
Won't take it

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Sound of punching is filling the gym at the Queen's house, she is punching the sandbag inside the ring mercilessly to calm her anger

" Ya! are you just going to keep punching that poor bag " MoonYoung who is standing on the outside of the Ring complained " Why did you call me then??"

"Ah!! I get it, you are worried I will beat your butte in the Wilde's league " said MoonYoung " Don't worry, I will go easy on you " MoonYoung said with a smug face

Queen stopped punching the sandbag and looked at MoonYoung

" A..Am..I a monster??" she asked " I am not, Right?"

MoonYoung looked at her with teasing eyes " hahahaha!! that's what are you worrying about " MoonYoung stopped laughing and said " Well, he was defending his friend at that time. he said because he was angry. that's all " MoonYoung reached for her pocket and brought out the bank check and gave it to Queen

" Here, When I was leaving the school, he gave it to me " she throw the check to queen

Queen looked at the check and thought about what happened ' if I think about. I was going to humiliate the brown head kid, how did I became the one to be humiliated... I won't take this!! " she thought

She throw a couple of gloves at MoonYoung and said " Get in "

MoonYoung took the gloves and removed her sweater and got inside the ring, she punched her palm and said with a smirk " I will ho easy on you "


At another house not far away, HaJoon and Taehyung are playing FIFA together inside that house. this house is owned by the two of them, the saved money and joined together to buy this house, this house is a 20Mil Us dollars.

The two of them, come here often to play and relax.

" Come on!! Come on!! PASS IT!! PASS IT!!" Taehyung was screaming at the player in the screen, he was frustrated, he is loosing with a score of 3-0

HaJoon who is relaxing on the coach, looked at him and said with a faint smirk " It's you who can't play well. stop blaming the players "

" Shut up, you are saying this because you are winning. I still remembered what you did the last the you lost " Taehyung retorted back quickly

" The controlled wasn't working " replied HaJoon

" Yeah! that's why you broke the TV " replied Taehyung sarcastically " But more importantly, why did you do that to that girl??" he asked

" I don't know, I was planing on giving her the bank check only but I don't know what happened, maybe because of my hate for girls " said HaJoon, he never did anything like that in the past. he always had ignored all of the girls ' Maybe, I went too fare ' he thought

" God! You and your hate for girls " Taehyung, laied on the coach and said

" Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all girls just 2 types. the asslicker and the arrogant type. the blond girl happened to be the second type "

Taehyung listened to his friend and thought ' Most girls are like that, either arrogant or an asslicker '. he looked at HaJoon and said " Then what about tomorrow, you know we are in the same class, right?" Taehyung was excited how things are going to turn out tomorrow

" Who cares, I will do what I always had been doing " HaJoon put the controller and stood up " I will sleep, Good night "

" Good night " replied Taehyung as he switched to another game


Morning In the street, JaeGu is walking to the school as he recalled how he screamed at his brother earlier, he was regretting it ' He is only a kid. Stupid! " he thought

when he reached the school he saw the gate closed ' Damn, I am late '

He was afraid of that titan girl who is guarding the gate so ' I will try to jump over the back wall ' he thought

JaeGu went to the wall and struggled at bite to jump over the wall. but he still managed to do it

"Phew~ I did it "

When JaeGu sat to rest a little because he was tired he saw girls jumping over the wall like monkey, they too were late but unlike JaeGu, they didn't struggle to jump over

" Those freaks!! " he thought

When JaeGu started walking another shadow was jumping in his direction, he looked up and saw Taehyung


" EH!!!

they both got surprised at each other. Taehyung fell on JaeGu's back

" Ow!! man, what were you doing here JaeGu " said Taehyung as he rubbed his butte

" It..It hurts, ow!! " JaeGu rubbed his head " I got late and tried to jump over the wall " he said

" Oooh! you bad boi, you got late for school huh? " Taehyung teased JaeGu " I thought you were a good student "

"Stop it Taehyung, we are late, if you don't go now, we will be late for the class " Said HaJoon who jumped over the wall

" well, let's go BOI!!" said Taehyung as he helped JaeGu to stand up


At the 2nd year building in class A-2, HaJoon and Taehyung managed to reach the class before the teacher. they took their seats and after them the teacher came in and started the lesson

After the class was over the teacher said " Next is PE class " then he left

The girls began to change their clothes, shocking HaJoon and Taehyung

"OI!!!" Screamed Taehyung, he managed to get the girls attention

" Oh! opsiee!! we forgot that we have man!!"

" OMG!! I was just about to take off my bra "

" well, we will change in the hall, take your time, Joonie and TaeTae "

The girls left and closed the door leaving HaJoon and Taehyung Thinking " Who TF is Joonie and TaeTae ?!?! "

The boys started to remove their clothes, revealing their Perfect bodies, they both had a tall and pale skin, their muscles are strong and fit without any exceeded fate.

The girls were looking at their bodies from the window like thirsty wolves.

Taehyung and HaJoon ignored them and changed to the school's pink sport clothes.

"Hey HaJoon, let's just skip the class, I don't want to play with the girls " said Taehyung

"sure " HaJoon agreed

They finished changing and left the class when they saw a girl from their class, Taehyung said " Please tell the teacher that we don't fell good, So we won't participate "

The girl agreed and left, Both of them went to the rooftop of the school, they sat in the son to warm their bodies. Taehyung leaned on the wall while HaJoon sat on the door step of the rooftop, listening to music trough his Kphone

After 15min, the door of the rooftop was opened and JaeGu came in

" Ya!! Little JaeGu, you came to say hi to your awesome upperclassmen " Taehyung started joking with JaeGu

" No! I am running from DalDal " said JaeGu with a tired tone as he sighed

" Oh! You already have a girl that is eyeing you... you are not to be underestimated " Taehyung put his arm around JaeGu's shoulder, he kept on teasing JaeGu, while HaJoon is just listening to his music .

After a while a sound of helicopter is heard. JaeGu and Taehyung looked up and saw the helicopter is descending on them

" What!!" said JaeGu

"Some rich student, I guess" said Taehyung

HaJoon looked at the helicopter for a moment then retracted his eyes to use his phone

After the helicopter stopped producing the wind, a blond girl came out. It's Queen. she just finished some business and came to school

When she was going to the rooftop door, she noticed the trio hanging there.

Her eyes immediately focused on HaJoon, she went to them and looked at HaJoon and called " Kim HaJoon! "

HaJoon didn't hear her as his music was so loud that you can hear it through his headphones

['Cause I'm tough cookie♪ tough cookie♪ tough cookie♪ ] (Source: Zico : Tough cookie )

Taehyung tapped on HaJoon's head to get his attention " she is calling you " he pointed at Queen

" What do you want " HaJoon asked Queen

Both of them exchanged their cold glares before Queen throw at him his 2Mil bank check

" I don't need this, I am not short on money " she left after that

HaJoon looked at the check for a moment then handed it to JaeGu " Take it " he said

JaeGu was shocked, he was just offered a 2mil won, he couldn't talk but he quickly said " I..I can't accept this money, it's yours " he said

" Yes, it is my money and now I am giving it to you " said HaJoon " Don't refuse "

JaeGu was struggling to accept the money but his pride can't allow it

it was then that Taehyung took the check and forced it into JaeGu's pocket " Just take it, you don't know when you will need them "

JaeGu was in a hard situation, he know that his friends are rich but he didn't want to take advantage of them so he tried to give it back

seeing this HaJoon stood up and said as he gave a light smile " You are not taking advantage of me. I am giving it to you, it was meant to repay the damage of that girl's clothes. " after that he left the rooftop with Taehyung and went back to their class to change their clothes and leave the school as the PE class is their last class of today. They left JaeGu on the rooftop alone with a 2mil won bank check.

JaeGu then left to his car washing job and then he passed by a bank, he was tempted to use the check but his pride again got in the way but... just as was going to leave, he remembered how he screamed at his little brother for a piece of sausage. he immediately throw his pride and entered the bank. he went to the reception and asked to get the money.

The reception girl saw the check and the signature, she immediately realized who this check belongs to

" Please wait, I need to confirm with the owner " she said, JaeGu didn't have a problem and waited

The reception girl called on a number and said " Sir, someone came to extract money by a check signed by you. do we proceed "

" yes, give him a credit card " On the other side, it was HaJoon, he didn't expect that JaeGu would take the money immediately, he thought he will still need to convince him more but he was happy that JaeGu accepted the money

The reception girl hang up and got to the necessary thing and came back and gave JaeGu the credit card and said " Here, the money Is inside, you can extract the money from any bank in the city " she then bowed and left

JaeGu immediately left and bought sausage and went back to his home thinking " I won't need to worry about the rent money for a while "

He got his phone and sent HaJoon a message [Thank you very much, I am always in debt for what you did to day ]

immediately after that, a message came

[If you want to pay your debt then hang out with us, It's fun to have you around ]

The message came from HaJoon, JaeGu didn't expect the way HaJoon wants his money back, he giggled and left to his house to surprise his siblings by the food

Ha = Talented

Joon = Handsome

HaJoon = Talented Handsome

RichStudentcreators' thoughts