
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 38

I taught Sister Bai Ling how to type on the keyboard in the correct way and the standard sitting posture for typing. After talking for a long time, I suddenly looked down and found that Sister Bai Ling was not listening at all, but was staring at the flashing news on my QQ at the bottom right.

"Qiuqiu, is your computer broken? Why is it flickering there?" Sister Bai Ling found out that I stopped explaining and looked back at me: "Why did you stop! Don't stop!"

do not stop! ?My forehead suddenly turned black, what I said is easily misunderstood, okay?

And when she said that, her tone and voice were almost exactly the same as the voice of an actress in a love action movie.

No man can resist such an extremely seductive voice from a beauty of Sister Bai Ling's level. What's more terrible is that I am standing behind him with my hands in front of her, which is equivalent to half-embracing her, and from this angle, I can see the inside of Sister Bai Ling's neckline. A pair of raised tender white fleshy balls.My Beautiful Mistress 38

"That's my QQ, that is, a chat tool!" I suppressed my irritability and opened the message. I didn't want to distract Sister Bai Ling because of this. I opened the dialog box and saw that most of it was Zhu Weiwei's message to me.

"Ye Qiu, you're home now! Don't forget our promise!" When I saw the date when I left their house, this little girl seemed to be feeling a little yearn for spring, so she couldn't wait to leave me a message .

"Are you here, talk? Are you coming today?"

"Hey, it looks like I won't be here again today!"

"Well, Ye Qiu didn't reply to my message!"


I'm a little speechless, it's all the news that Zhu Weiwei urged me to go to their house, didn't she say that I won't give me a day until I go to college?Why are you thinking about me all day?

There are also seven or eight messages from my classmates, most of which are innocuous questions. There are also a few people who want me to pass the answers to their summer homework to their mailboxes, and there are also a few girls I don't know who confess to me. , the last one turned out to be a message from our class teacher Zhang Baizhi to me.

This immediately caught my attention, and I hurriedly opened it to see that it was posted the day before yesterday, "Student Ye Qiu, have a good summer vacation! I can't bear to disturb your vacation life, but as your class teacher, I still can't help it." To babble, I just received a notice from the principal that the first year of senior high school students in the city will have a city-wide joint exam at the beginning of the next semester, and the top [-] students will have the opportunity to be recommended. Although your grades have always been excellent, your English There is still something lacking, I decided to take a week to give you a few top students tutoring, and you must come to my house on July [-]th!"

tutoring?It seems unnecessary, right?I thought to myself, I have never participated in a cram school from elementary school to high school, and my grades have always been the first in the class. In fact, I think my English is not bad. At least there is no obstacle to talking with foreigners. I just don't want to make too much publicity. So every time you take an exam, you have to make a few wrong questions on purpose, otherwise you won't be able to keep a low profile if you want to get full marks in all subjects!

It doesn't make much sense for me to recommend or not, and I also want to take the inhumane college entrance examination, then I will show my full strength.

But the teacher Zhang in the class said that she must come, so I can't refuse, Zhang Baizhi is the best figure among the female teachers in the school, if she is a student, she is definitely a well-deserved school belle.

After replying a message to Zhang Baizhi, I closed QQ, worried that some nympho would send some nasty words to Sister Bai Ling.

At this moment, my QQ flashed again, and the icon was one of the few girls who confessed their love before. I moved the mouse to turn it off, but Miss Bai Ling suddenly reached out to grab my mouse: "Why turn it off? Yes. It's not that I've done something bad and I'm afraid people will find me!"

"No way!" Bai Ling wanted to snatch my mouse, of course she wouldn't let her snatch it away, and hurriedly moved the mouse away, but she pulled it with both hands, and the mouse fell off the computer desk as soon as I shook my arm.

The mouse fell in the middle of Sister Bai Ling's thigh, I hurried to grab it, but Sister Bai Ling's movements were much faster than mine, she had already grabbed the mouse before my hand fell, and my hand reached her white and tender thigh unexpectedly middle.

As soon as I touched it, a soft and slightly cool feeling spread to my hand.

"Hmm..." Sister Bai Ling let out a muffled nasal sound, her legs instinctively clamped my hand and put it in her lap in such an embarrassing way, neither moving nor moving!

This posture was maintained for more than a minute, and we were all stunned, as if time was frozen at this moment.My Beautiful Mistress 38

Sister Bai Ling lifted her short pale pink pajamas with her legs, and inside was a same translucent lace lace underwear. The bulging vulva is clearly visible, because Sister Bai Ling has the body of a white tiger, so she has no hair I can see the tender and exquisite abalone inside.

The blood in my whole body was boiling, and I planned to put my hand into Sister Bai Ling's cunt and caress her pink and tender tender abalone without doing anything.

"Don't..." As soon as I moved my hand, Sister Bai Ling suddenly opened her legs like an electric shock, stood up, glared at me with flushed cheeks, "It's too late, I'll come to you tomorrow to teach me!"