

I have been thinking about changing HaJoon's past, so when I do that I will write it in the synopsis. I will tell you that so you can see it


After leaving HaJoon and Taehyung walked with the tree girls out of the school, they kept on walking until they reached an Alley

The red haired girl after calming down and thinking how stupid she was to fear a man who didn't even do anything. she looked at the two and said " Are you planing on fighting, if that is so bring it on " she put her hands in a guard position

HaJoon chuckled "I don't want trouble, what you saw earlier was that I entered the girls bathroom mistakenly, I don't want you spreading rumors around " he said " Do me a favor and keep quite "

Kim HyeShin said " I am not that stupid, and I know that Queen is not that type, if she wanted to have that type of "Thing" she wouldn't do it in the shower room where the door is just open " she sighed

"Oh! She is a smart girl, usually people jump into conclusions real quick " Taehyung said to HaJoon

HaJoon nodded and said " You made things easier for both of us, thank you for understanding " he then turned and left with Taehyung leaving the tree girls

Kim HyeShin relaxed when they left but her followers started talking between each other

" Do you think that they really didn't have sex "

" I don't think so, you saw how he was half naked and she was basically naked with only her towel "

Kim HyeShin scratched the back of her head in irritation and she said " That school just became co-ed they don't have boys bathrooms yet, something like that could happen... Also, I don't want you to run your mouth about this, Queen's family is the richest family in Korea, if they know that we said something they will destroy us. and that guy too must be rich judging by his suit " She then crossed the street with her followers. the two girls understood what Kim HyeShin was saying, they weren't that stupid to cause their own destruction and could only agree with her


HaJoon and Taehyung returned to school

" Man, I thought we would be beating some dumb girls but it turned out they have some brain " Taehyung said as he stretched his body

" It's all good, let's go get our stuff and leave " said HaJoon

they made their way to the 2nd year building and picked up their bags and were about to leave when an announcement came out

[Attention to all students, Queen who holds the seed will choose her opponent. the persons who are concerned please come to the main hall and that includes our new male students, Kim HaJoon, Park Taehyung and Song JaeGu, please come to the main hall ]

"Why is it our concern??" said HaJoon as he heard the announcement

"We will know when we go to the main hall" replied Taehyung


In the main hall, a lot of students all gathering in front of a stage, the stage a has a board that have empty slots in it. Queen is standing on the right side of the board while the announcer is on the left

HaJoon and Taehyung came and saw JaeGu standing in the back of the crowd

"What is going on here JaeGu boy " said Taehyung as he punched JaeGu's back

"Ah! Sunbae!... it looks like Queen will chose her opponent now " said JaeGu as he pointed at Queen

"Is that so" replied Taehyung not having much of a reaction ' What's so important about this anyway' he thought

"Queen had always chosen her opponent randomly but now she will chose her opponent using her, who will it be...Ah! she is writing something down " the announcer said

Queen wrote something on the paper and proceeded to put on the board

" Since she used her seed the match can't be avoided, who is her opponent? " the announcer came closer and said " Her opponent is...KIM HAJOON!!! " the announcer screamed the name out loud resulting in all the students to turn back and loom at them with confusion and wonder

everyone was shocked about this, they didn't expect for Queen's opponent to be one of the new guys

Taehyung looked between HaJoon and Queen who are looking at each other coldly ' Now this is something I wasn't expecting! " he thought. JaeGu on the other hand wasn't feeling well ' It's because of that time when he defended me...I was my fault' he thought looking down




On the Rooftop

"Then, what Now?" said Taehyung to HaJoon

"Nothing much, I will not participate, I don't have time for such tournament " said HaJoon as he looked at his phone, he was texting TaeMin who is telling him about his schedule's updates

-TaeMin :

The meeting with the Busan's city branch is cancelled as their problem was solved, leaving today's schedule to be receiving our factory's machines from the ship at 3Pm, the ship departed earlier than it's schedule which we didn't prepare place for the machines to be placed at yet


HaJoon was glad that his meeting was cancelled but it all vanished when he read the last part. Taehyung saw his expression became gloomy and said " Looks like today too, we need to work until night. Man, establishing new factories is a pain "

Most of the time, Taehyung and HaJoon's work is similar since their patents sent them to Korea from Britain to gain experience in running the family business alone, but of course with some guidance. All their work is receiving ships, signing papers, checking out the construction work progress... Etc. they are doing great until now but the workload is killing them

" I heard that this tournament is wildly know in the world, they say that the champions of it becomes like a celebrity. I don't know how we missed it...Well, we were not that free to know things that is not thought to us " Taehyung said, him and HaJoon had been taught by their parents and teachers about everything from reading to fighting, they didn't pay attention to the popular things around the world

" Is it more dangerous than the underground arena?? " asked HaJoon. It's been like a year since they participated in that tournament, it was somehow hard to keep fighting those hulk like man, the worst part is; they're not just muscles, they did have martial arts to use. all their fights were hard except the last one, it was so easy, ' Maybe he cheated to get to the finals ' thought HaJoon, since it's not a legal tournament, cheating is often happening

" Let's go talk to her, she may cancel the match" Taehyung had some hope but he didn't hope for much

HaJoon agreed and went down together




In the classroom of the 2nd year at class A-2, JaeGu is standing there in front of Queen and MoonYoung

" What is that JaeGu, did you come here to see me? how cute! " said MoonYoung as she looked at JaeGu with scheming eyes ' First call them cute then slowly make a place for yourself in his heart... sorry DalDal but I need those marks ' she thought

JaeGu looked at Queen and said " Is this about me ruining your uniform?? if so then I am sorry, I can pay you back, I got the money that's why please can you stop causing HaJoon Sunbae trouble'

Queen didn't look at JaeGu and just kept on looking through the mirror and said " This is not your business, and about the uniform, I already forgot about it "

MoonYoung was listening to their conversation and thought ' When will this end?! "

JaeGu was still trying to convince Queen to cancel the match when HaJoon and Taehyung came in " JaeGu! " exclaimed Taehyung


"What are you doing here?" asked HaJoon

" I..I came here to try and convince her to cancel the match " he said

HaJoon looked at him with confused expression, seeing this JaeGu said " I feel like this started because of me so I.."

" Don't worry about me and just relax " said HaJoon as he patted JaeGu's head, he then looked at Queen and said

"Cancel the match" he said

Queen looked at him and said " why should I "

" I have no time, I parley can mange coming to school, I don't want to waste my energy in fighting " he said

" That sound like your problem " Queen said as she shrugged her shoulders

"...Then, there are many schools in this country " he said as he turned and left the classroom leaving everyone in shock. Taehyung recovered from his shock and followed HaJoon " OI! HaJoon!! " he ran behind HaJoon quickly. JaeGu too followed them leaving only Queen and MoonYoung

after a few moments Queen turned to MoonYoung with anxious face

"Don't look at me like that, you did this " retorted MoonYoung

"B..But " queen tried to say something but couldn't

" But how cute of you. I know that you just tried to teach him a lesson Right? " MoonYoung said to her in a teasing tone

Queen was flustered " It's not like that " she said " Pah! I don't care about him" she turned her head to the side

'How cute ' thought MoonYoung



."HaJoon! You can't be serious, you gonna change school for that " Taehyung is following HaJoon in the hallway

" If she gonna keep doing this then I am serious " said HaJoon

JaeGu is following behind silently, he kept his head down, he was sure everything started with him but he couldn't help even a bit

After reaching the gate, HaJoon and Taehyung's cars are waiting for them. TaeMin and Taehyung's driver are talking with Queen's bodyguard

HaJoon stopped for a moment and looked at JaeGu and said " What are you doing now ! " he asked

"Eh! I am going to my work at the car washing " he replied

HaJoon looked at Taehyung and said " if you're not busy then let's go with him "

"I am free until 10pm " he replied

HaJoon called TaeMin and said to him " we will be at the car washing with JaeGu, I will call you to come and pick me up " he then States walking " Let's go "

The trio then started walking down the street and that when a lovely voice came

" JaeGu💕 My dear💕 "DalDal is running behind, she came and hugged JaeGu by his a and said "You should have waited for me "

JaeGu was nervous, he couldn't deal with DalDal's attitude and said "

D..DalDal, what are you doing"

" I coming with you of course💕 "

JaeGu and DalDal got into a heated debate about if she can follow him or not

while this is happening, HaJoon and Taehyung are standing by their side as they gave JaeGu a large smug face

he saw this and said " I..It's not what it looks like "

"yeah! right "

giving up, JaeGu let DalDal accompany them and they went to the car washing place