
Keep the change!

After reaching the school, the trio stopped at the entrance and looked at the inside of the school, each one with different expression

Taehyung face was somehow worried and at the same excited. he is excited because there is a lot of beautiful girls but worried for the same reason, he know that HaJoon wouldn't like it here

and he was right, HaJoon's face is terrifying right now, he couldn't see one man inside

As for JaeGu, he was confused, he also had a nervous face, he doesn't have a good Impression of women, especially after what his mother did to him

" Aishh!!! let's just go, standing here wouldn't change anything " said Taehyung. he walked and pulled JaeGu and HaJoon

after entering the school, JaeGu asked which year& class they are in

" I am in 2nd year, class A-2, what about you HaJoon??" said Taehyung

" Same,A-2 " said HaJoon

" Oh! you guys are my upperclassmen, I thought you were the same as me " said JaeGu

Taehyung was excited and put his arm around JaeGu's shoulder " Ooh! little JaeGu, your upperclassmen will take good care of you hahahaha !!" Taehyung had a smirk on his face

HaJoon went and pulled Taehyung by his collar and said " Look for us after the break " he left to their classroom after that


When JaeGu entered his classroom he was shocked " it is really an all girls school " the same happened for HaJoon and Taehyung

after JaeGu sat down on his seat, a big and muscular person who seems like man but he is wearing a wig of blond hair, the funny part is hair is coming out of his nose giving him a nose hair moustache

" Good morning new students, you are lucky this year, you get to experience the new difference in our school first " said the teacher

all the girls in the class looked at JaeGu. but he was nervous as hell


at the 2nd year building, in the A-2 class, the teacher came in and said

" you guys were with each other for the past year so you know each other... but this year, Two new students have joined us, please introduce your self " the teacher indicated for Taehyung and HaJoon to stand up as they sat near each other

the first was Taehyung, he gave a cheerful introduction of himself and said " I am Park Taehyung, my hobbies are gaming and reading, nice to meet ya "

the class was full of smiles, all the girls looked at him with shyness in their eyes

Next is HaJoon

" The name is Kim HaJoon, my hobbies are gaming and fighting " he said

the girls had the same reaction that they had for Taehyung

after that teacher went on telling the girls about this year program, Taehyung leaned to HaJoon "Oi!! WTH did you say your hobby is fighting, are you nuts " he whispered to him

" I only said the truth i don't like laying " said HaJoon lazily

" No one told you to lie " said Taehyung

in the middle of their argument, the classroom door was opened and two girl came in

the first one is a Red haired and the other is a blond girl. Taehyung immediately recognized them as the girls from the morning

" Miss IngYui & MoonYoung , why are you late " said the teacher, he looked at them seriously meaning to them he won't accept any lies

" I had to change my clothes, they got dirty on my way " said the blond girl who is IngYui

" yes, we needed to get her a change of others " said MoonYoung

The teacher let them in and continued her speech

When IngYui and MoonYoung are going to their seats, they saw Taehyung and HaJoon

MoonYoung said " Oh! I didn't know you guys were 2nd year "

" Taehyung said " Take care of us" while HaJoon just ignored them, managing somehow to anger both of them but they didn't want to keep standing in the class, so they went to their seats beside the window

" What is his deal?? Ignoring us like that " MoonYoung said as she sat

"...MoonYoung!" IngYui called MoonYoung,


" When the break comes, go look for the other guy and bring him here " said IngYui

" Huh? w..well okay then " replied MoonYoung



the bell rang meaning it was the break time.

The girls in the class went out leaving only few people in the class

Taehyung brought his chair to HaJoon's desk and said " wanna go to the apartment today, I bought a new game "

" Yeah, bring with you a new controller, the last one is broken " said HaJoon

" WTH!!! I bought that just 2 days ago, how did you break it so soon " Taehyung was irritated by how bad can this guy control his strength

as these two are talking, IngYui and MoonYoung are talking too

" you know, you don't need to do this, he maybe wrong as you didn't tell him the real amount " said MoonYoung, she didn't want for the new guy to be tortured

Just bring him. he can't be an idiot to think a shoes coat 280 won right? " said IngYui, she was still angry at how the boy from the morning treated her

"all right Geez! " MoonYoung left to bring the guy


After 20mins

" Hey, say, why don't we invite JaeGu too, we can take roles and play a punishment game " said Taehyung

" Yes, but I doubt he will come " replied HaJoon

" Eh?! Why? " Taehyung asked not understanding how did HaJoon reached that conclusion

" He looks like the guy that have a lot of trouble " said HaJoon

Just when Taehyung was going to ask about that, he heard the classroom's door opened. JaeGu came in following the red haired girl

As soon as Taehyung saw him, called for him

" Yaa~ JaeGu, come here, we were talking about you " said Taehyung, he called for JaeGu but he didn't respond to him, JaeGu's head is lowered

Taehyung got worried and went to him " Ya, JaeGu, what's wrong man??" he asked

JaeGu finally snapped from all of his thoughts, he was recalling his past and how his mother left him, his thoughts were eating him when Taehyung called for him

" AH!!! Y..yes?? I am sorry, I didn't hear you??" said JaeGu as he apologized

MoonYoung who brought JaeGu here spoke " I am sorry but you need to wait a little to talk to your friend "

Hearing her words, Taehyung turned to her. but JaeGu said " she said that someone named Queen wants to talk to me "

" Queen?! who TF is that??" HaJoon asked as he came to them

" EH!! you don't know queen?? " MoonYoung was shocked as she never thought that a day she will meet someone who doesn't know who queen is

" Let me just see what this person wants and I will talk to you guys " said JaeGu, he looked a MoonYoung telling her to guide

she didn't need to guide him as they were in the classroom, so she just pointed at the girl sitting at the back near the window

Everyone went to her. MoonYoung said " Listen well, this person is the queen in her flesh and blood. " she introduced IngYui for them as they didn't know her

The trio just nodded at her, Making MoonYoung give up.

IngYui looked and saw the people surrounding her, But she focused on JaeGu

" what is this?? " she putt 280 won that JaeGu gave her in the morning " were you making fun of me??"

JaeGu didn't understand what she was talking about " if it is about this morning I already apologized " he said

" 280 Won, my shoes only cost 130k won " said IngYui

JaeGu was shocked, his body trembled at the amount of money that she said ' I can't get that amount even if I worked for 6 months straight ' he was shocked and was wondering what he should do?

then IngYui throw the money to the floor " get on your knees and pick them up then I will forgive you " she said

Everyone looked at the money on the floor shocked. JaeGu was frozen in his place as thought ' Why is she doing this? for a shoes? "

While he was shocked and questioning her motive he didn't realized that someone else had picked up the money

HaJoon picked the money and looked at IngYui with cold eyes

" I didn't ask for you to pick them up" said IngYui

HaJoon reached his pocket that in the inside of his uniform and brought out a white paper.

he putt it in front of IngYui. the paper is a bank check with 2.000.000 won. IngYui got shocked and looked at him and said " what's the meaning of this ??"

HaJoon looked at her with dead and cold eyes as he said " you want him to repay you for your dirty clothes... " he stopped her and throw the coins if money on her head and said " Keep the change "

The room got silent as the sound if the coins hitting the floor could be heard. MoonYoung, Taehyung and JaeGu were shocked and their mouths are open as a cave

" Women are like monsters, if they are weak they beg and cling to the strong and if they are strong they step on the weak " HaJoon said to IngYui whose body is trembling from the rage


A loud slap was heard in the class room. IngYui slapped HaJoon, she was so angry at him, she looked at him with hatred. she picked her phone and called " Hello Mister, I want to go home, come to the school "

MoonYoung quickly followed her to check on her " IngYui, wait up "


After they left, JaeGu apologized to HaJoon because he thinks everything happened because of him and he was grateful for HaJoon defending him

" forget about that. tell me JaeGu, do you want to come to our apartment to play some video games??" asked Taehyung

"Ah!! I am sorry, I have work to do "JaeGu apologized


the bell rang again meaning the break is over, JaeGu left the classroom room and the last class began.

the school time is over and both HaJoon left the school

in front of the school two black Bentley cars are parking.

one was for HaJoon and the other is for Taehyung

" I will go to the apartment at 9pm see you there " said Taehyung as his car left

Soon HaJoon left too.