
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 57

Master took out a small key and inserted it into the lock. With a click, the lock popped open. When I opened the wooden box, there was a stale musty smell coming from inside, but I was quickly attracted by the contents inside!

Inside the wooden box is an old book, on which are written the five words "Taishang Induction Chapter" in traditional Chinese characters!

I picked up this "Taishang Induction Chapter" and was about to open it to have a look. Inside the wooden box, there was actually a copy of "Metaphysics" underneath.

Shi Niang and Bai Ling were shocked when they saw it, as if they knew what it was!

I looked at Master puzzled, "Master, what kind of book is this? Is it Taoism?" My beautiful wife57

Master said eloquently: "Taishang Induction Chapter and Metaphysics are both treasures of Taoism, which have disappeared in China. The two books I brought back from Hong Kong are not the original editions, but are printed by the late Celestial Master Song Qingyang! I That friend is the direct disciple of Master Song Qingyang!"

"These two books are no less precious than national treasures. You must memorize the contents above by heart. It may be destroyed in the future. I will teach you our Maoshan Taoism after dinner!"

After listening to Master's words, my blood boiled all over, Maoshan, what a mysterious name!The legend of Maoshan Taoist priests has never disappeared, but the descendants of Maoshan Mountain are almost extinct. I am afraid that there will be no real Taoist priests in the country except Master.

The teacher looked at me with resentful eyes and reminded: "Qiuqiu, what your master said is good, but there is one more thing you have to remember, don't reveal these two books in front of outsiders, as the saying goes, the skin is innocent and the skin is full of jade." Sin! This is a treasure of Taoism. There are a large number of Taoist priests in the country whether it is orthodox or in the market. Once those people find out that you have these two books, I am afraid it will bring you disaster!"

The reputation of Taoist priests is not good, mainly because there are too many fake Taoist priests bluffing and deceiving. From this point, it can be reflected that Taoist priests who used to have real skills are still very popular, otherwise the people would not believe so many people.

If I can become a Taoist priest with profound Taoism, someone will definitely be involved, so my wife reminded me not to expose these two books!

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me, I will recite the content above and return it to Master!"

Bai Ling, who had been eating in silence, asked me: "Qiuqiu, do you really want to become a Taoist priest? If you succeed in your studies, will you catch demons?"

"Catch a demon? Do fairies really exist in this world?" I rolled her eyes and said jokingly, "Even if I want to catch you, I'll catch you, a fairy first!" I don't know that Sister Bai Ling is a fairy, but The fairy I said is also that kind of ambiguous name.

But Master and the three of them didn't smile, but stared at me with complicated expressions, especially Bai Ling, who seemed a little aggrieved.

After dinner, Master and I went upstairs, and I moved Master's salute to the room next to me, which is where Master lives. This room is a little smaller than the one I live in, and the furniture inside is very old. Follow up It's like an antique shop, every time I come in, I have a weird feeling, and I don't know why!

After the master came in, he closed the door and changed into a Taoist robe. There was a picture of heaven and earth on the back of the dark yellow robe. The master walked to an old-fashioned wooden box and took out a brand new Taoist robe from it. "Xiaoqiu, come here and change the Taoist robe." superior!"

The Taoist robe that the master took out was the same style and color as the one he was wearing, but it was a little brighter than the one on him, probably because the master's robe faded after wearing it for a long time.

Under Master's guidance, I finished putting on the Taoist robe. This dark yellow Taoist robe seemed to be tailor-made for me. It fits very well and feels sacred when I wear it.

After I put on the Taoist robe, the master went to the bed and lifted the mattress. I don't know where the master pressed it. Suddenly, the bed board below slowly slid away. My eyes widened in disbelief. No wonder Master's bed is made of cement. I always thought it was solid, but there is a universe inside!

"Come down with me!" Master walked into the secret path first, and I followed.

The secret passage has oblique steps that extend all the way to the ground. There is no damp musty smell after entering. The air inside is very fresh. The secret passage is a bit narrow and it took about four or five minutes to reach the bottom!

We live on the third floor, and it takes less than 2 minutes to go from the first floor to the third floor, so this place should be at least ten meters underground!

Pa... my beautiful wife 57

Master turned on the light switch, and suddenly the dark basement was brightly lit, and everything inside came into view. The basement is very large, about [-] square meters. On the wall facing north and south, there is a portrait as tall as a person. appearance.

The man in the painting looks about 50 or [-] years old, but he doesn't look old at all. He has a ruddy complexion and a calm attitude. His black hair is wrapped in a bun, and he looks heroic.The man was wearing the same Taoist robe as me and the master. He stared straight ahead with serious eyes, holding a mahogany sword across his chest in his right hand, and pointing forward with the index and middle fingers of his left hand.

"This is Zhang Chongyang, the patriarch of Maoshan Mountain, come here to pay homage to the patriarch!" The master said to me after burning incense and kowtow.

He turned out to be the legendary Zhang Tianshi!

I was a little excited to see the legendary Zhang Tianshi. Although it was only a portrait, the painting was very realistic. Whether it was the movements, expressions or charm, it was as if it was photographed with a camera.