
Give It Back

a new race came to Earth from another galaxy and convinced Earth's world leaders to allow them to live with them on Earth. Humans started living in harmony with the new race called Afro Years pass by and Basem is born with a hidden ability that no one knows of except him. he grew up to become a mechatronics engineer because he liked technology and building things with his hand. Basem always had hidden hatred for the Afro race and had this inkling suspicion that something was happening between the world leader and the Afro race under the covers but he kept to himself until an incident triggered this hatred and suspicion and he started to work on it. he started his journey alone but he met his companions who share his to goal tp unveil what really happened that day in the meeting room between the world leader and the Afro-race

Elkhwaga_new · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Earth 2030 one day while humans were busy with their lives, a huge bulk of metal descended from the sky with blinding speed targeting Antarctica and exploded into multiple pieces on impact with one of the many icebergs in the place. Minutes passed after the impact and there was movement from one of the remaining metal pieces and a pair of pale long arms with green fingers peeked out.

Even though there are no inhabitants in Antarctica, so there shouldn't be anyone who noticed the appearance of the strange bulk of metals and the explosion but with humans advancements in technology in 2030 the sensors and anti-flight tech advanced by leaps and bounds and noticed the movement on Antarctica and it triggered the alarm in the ( OSD ) Outsider Security Department tower.

In a dusty-filled with webs office with scattered food boxes and drinks everywhere,

Rang a loud alarm flashing a red light waking a sleeping man with disheveled clothes. Opening his eyes slowly he groggily looked around to find the source of disturbance to his peaceful sleep until he noticed the red light flashing, taking a few seconds to process things he opened his eyes wide and stood up as fast as he could and ran to a door. opening it revealed a narrow alley he without hesitation ran through entering a room full of monitors and buttons looking at one of the monitors he frowned till he noticed something moving on one of the monitors he looked closely and saw a pair of strange arms that didn't look human looking under the monitor he read a name out loud "Antartica" and took out his phone and dialed a number called 'president'.

After this whole incident happened all the world leader knew of it and dispatched their special forces to Antarctica with the new manufactured weapons and newest tanks and military aircraft to bring to light what exactly happened there.

They discovered a living humanoid that spoke human language they were spooked out of their wits and opened fire on the humanoid but it came out unscathed which made them more afraid but the humanoid told them that it only wanted to speak with the world leaders. With no choice but to comply one soldier informed the world leaders of what happened and explained that the humanoid wanted to talk with them, after a lot of discussions between the world leaders they decided to hear this creature out.

The special forces brought the creature to the place the leaders chose for the meeting it was a special room with all kinds of technology to this date used to ensure their safety ( even though it was futile ). The leaders met with the creature and talked in private and no one except them knew what happened in there.

Four days after the meeting the world leader appeared to the public and explained to them how there was another race called the Afro race that lived on another planet in a different galaxy and they provided images and videos which were provided by the afro they met to make the public believe it. And told the public that they would be living alongside the humans on earth which caused an uproar among society.

The uproar continued for a couple of days and the world leader had to appear on television and explain why they agreed to welcome the Afro race on earth which was because the Afro race offered their tech research that was a thousand times above human research if we compare it by years then if humans are in 2030 then the afro race is in 3030. The human uproar kept decreasing by the persuasion of the world leader and how the national security handled the protestors.

The first batch of the Afro race was sent to Germany as it had the least protesters and the first interaction between humans and Afros ended happily as the Germans were surprised by the fluent language and the perfect accent the Afros (the Afro race) used to communicate with them and were interested in their technology.

After the first batch the Afro race continued pouring into the rest of the world slowly while humans became accustomed slowly and slowly accepted the Afro race of course there will always be problems that occur but it was handled by the national security that accepted Afro to partake in to support equality between humans and afros.

Afros learned human culture and habits and humans learned their technology and techniques in manufacturing and teaching which changed the whole world from its roots as human habits mixed with Afros habits creating new ones.

Years passed by and humans and afros continued living in harmony with equal rights ON THE SURFACE.

first time writing a webnovel.

english is my second language .

please support me .

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