits coming out to harm people, you better not run around!"

After listening to my wife's answer, I hurriedly dialed Master's phone number. Now my wife and I will go to Zhu Xiaobao's house for at least three, four, 10 minutes. When we go, I am afraid that he will be sucked into thousands of corpses. I can only pray that Master will come to Zhu Xiaobao Near home, he may still have a chance.

"Hello, master, where are you?" As soon as the call was connected, I hurriedly said, "My friend has encountered a demon and is sucking his essence!"

"Where does your friend live?" Master asked in a deep voice, and he also attached great importance to this matter.

Shi Niang and Bai Ling also looked at me in surprise, they didn't expect such a thing to happen, no wonder I was so anxious.

"No. 82, Deep Water Bay Villa Area!" I hurriedly replied.

Master said on the phone: "Fortunately it's not far away, we are nearby, go there and rescue your friend right now!"

Time was running out, the master immediately hung up the phone after speaking, and went to the Deep Water Bay villa area with another fellow Taoist.

"Master, I want to see my friend!" I know that she doesn't want me to go out, but I wish Xiaobao is my best friend. If there is one more person and more strength, I won't feel at ease if I don't do anything.

Mistress hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Okay, but you must not leave my side!"

"Thank you, Ma'am!" I said happily.

After we got in the car, my wife drove the car out of Fengyue Street and then drove to Deep Water Bay at high speed.My glamorous wife 100

"Qiuqiu, the place where your friend lives has very good Fengshui! Why did you meet a charming girl?" Mistress asked with some doubts

When Deep Water Bay was first constructed, I invited my master and some prestigious Taoist priests to fix the feng shui. There is almost no evil spirit. Generally, there will be no evil spirits in such places, and every villa has Evil talisman and universe mirror.

I paused and said, "That charming girl is Zhu Xiaobao's stepmother. She has been living there for not a day or two, and I don't understand why she appeared there."

"Borrowing the corpse to revive the soul!" The teacher said in amazement.

Resurrecting the dead is something powerful wandering spirits and demons can do, as long as they are in the right place and the right person, if it is a dead person, they only need to occupy that person's body, if it is a living person, they will swallow their soul and then occupy the body.

When we came to Zhu Xiaobao's house, the whole villa was brightly lit. Master and a Taoist priest of about the same age were asking what they were looking for in the villa. As soon as my wife and I came in, we saw Zhu Xiaobao was still in shock and his legs were shaking constantly.

"Xiaobao, your stepmother is so terrifying, it made you tremble with fright!?" I saw Zhu Xiaobao's distressed appearance and started to tease.

"Your uncle, this fuck was sucked by that bitch, okay?" Zhu Xiaobao saw me coming, walked over and gave me a bear hug, and said, "Ye Qiu, you counted it coming, don't you know?" , if your master hadn't come here in time, brother, I would have almost died on that woman's belly today!" Zhu Xiaobao felt terrified thinking about it now.