
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 58

In particular, Zhang Tianshi's deep eyes are full of justice and majesty, which is enough to make people with malicious intentions shudder. I walked to the portrait and the master folded his fists and bowed to the portrait of Zhang Tianshi, saying: "Father, the eighth master of the Maoshan Taoist sect." His disciple Liu Dalie and his stubborn apprentice Ye Qiu are here to pay a visit to the patriarch! The disciple wants to teach him the Taoism of Maoshan, and I hope the patriarch will make it happen!"

I knelt on the ground with the master and kowtowed three times to the patriarch. When I got up, the master brought me a cup of tea: "Ye Qiu, offer tea to the patriarch!"

I was at a loss when I took the teacup from Master, how can I respect this tea?Isn't it okay to pour it on the portrait?

Master saw that I didn't understand, so he gave me a glare, and said in a low voice, "Just fall in front of Patriarch!"

"Oh!" I did as I said, and slowly fell to the ground holding the teacup in both hands!Master stared at me motionlessly, looking a little nervous.My Beautiful Mistress 58

At this moment, a strange thing happened, the poured tea did not pour on the ground, but disappeared out of thin air when it was about to touch the ground!

"Thank you, Patriarch, for making it perfect!" Master said joyfully, clasping his hands at the portrait of Patriarch.

"Xiaoqiu, the patriarch has promised you to officially become the ninth generation heir of my Maoshan Taoist school. From today onwards, you are my real direct disciple of the Maoshan Taoist school. Our Maoshan Taoist school has three ancestral precepts, you must keep them in mind If you violate the precepts of your ancestors, you will be punished by heaven!" Master said to me solemnly: "First, don't be a person who betrays one's heart!"

The only thing Zhang Tianshi regrets in this life is two things. The first thing is that he had to leave his wife in order to join Maoshan, because Maoshan did not allow married people to seek Taoism at that time, and the patriarch had no choice but to do it in order to learn Taoism. When he became the head of Maoshan, his first order was to announce that those who got rid of that marriage would not be allowed to seek Taoism.

When he wanted to find his wife to make up for her, he found that his wife had passed away in depression!

At that time, when the other Taoists learned that he had abolished the first ban on Taoism, they regarded him as a different kind and attacked him for him. They wanted to eradicate Zhang Tianshi. Zhang Tianshi in Maoshan is famous all over the world.

"Second, cooperate with demons to eliminate demons, catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits!" Master explained: "You heard me right, what I said is assisting demons to eliminate demons rather than subduing demons and demons. Thousands of years ago, humans and demons coexisted peacefully. Most of the monsters are not bad, and there are only a few monsters who harm people, just like there are extremely vicious people among human beings. The patriarch mistakenly believed in rumors and slaughtered the monster clan, causing many good monsters to die by his sword After learning that it was a trap set up by the Meizu, the patriarch was so regretful that he finally retired in shame! He vowed not to catch monsters for the rest of his life, and left an admonition to let the descendants of Maoshan write about demons and eliminate demons!"

My heart was pounding, we said that there are indeed demons in the world we live in, "Master, are the Meizu also fairies? How many demons exist in the world now?"

The master sat down cross-legged in front of the portrait of the patriarch, "Sit down too, I will tell you about the mission of Maoshan and some secrets that are not known to you today, sir!"

I was sitting next to Master, and he looked at the portrait of the Patriarch, and said, "There are still demons and ghosts in the world today, but there are far fewer of them than before. One of the reasons for the disappearance. Goblins generally don't harm people, unless they are in a state of madness or unconsciousness, and if that happens, the goblins themselves will take action to capture them, so we have to assist them."

"If there is a fish that escapes the net and sneaks into the human world to do evil, we can kill them! The real harm to us humans is ghosts and demons. The Meizu are the few demons that survive. In the world, and extremely alert, will not reveal his identity easily, but once it reaches a certain level, it will need a lot of Yang Qi or Yin Qi to practice!" The Yang Qi and Yin Qi that Master said are the things that exist in men and women. a kind of energy.

"Our mission is to find and kill the evil Meizu lurking in the human world. They are of different strengths, even the top Meizu masters can't compete with them. We need to unite with some other Taoist masters. I said The masters are not the idiots in the association, but the secret Taoist masters handed down from ancient times!"

"Master, besides our Maoshan sect, what other Taoist sects are there?" I only know the Wudang sect, but that is different from our Maoshan sect. Wudang Taoist priests are for self-cultivation, not for expelling ghosts and catching demons.

"Hey..." Master sighed deeply, "Thousands of years ago, there were dozens of big schools and countless small schools that were passed down in the heyday of Taoism. It's a pity that most of them have died out now. It is known that there are Longmen School, Laoshan School, Danding School and Sazu School that have been handed down from ancient times to the present. I have seen the successors of these Taoist schools, so I only know their existence, and I have never heard of others, but there must be, but There won't be many!"

"Is that because our Maoshan faction is the most powerful?" Everyone is more psychological. Knowing that there are still several Taoist factions, I really want to know what level the Maoshan faction is at.

The master smiled proudly, "Thousands of years ago, our Maoshan was still unknown, just a small Taoism school, but since the patriarch took over, it has been in the limelight for a while. Now, of course, our Maoshan Taoism is slightly better!"

I also smiled happily, and asked, "Master, what is the last ancestral precept?"

"Steal the rich and help the poor, do good to the world!" Master explained: "Stealing the rich and helping the poor does not mean that you should rob the rich. In addition to exorcising ghosts and demons, our Maoshan also has Fengshui, so when those rich people ask us to do things The lion can open his mouth, and part of the money he earns can be used to help the poor!"