
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 105

"It's inconvenient to say on the phone, Qin Lan is dealing with injuries on the third floor of the outpatient clinic of the hospital, you can come over first and then talk about it!" said the lady-in-law.

From the teacher's wife's voice, she could hear that she was very angry, and her voice was a little abnormal. What could make the teacher's wife so angry?I have never seen my wife get angry before!

"Well, mistress, don't get so angry, I'll be there right away!" After hanging up the phone, I stopped a taxi on the road and went straight to the city's first hospital. When I came to the hospital, I asked the nurse, and then ran up to the third floor without stopping.

Outside the outpatient operating room, the teacher's wife and Guo Meimei sat on the chairs in the corridor and waited.

"Master, what happened?" I hurried over and asked in a low voice.My Beautiful Mistress 105

When Mistress saw me coming, she got up and said, "Look here, I will deal with this matter!" Mistress's face was cold, but this was not aimed at me, but at those who caused Qin Lan's injury.

After I sent my wife downstairs, I came back and asked Guo Meimei: "What's going on?"

Guo Meimei was always happy, but now she also looked sad, her eyes were a little red and she said quietly: "It's all my fault, today a new Fengshui company was opened opposite our company, we worked hard at the company, and the newly opened Fengshui company opposite Two men from the company came to our place, and as soon as they entered the door, they asked us to prepare 5 yuan in red envelopes to give as gifts."

Before Guo Meimei finished speaking, I interrupted angrily: "Why? They are so stupid, and they only asked for [-] yuan, thinking that our money was picked from the ground?" Giving gifts to each other is very common in the same industry. But most of them are voluntary, and the most is three to five thousand, and there are many people who are less than thousand or eight hundred, just to improve each other's face, if they don't give it away, no one will say anything. The Feng Shui industry has always had such an unwritten rule.

But those people shamelessly came to ask for [-]. This is too shameless. Why didn't they send [-] when we opened!

"What happened later?" I cursed angrily and continued to ask Guo Meimei.

Those bastards were so shameless, if I was there, I would have beaten him to paralyze him, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I don't know how Qin Lan was injured.

Guo Meimei choked up and said, "I was also very angry at the time. Director Liu and Mr. Li were on their lunch break, so I didn't bother them. I asked those two people to go back and said they would tell our boss, but one of them yelled at me, saying What shame is there, let me go and call Liu Dong over right away. Of course I refused, but I still talked to them nicely, but one of them hit me suddenly."

"Qin Lan just happened to look and came to help break up the fight, but was accidentally punched by the other party. When I saw Qin Lan being beaten, I became anxious and slapped that person. He was so angry that he raised his fist and hit me. Qin Lan blocked her head, and she was hit on the head by the other party in order to save me, and she hit the corner of the table when she fell to the ground, bleeding a lot!" Guo Meimei burst into tears as she spoke.

No wonder she was so sad, Qin Lan blocked that man's beating in order to save her, the group of paralyzed people were men or not, even the women were so scared!Bastard, I will never finish this matter with you!If it wasn't for Qin Lan still dealing with her injuries, I wish I could go over and swell the faces of those bastards right now.

"Later, Chairman Liu and President Li were woken up. When they came out, the two people who injured Qin Lan had already run away. When I went to chase them, I was kicked." Guo Meimei definitely showed her temper. She is not afraid of anything, but she forgets that she is a girl after all, and if the two men on the other side do something more extreme, the consequences will be disastrous.

I was so angry that my chest heaved violently, and after taking a few breaths, I finally calmed down a little, and asked in a cold voice, "Do you know where they come from?"

Guo Meimei shook her head, "I don't know. When they came, they only mentioned their company's name, Qiankun Fengshui Company. Director Liu has already gone to investigate."

I nodded and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, the company will definitely seek justice for you. After dealing with Qin Lan's injury, let's see how I deal with those bastards!"

"Mr. Ye, don't act rashly. Since those people dare to act blatantly and mischievously, they must have something to rely on. Arrogant people always have a reason to be arrogant. I think we should play it by ear!" , But that's just an appearance, being able to say this at least proves that her mind is still very smart.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible." I patted Guo Meimei on the shoulder, and asked with concern: "Meimei, take care of your injuries as well. This matter is the company's responsibility and all expenses will be paid by the company!"

"I'm fine!" Guo Meimei gave me a blank look, "Mr. Ye, do you think I'm such a person who loves to take advantage of small things?" Indeed, what I said was a little inappropriate, and Guo Meimei didn't seem to care at all. Money, the family should be very good, when she came to the interview, she didn't even ask about the salary.

"My words may be inappropriate, but it doesn't mean what you think. You were injured in the company. I just want to express some apologies and concern. If our employees are bullied and injured, we will ignore it. What do you think?" I smiled and said, "This is the so-called butt determines thinking, people sitting in different positions think and look at problems differently."