
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 39

"Sister Bai Ling, don't! It's only before eleven o'clock! You have nothing to do tomorrow anyway, so it doesn't matter if you go to bed late, right? How about I teach you something fun!" I suddenly remembered that I still had a few As for Japanese adult films, I don't know how Sister Bai Ling will feel after watching them. I heard from Zhu Xiaobao that the virgin will be very excited to watch an adult film for the first time.

Although Zhu Xiaobao is not as handsome as me and his grades are not as good as mine, he is better at picking up girls than me. I usually get picked up by girls, but he often takes the initiative. From junior high school to high school, he has already had at least three virgins. See I have far more experience with adult films than I do.

Actually, Bai Ling didn't really want to leave, but she remembered Li Xiangjun's words.

Li Xiangjun told her not to let Qiuqiu get her body too easily, worrying that they would not reach the realm of harmony between man and nature when they had sex, so Bai Ling deliberately hung Ye Qiu's appetite, of course, not too much, once a man Once you lose interest in a woman, it can be difficult to bring it up again.

"Okay, but you are not allowed to touch my place again!" Bai Ling stopped and turned to me after walking to the door.My Beautiful Mistress 39

I was overjoyed, but I didn't expect Sister Bai Ling to agree.

"Well, Sister Bai Ling, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose just now, I just couldn't help it because I saw you so beautiful, I promise you I won't touch you! Unless you ask me to touch me!" I quickly explained the reason for being out of line just now.

Bai Ling came over and stuck out his tongue at me playfully, "Cut, don't be so stinky, I won't let you touch my bottom! By the way, you didn't ask you to settle for touching my place last time, hehe , I didn't expect you to dare to deceive me!"

"Sister Bai Ling, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone! Besides, you asked me to point out the name of your private parts for you. I have lied to you before!" I didn't expect Sister Bai Ling to realize now that I was in Eat her tofu, but it's too late to know, what a silly and lovely woman.

Thinking of the scene that day, Sister Bai Ling's pink and tender private parts came to my mind again. Without the cover of hair, I can see her pink abalone clearly. That feeling makes me linger, and now I want to take it off again. Dropped her little inner and lay under her legs to take a closer look at her private parts.

"Hmph, don't mention the previous things again!" Bai Ling suddenly became shy again when he heard me touch her private parts that day, broke his mouth, and said: "That sentence is really true, there is no one good man! thing!"

Men don't have a good thing?How can it be!Every man has a good thing under his crotch, okay?I firmly disagree with Sister Bai Ling's words. If a man doesn't have good things, how can he conquer a woman?

Of course, you can only think about these words in your heart, and if you say them, it may make Sister Bai Ling angry.

I walked to the computer desk and took off the chair, "Sister Bai Ling, sit down, I'll show you something good!"

"Well, it's not too bad!" Sister Bai Ling was very satisfied with my attitude.

After Sister Bai Ling sat down, I clicked on the file hidden in the e-disk. These are some Japanese adult movies I downloaded before. There are all kinds of genres. I chose a more beautiful drama about a high school. The story of a student falling in love with a female teacher.

I know that at this time, I can't be too impatient. If I directly let Sister Bai Ling watch some kind of film where she was naked from the beginning, she would definitely scare her away.

This film tells the story of a rebellious high school student's counterattack. The hero smokes, drinks, falls in love, etc., except for not taking drugs, he has basically done everything else, but the mature and beautiful female teacher did not give up on him. He often takes great pains to teach the male protagonist, and often sends boys to his own home for tutoring.

Later, the boy's grades rose steadily, but he was not interested in studying. After a while, he started skipping classes, picking up girls, and even having sex with girls.

The female teacher was very angry, and she vowed to make the male protagonist a good student, so she promised that as long as the male protagonist was admitted to a prestigious university, she would let him fuck herself once.

At this point, Passion is about to hit theaters.

The male protagonist took the university admission letter and went to the female teacher's house, and said to the female teacher: "Teacher, I have done what I promised you. Should you keep what you promised me?"

So in the picture, the female teacher took off all the clothes on her body in relief, and the male student pressed the female teacher on the ground and got up hard!

Bai Ling was attracted by the previous plot, and only woke up when the two people on the screen were naked/naked, why both of them had no clothes?My Beautiful Mistress 39

An ambiguous and slutty voice came from the computer, and the close-up of private parts made Bai Ling feel hot all over.

Bai Ling only felt that there were thousands of ants crawling on his body, which was unbearably itchy. Following the intense copulation between the two in the picture, Bai Ling's body gradually became moist, his face became flushed, and his breathing became more rapid.

Although it's not the first time I've watched it, but the picture inside is so exciting, and the dialogue between the hero and heroine is also blood-spitting, and my lower body is already as hard as iron.