
Wind blade

Lin Jin and Quingtan his little sister were now close to their house but now they saw a lot of people gathering at the entrance of their house .

" how do we explain it to the wild blade martial Club huh ? ". one of the people asked another beside him.

" well he should be the one to tell them ,. I knew he never had good Intentions. he did something to chu ming so he could receive all the rewards,. lucky for him the royal guards were there to punish his betrayal. ". the other replied .

" well let's not conclude on that for the now. you know this same thing has happened once before. don't you think it's kinda fishy ? ".


". Lin Jin expected to go home and see his father awake and his family happy but when he got there all he saw was a group of angry mob around their house. when he entered he saw two people holding his father down to the floor. surprisingly the almighty Lin xiao who stood out for his fearlessness and strength couldn't even resist.

" father !! ". Lin Jin shouted as he headed straight to help his father.


". stay out of this " one of the men standing by said to Lin Jin as he blasted him back with a suppressive force. Lin Jin had only attained three clacks but this old man here was at the top of four clacks. though Lin Jin was considered a genius as he was already at three clacks at such a young age,. he was no match for this old man.

" brother !! " Quingtan yelled out as she see's Lin Jin being tossed in such a manner.

" my father just woke up. how could you treat him in such a way ? . are you still brothers !!". Lin Jin yelled out in pain. this was supposed to be his family.

" it's a talk between your elders!! how could you butt in? !!". the same man asked again.

Lin Jin felt grossed about this. a talk between elders shouldn't feel like someone being prosecuted. he was going to shout out loud at this old man with no manners when he heard a sound.


those blocking the door entrance gave way for someone holding a rod In his hands. everyone seemed to respect him As he walked in with so much authority. it was an old man with so much grey hair that he looked far older than everyone in there.

when xu saw him he looked happy but couldn't express it. he had a little stone on his hands as he used it to draw on the ground. he started with a large circle before proceeding to draw some strange symbols on the inside.they looked old and mysterious.

" when I first came in he was just drawing on the ground like this. without saying a word. ". someone from the crowd spoke out.

" xiao, tell me exactly what happened in there that night? . why were you the only one walking out the gate".

the elderly man asked directing his question to xu.

xu still didn't reply to this, he kept on with his drawing and this made the people around impatient waiting for and answer ". give father an answer. what happened in there ? . what deal did you make with the lei family " . one of the men from the audience asked again. " whatever that deal is it has turned down our hope for freedom". the man. added. this particular guy was furious about xu's act of no response he walked up to xu and raised him up from the ground holding his clothes In an aggressive way. ". you good for nothing.... !! ".

the man raised his hands ready to hit xu on the face. he couldn't contain his anger anymore and so did the other who came since no one flicked a finger to stop him.

his hand was going to come down on xu's face when Lin Jin stepped in to save his father but now he was the one with a hand on his face and a blood red mark as a sign to that. he spat a mouthful of blood. the force in which that man had used was not something ordinary.


the elderly man hit his rod on the ground which prompted everyone to turn to him. " Lin mang leave him be ". the elder said,. he turned around after a glance at xu's art on the ground then he walked out without a word.

the elder had asked Lin mang to leave xu alone, no one dared go touch him again. they all trailed after the elder walking slowly behind him. " your father always said you'll one day be the pure one. and yet you still couldn't withstand a black spell ". the elderly man who was now walking out said to himself in a low tone. he looked disappointed.


" I thought you were a good brother but see you. you went in there and did what hell only knows about and now you refuse to say a word. shameless". Lin ming who still didn't leave looked at xu with disdain in his eyes.

he turned to Lin Jin. " you brat don't ever get in my way. and as for him when he's ready to talk I'll ask him again.". Lin mang Said as he turns around to leave .

Lin Jin who still was standing still moved but not forward or neither back, he fell to the ground looking unconscious.


Aaargh .....

Lin Jin yelled as he uses all his might on a single punch Landing on a fat and thick tree in front of him. he had fainted after a single hit while trying to defend his family. he thought that looked weak.

". wow ". Quingtan was surprised by the result of that punch. Lin Jin had left a clean hole right in the middle of the tree where he punched.

" over the past years I've been training day and night trying to evolve, but I haven't made a crutial breakthrough in my Kung Fu, I'm still in the fourth level of body quenching at this rate how am I supposed to win the up coming Kung Fu gladiator contest .". Lin Jin didn't look happy about this.

" brother how about you quit the contest,. with only just two clacks you'll just get beaten up if you take part". Quingtan suggested to Lin Jin.

" no I must take part and I must win so I can know the truth. what happened". Lin Jin said sternly.

Quingtan didn't oppose she just walked up to xu who was now on a wheel chair and started saying words Lin Jin couldn't hear. " wait I have something that could help dad heal faster .". Lin Jin said out loud as he walks up to Quingtan in hurry and excitement.

" what is that ". Quingtan asked .

" let's just take him home you'll see ". Lin Jin replied.

they moved the wheelchair fast as they headed home in hurry but not until they noticed the air around was getting cold and the breeze was nowhere near normal.

" the genius son of the Lin family is still battling with his second clack ,. well seems I don't need to draw my sword to kill you today ". they turned and saw a young man standing upfront with the wind going crazy around him .

" chu Yi wind blade ! ". Lin Jin looked shocked to see this person in front of them .

" get out of here take dad home " Lin Jin whispers to Quingtan signalling her with his hands to take their father and herself out of there. wind blade had come there with the aim of killing him. he knew this was slot of trouble.

Quingtan knew as well how much trouble this was,. she took her father who was still on his wheel chair and with as fast as she could go, she ran.

Lin Jin knew wind blade had come for him pertaining what happened inside that sky hall two years ago. chu ming who was wind blade's relative hadn't made it out of the sky hall. and now he was here to ask questions or further exact revenge.

" I hear you're the best when it comes to speed. well I've been trying to learn a skill called break speed and I'll love to see you catch up with me " Lin Jin said after confirming Quingtan and xu were nowhere nearby.

" I don't care what you think of your skill, all I..". while he was going on with his slow frightening voice Lin Jin had already stared running backwards away from him. if he had to kill Lin Jin he would have to chase him now.

" what a joke".. wind blade thought Lin Jin was crazy. he specialized In speed and he didn't think there were many who could go faster than him.


a loud noise boomed through the air as wind blade took in hot chase after Lin Jin ,. he was out for blood and he wasn't going to go down easy.

Lin Jin who had a headstart of a few seconds was now not too far from wind blade. he looked slow bit steady, he went straight and calmly as if the earth supported him. he looked slow but he was moving at a high speed. he had reached his second clack and he was million times faster than a normal man could go.

wind blade wasn't slow either within a few seconds he was already right behind Lin Jin slashing down his sword. wind blade was close to Lin Jin but not close enough for his blade to touch him. but that wasn't what he was aiming for. several sword lights came straight from the blade of the sword bearing straight for Lin Jin .

Lin Jin sensed that and moved swiftly to avoid contact with a swordlights, he barely escaped when wind blade fired more at him.

Lin Jin tried all he could but couldn't evade all that was thrown at him. he got hit twice, on the shoulder and on his back. blood oozed from the point he was hit but that didn't stop him from keeping his pace.

" he's really fast,!". wind blade said In a low tone. Lin Jin was still on the run and still not yet caught by him, this could only be done by only a few people he knew.


Lin Jin screamed in pain as he got hit again this time it wasn't just one but several sword lights broke his skin drawing blood from the injuries, but that wasn't fatal to him. he keeps on running non stop.

" what the hell!". wind blade they had been running through the thick Forest for several hours and still he hadn't catch up with Lin Jin,. he had expected to catch up with Lin Jin within a few seconds, a minute at the least since he was one of the best when he came to speed . but he didn't expect to keep running after someone for so long and still hadn't end the race. " holy shit what kind of skill is that ". wind blade noticed the longer they ran the faster Lin Jin got, it seemed he was gathering momentum.

this shouldn't be happening to him. people normally focused on a special skill which they'd practice and become great with it ,. they'd use it as defense whenever they were in trouble and for attack when needed. he had focused fully on speed and he was pretty good with it. if Lin Jin had practiced a fire skill he'd be good with fire. now Lin Jin was beating him In a clean race when he knew clearly Lin Jin hadn't practiced a speed skill but a skill he inherited known as light body.

within the next few minutes of this continuous race they were already in residential areas and they were running round breaking things round the town.

" he really did have a good skill ,. guess after I end him I'll go check out the Lin family skills. ". wind blade came to notice that the more they continued running the faster Lin Jin got.

he knew continuing like this would be futile so he stops but didn't quit. he clenched his fist and with all might punched the ground.

boom ...

this resulted in a loud ' boom ' and on the ground were twirling dust carried by the wind that followed but in the next minute they all turned into raging tornadoes rolling after Lin Jin.

Lin Jin was happy about this he thought he had lost wind blade and was now free to go home, but in the next minute he was embraced by a raging tornadoes swirling with down on him with so much sand that he couldn't see a thing.


he landed on the ground with a mouthful of blood dripping from his lips and a face covered in dirt.

" who is this idiot that scared my fiance?" Lin Jin heard a voice call out.

" oh you now have a fiance ? .". Lin Jin expected it was wind blade questioning him but behold when he looked closer removing the dirt from his eyes it was lei pi a prince of the shelter.

" I'm scared to death my love ". a woman sitting on a carriage close to lei pi said.

Lin Jin looked around and noticed he was now surrounded by guards pointing weapons at him.

lei pi walked up to him looking majestic. " i asked you a question now answer me.".

Lin Jin stood up right and said boldly. " I'm from the Lin family and I am " ...


Lin Jin was not allowed to finish before being interrupted by a whip which found itself leaving a red mark on his skin. he was whipped by lei pi's fiance . he didn't even see it coming.

". in the turf of my lei family how dare you say your surname is Lin ! "


for the second time lei pi's fiance strikes him with her whip. Lin Jin felt immense pain, this time he saw it coming but didn't react.


someone yelled from afar it seemed like it was drawing closer. pang .. it was wind blade who was still looking for Lin Jin. now he saw Lin Jin but not just him Lin Jin was now in trouble .

" oh fu*k ". wind blade knew he was now in a big mess . he tried to run but was instantly stopped by the guards.

" oh i see they are two fighters running round causing trouble. hmmm... well darling what do you think we should do with them ?" lei pi said directing his question to his fiance standing behind him.

" well let them fight it'll be interesting. ". she said

". ok that'll be great. but we'll need something to motivate them.". lei pi asked a guard who threw a bag on the floor. ". that's a bag with four yang vigor stones,. it's far worth your lives, if one of you can kill the other , I will give him the yang vigor stones". lei pi said.