
The First day

At the underground Arena, loud cheer are shaking the place, man are screaming on top of their lungs, they all screaming one thing


At the octagon, two man are fighting, one is down and the other is standing looking down at the first


" Stay down or you will get hurt " the black haired boy said with a lazy voice, his black eyes are dead

The man who is down got angry and dashed as screamed " DON'T GET ARROGANT KID!!"


he lunched a punch at the boy but...

"Fool" the boy said before he kick the man in the face with a round house kick.

The man only saw a bluer before his vision got dark


The audience screamed at the last kick, they screamed on top of their lungs


the MC is announcing the winner

[THE NEW KING IS!!! Kim HaJoon!!!]

The boy who is named HaJoon got out of the ring.

A man wearing a black suit came and said " Did you enjoy yourself? Master "

The black haired boy looked at him and said with a lazy tone " I blow some steam off"


[The Kim corporation, it's the leading company in the world in the field of technology and and Agriculture, This company leader is Mr. Kim NamJoon, he is a 37 years old man, after inheriting the company from his father he continued the company's glory, he is expected to achieve great thing before he passes the company to his son, Kim HaJoon, the boy is still a 16 years old boy but he is already a recognized genius ]

Inside a large mansion, an old man is sitting with a KPad in his hand ( This novel version of iPad ) he is reading the article with an anger face, this man is Kim SoekJin

"Such a halfassed Article, can't even write a decent article " he putt the KPad aside

in front of him is an old and sweet lady, she looked at her husband and sighed " Calm down, it's just an article "

" Journalism these days Sigh~...Anyway. where HaJoon?? " when the old man mentioned his grandson, his face immediately formed a smile

the old lady saw this and laughed " you can't even stay angry when you mention your grandson " she said " I sent the maid to call him, he should be here soon "

When she said that, a low and lazy voice came from behind " Good Morning "

" Ooh!! HaJoon! come here you little thing. sit beside grandfather " The old SoekJin called his grandson

"En! " HaJoon just nodded and sat down to eat breakfast. the maid served the breakfast and let the family eat

" HaJoon, today is your first day in school, Right? " asked the old man

"Yes" HaJoon replied

" This one of the most respect and top schools, so no fighting this time okay " the old lady told HaJoon

" okay. but I won't hold back if someone picked on me" said HaJoon

" OF COURSE!!!, if that happened, blast them in the throat". the old man got angry just by imagining his grandson getting bullied

The old lady heard her husband and just touched her head " Its because of you that HaJoon is always fighting "

The old man just laughed as he said " A man should be strong "


after eating, the family went out to the mansion's door

the old man looked at HaJoon's bodyguard and said " TaeMin, take care of HaJoon "

"leave it to me sir" the bodyguard said as he opened the car door for HaJoon to get in

the car left the mansion and left the old couple waving at them in back


on the street in a black Bentley, HaJoon is sitting in the back of the car and using his phone

TaeMin looked into the mirror and said to HaJoon " Master "

" En?" HaJoon looked at him

"Do you know where are you going to study??" asked TaeMin

" Father said its called The wild's highschool, it's one if the top schools in the country. not that I care " HaJoon isn't interested in school, his position in the company is already secured, a degree is just for display to him

"Pffft..*Cough**Cough* " TaeMin tried to hold in his laughter

HaJoon didn't pay attention to TaeMin's action and just turned to look at the window, then he saw a familiar silhouette, he told TaeMin to stop the car " Come pick me up after school " he closed the door and let the car leave

He then looked at the boy in front of him and picked a little rock and throw it at him.

As soon as the rock hit him, the boy turned quickly with a face of devil with his eyes red and screamed " WHO THE FOOK IS-" but when he saw HaJoon his expression returned to normal

" Ya! Taehyung!" HaJoon greeted his only friend, he waved at him

Taehyung was surprised when he saw HaJoon " HaJoon! what are you doing here?" he questioned but when he saw HaJoon's uniform he screamed " OMG!! we will go to the same school!" he jumped and hugged HaJoon

HaJoon pushed him away and said " What are you doing on the street? this isn't even your way " he asked and Started walking to school

" I wanted to walk but then I met a bunch of thugs trying to take my money then I had to make a detour to a dark Alley to beat their buttes " said Taehyung as he rubbed his hand

" be carful, I heard this school have strict rules on fighting " said HaJoon

the two of them continued talking and walking in the streets but the more they walk the number of girls wearing the same uniform increased, both of them didn't think of it as a strange thing but Taehyung was complaining about the lack of boys, he wanted to see some boys

Then Taehyung spotted a man in front of them walking as he is eating, Taehyung screamed " Oi! You, in the front "

the boy heard the and turned and said " Me?!"

" yes man, you, wait for us " Taehyung pulled HaJoon and went the boy in front

Taehyung being the super social boy, he quickly got along with the man

" I am Taehyung and this gloomy guy is HaJoon, nice to meet you " said Taehyung

the boy was still eating but he said " My name is JaeGu "

" oh! then we can be friends now right " Taehyung told JaeGu

JaeGu saw how nice Taehyung was to him and was really happy even tho they just met, it was better than his old school

" yes " replied JaeGu

HaJoon was walking to their side and listening to them, as always, he is still amazed at his fast can Taehyung be friends with anyone

The three boys were walking to the school side by side. JaeGu and HaJoon are on the sides while Taehyung is in the middle working as middle of communication between them since HaJoon is the silent and quite type and JaeGu is the shy and nervous around new people type.

Taehyung was joking with JaeGu and laughing, they reached the end of the street and about to make a tour

suddenly someone with his bike hit the shoulder of JaeGu, pushing him on another person, the drink that JaeGu was drinking got splashed on that person.

" Ah! Sorry. you know it was an accident " said JaeGu as he apologized to the girl

the girl with red hair is the one who hit him, apparently she was playing with her bike then she accidentally hit JaeGu. she thought " This isn't going to be nice "

Her friend is a blond girl, with Long hair, she just stood there frozen, JaeGu looked at her and said " I can pay you for the laundry "

The girl said with an annoyed and cold face "Never Mind the uniform... Stocking 130, shoes 150 "

" Eh? Really? "

" Oiii JaeGu, if you are okay let's go " Taehyung called for JaeGu

being called, JaeGu took 280 won and gave it to the blond girl and left

the two girls stood there frozen as the three boys left.

after a few moments the Red haired girl bursted out laughing and said " Pffft ... hahahaha!! he gave you 280 won.. hahahaha!!! "

" shut up " said the blond girl

" it's your fault for not saying it was 280 thousand won hahahaha!!! "