
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 106

Guo Meimei smiled weakly, "It's such a time, Mr. Ye is still in the mood to tease me, I really don't know whether to call you flirtatious or nasty!"

Where the hell is this going!What I said was obviously serious, but it sounded like teasing to her!

"Forget it, for the sake of you being the wounded, I don't care about you!" I shrugged helplessly, good men don't fight women, and Guo Meimei is not a beauty that ordinary people can control.


The door of the operating room opened, and a middle-aged doctor came out and unbuttoned his mask and said, "This girl is really lucky, she missed a cerebral artery by a few millimeters, whoever of you is the family member of the patient, immediately take her for a head MRI, There may be bleeding in the subarachnoid space, and I need to be hospitalized for observation for two days. The trauma on the head has been debrided and sutured, do not touch the water, try to stay in a cool place, go!" My beautiful wife 106

"Okay, thank you doctor!" My doctor hurried over to support Qin Lan after thanking her. Her head was covered with white gauze and she looked quite scary, as if she had been seriously injured.

Qin Lan's face was a little pale, and her lips were a little dry. When she saw me, she forced a smile: "Boss Ye is here!"

"Stop talking, go for a comprehensive checkup first, and stay at the hospital with peace of mind. You will be able to recuperate in the hospital for the next few days and pay your wages. We will seek justice for the person who beat you." Guo Meimei and I fought alone. Looking at Qin Lan, I was worried that she would go to work sick because of lack of money, so I made a promise to let her recover from her injuries.

Qin Lan's eyes turned red, and she looked at me gratefully, but she didn't speak and didn't know what was going on in her heart.

"Qin Lan, thank you!" Guo Meimei thanked Qin Lan gratefully. If Qin Lan hadn't blocked that punch for him, she would be the one lying in the hospital now. This favor is not insignificant.

Qin Lan shook her head with a smile, "Sister Meimei, we are all colleagues, so you don't need to thank me. If it were me, I believe you would not stand idly by!" Or maybe our company has very few divisions, and they all say that there are three women in one drama.

But in our company, there was no intrigue or open and secret fighting. The relationship between everyone is getting closer day by day. The three of them have been working for a few days and they are like girlfriends.

I took Qin Lan for an examination, and Guo Meimei went to the doctor to go through the hospitalization procedures. It took an hour on the way. Fortunately, there was nothing serious, but when I fell down, some small blood vessels in the brain ruptured and there was a little congestion. The doctor said Stay for two days to observe and observe, and take a few days of hemostatic injections and some medicine to remove blood stasis. There should be no major problems.

After sending Qin Lan back to the ward, I went out and bought some fruits and a few books and came back, "Mei Mei, please take care of Qin Lan first, I'll come over after I finish my work."

"Thank you Mr. Ye, I can do it by myself, there is no need for such trouble!" Qin Lan said lying on the bed.

Guo Meimei knew what I was going to do, so she nodded, "Mr. Ye, leave this to me, and you can do things with peace of mind!"

Before Qin Lan could refuse, I left, and when I returned to the company, only Liu Yan stayed inside, "Mr. Ye, you know about sister Qin Lan's injury, right?"

"Well, I just came back from the hospital!" I asked, "Where are Mr. Liu and Mr. Li?"

"They should be at the Qiankun Fengshui company across the street. Mr. Ye, is sister Qin Lan okay?" Liu Yan asked with concern, and she could see the concern from the bottom of her heart.

"It's nothing serious, but I need to be hospitalized for two days for observation! If you have nothing to do today, you can leave work an hour early!" Liu Yan must have wanted to visit Qin Lan in the hospital, anyway, there is no business right now, and the matter has not been dealt with yet. It doesn't hurt to leave work early.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

"It's okay, we are all colleagues, and it's because we didn't protect you well!" I looked at my watch and said, "I still have things to do so I won't stay in the company. Call me!"

When I came downstairs, I could see the ads of Qian Kun Feng Shui on the two buildings that were very close to each other. I said coldly in my heart, paralyzed, don't write your name upside down. !

I crossed the road to the opposite side, and walked for about 5 minutes to the downstairs of Qiankun Fengshui Company. After reading the signboard advertisement posted below, their company is also on the ninth floor.My Beautiful Mistress 106

The Qiankun Fengshui Company is actually run by the Danding Dao Sect. No wonder it is so arrogant. The Danding Sect is not the most powerful among the Dao Sects, nor is the Daoism the most powerful, but it is definitely the richest.

The Danding faction preserves the alchemy techniques left by their ancestors, and can refine some elixir with special effects, but due to the scarcity of materials, there are not many of them, and most of the effects on the market are diluted by them. One is that there are not enough materials, and the other is that they are afraid of being guessed their secret recipe.

As soon as I walked into the Qiankun Fengshui Company, I saw the chaos inside. Three or five men were already lying on the ground. The master and his wife were surrounded by more than a dozen people. One of them, an old man in his 50s, said coldly: "What are you? Come to my Danding faction to make trouble?"

"Dan Ding faction? Sorry, I have never heard of such a small sect." There was a contemptuous smile on the teacher's wife: "You have been living on a dog for a long time, right? Who would eat enough to be okay? I am making trouble for you! When you sent people to our Xuantian company to beat people and make trouble, you would think of the current situation!"

The old man blew his beard and stared angrily, the goatee under his chin trembled, his face was flushed, and he roared angrily, "Hit me!"

"Who dares to try to touch my old lady!" The teacher scolded in a cold voice without any fear.