
Is that hard for you?

At the car washing place where JaeGu works, HaJoon, Taehyung and DalDal are helping JaeGu in his work

"Sunbae you don't need to do this, it's my work " said JaeGu

"It's okay it's okay, this helps me to relax " replied Taehyung

the four of them would wash a car in a few minutes by dividing the work, it wasn't that hard since 4 people on 1 car is more than enough

after finishing the shift they changed their clothes, Taehyung and HaJoon came out of the changing room and saw DalDal peeking from the door and looking at JaeGu's body

'The Fu.ck!!!!' ×2 both HaJoon and Taehyung thought of the same thing

leaving DalDal in her fantasy Taehyung and HaJoon sat down on the bench in front of the work place

"Are you really changing school just for that fight??" asked Taehyung

HaJoon looked at him with a side glance and said " if she will keep giving me trouble then be it " said HaJoon

"*Sigh* Man, then I have to stay alone in a school full of girls "

"There is JaeGu you know " said HaJoon

JaeGu came out with DalDal glued on his arm and he said

"Sunbae, I will go home now, I am late for my siblings "

" You have siblings?! " asked Taehyung

"Yeah, they are young"

"Hey hey, can we see them " Taehyung grow exited

"Me too! Me too! " jumped DalDal ' JaeGu's siblings, if I can make them like me then everything is good' she thought

" B..But my home isn't that good " replied JaeGu

"Who cars about your house " retorted Taehyung " besides, look at HaJoon, he too wants to see the children "

JaeGu looked at HaJoon and saw a rare thing, HaJoon's eyes are sparkling , JaeGu couldn't say anything and said " Okay! "

On their way home, DalDal is flirting with JaeGu and calling him "Dear" and "Husband" annoying Taehyung

"Just get married already!" he thought while HaJoon is just walking not caring at all

Then they saw in front of them a bike coming toward them with MoonYoung struggling to drive it

"Ah! Piggy ~ " said DalDal

"WHO THE HELL IS PIGGY YOU SHRIMP!!!!" screamed MoonYoung

"Forget about that, why are you here. if perhaps you come for MY JaeGu I will beat you up " DalDal said with annoyance, she doesn't like MoonYoung making moves on JaeGu

"Where are you going anyway??, we were going to the car washing to see you " asked MoonYoung

"We?!!" exclaimed HaJoon

"Ah!! look behind me, Queen is here too" said MoonYoung

Behind MoonYoung, Queen is seated on the back seat of the bike, she was wearing a black coat with white edges to protect herself from the cold, she looked at them and said " Good evening"

" I will be a good evening if you didn't show up " said DalDal

" Well whatever, we are going to visit JaeGu's place, it's near by " said Taehyung

"OH!! then we will go with you, I need to rest from all that distance " replied MoonYoung

HaJoon walked in front of them and said " Do what you want, let's go JaeGu, it's getting cold "

"Y..Yes! "

everyone started walking to JaeGu's house, they went up in some stairs in the road, it was pretty far since JaeGu's house is at the top, MoonYoung who was driving the bike with Queen on it could parley reach up to the house from her exhaustion

"Finally!! I thought I was goanna faint!! " said MoonYoung

"Look at the bright side, you burned some fat " DalDal mocked MoonYoung


the both of them started fighting making everyone look at them weirdly

" Do they have to be at each other's throat at all time??" said Taehyung

" Let us get in " said JaeGu as he opened the gate to his home

When they entered the house, 2 little kids called" Big bro!!! " those are JaeGu's little siblings. Taehyung saw them and his eyes sparkled " Ooh!! you lucky kid, you got two little Angels as you siblings " he said,HaJoon nodded in agreement

The kids saw Queen and started yelling " WHAA!! IT'S QUEEN!!! OMG!! QUEEN IS IN OUR HOUSE!!! "

" Behave yourself, we have guests " JaeGu told his siblings to shut up

"Relax, just let them be " HaJoon went to the children and rubbed their heads and said " What is your name " he smiled at them

" I am Song JaeHyung " replied the young boy

" And I am Song JaeSom " said the little girl

"Is that so, good names " HaJoon gave them a little and beautiful laugh

" I am sorry Sunbae, I don't have anything to serve, I didn't go shopping today " said JaeGu, he was embarrassed to give his Sunbaes only hot water

" No problemo man, we came to see the kids. hey, how about playing a game " Said Taehyung

"Yeah~ Let's play a game " It was MoonYoung, she finished her little fight with DalDal and they came in both when Taehyung proposed to play a game

Everyone sat down to drink the water, only Queen didn't sit down

"What's wrong princess, too humble for you to sit down or what? " said HaJoon

Queen looked at him with weird expression and said " I will sit down, no need for your sarcasm " She slowly sat down and then she saw a cockroach passing by her hand

" C..C..COCKROACH!!!!! " (Queen)

" HOLYCOW!!!!"( MoonYoung)


The girls screamed on top of their lungs, DalDal jumped on JaeGu and he caught her

MoonYoung stuck to the corner of the wall staying away from it

and as for Queen, just like DalDal she jumped back, and she landed on HaJoon's Arms

the little kids caught the cockroach with an empty glass of water " Here, put it here and throw it out " JaeGu gave his siblings a piece of dirty clothes so they can throw the thing out

the whole things caused a certain someone to roll on the floor with laughter " Hahahaha!!!!! Oh! dude, that was amazing... 3 bad fighting girls lost their sh.ite because of cockroach. Hahahaha!!!! "

The girls got embarrassed but not DalDal she was enjoying being carried by JaeGu

Queen calmed down and sudden realized that she is being carried by someone, she looked and saw it was HaJoon " L..Let me go " she said with a flustered tone

"There you go " he removed his hands from under her, making her fall down, her fighting instinct quickly kicked in and she avoided hitting the ground with swift moves

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Everyone clapped for her including HaJoon making Queen feel more embarrassed

they resumed their play and had some fun time with the kids..


JaeGu is washing his siblings dirty clothes, and HaJoon is besides him

"What got you in this " Asked HaJoon out of nowhere

"Huh?? what do you mean Sunbae??" JaeGu didn't understand

"I mean what happened to you to live in such way "

"Ah!... well, the primary thing is because my father died a few years ago, we couldn't afford much things but we still kinda good...but...one our mother abandoned us, everything turned out very bad. the world changed for me, my friends weren't my friends. and I became the target of bullying because I don't have parents... honestly, the only people who were good to me for the past years is you and Taehyung Sunbae..." he said as he hanged the clothes on the net, his expression wasn't good either

" I see. you had it tough huh! I deserve to be respected for that, not everyone can endure this kind of life " HaJoon somehow had respect for JaeGu

" Thank you Sunbae! it wasn't a long time since we met but thank you, that money you gave me got ride of a lot of burden for me" said JaeGu as he hanged the last clothes, he then wiped his hands clean from water and entered the house leaving HaJoon looking at the night sky. when he entered he met Queen as she said " You done talking to him?"

"Y..yeah!" he replied

"Then excuse me " she left the house and went to HaJoon and said to him " I want to talk to you "

" Go ahead " he replied

" I want to ask you why did you do that to me back then??" she asked

"Back then??"

" When I called for Song JaeGu to apologize to me "

HaJoon turned back and looked at her " Then why did you do that to JaeGu?? " he asked her back instead of answering her question

" I wanted him to apol-" Queen wanted to explain her reason for her actions but she was cut by HaJoon

" There was no reason for you to try and humiliate him, he apologized and as you can see, he doesn't have the money to pay even for Hus own food... I only gave you a taste of what you tried to do " HaJoon said " The world doesn't revolves around you. for a dumb reason you got me in a fight I don't want "

"Wait!!! I-" queen tried to talk but HaJoon didn't let her talk and continued

" All I want from you is not to bother me and let me do my own thing...Is that so hard for you?! "

Queen couldn't say anything and just kept on looking at HaJoon as he passed by her and entered the house, she recalled how everything started and after seeing how JaeGu is living she realized her mistake, he never tried to make fun of her and she just exaggerated the situation making HaJoon step up for JaeGu and do that to her. and furthermore she got HaJoon in a situation where he have to spend more power after he exhaust himself from work. she can see how busy he is by how he looked today. Queen stood in her place with her hands in her pocket as she thought about what should she do


Back inside, the kids were playing with DalDal, MoonYoung, JaeGu and Taehyung. when someone losses in the game he will be punished by drawing in his face with a marker... and DalDal seems to loss every time making her face look like cartoon character with all that drawing

HaJoon came in and said " Taehyung, let's go...we are late "

"Then...See you again " Taehyung stood up and hugged the kids again and said " I will visit you again you little Angels "

HaJoon too rubbed the kids hair and said " I will visit too " then he left the room with Taehyung

"Ah! Sunbae, I will walk with you to the road " said JaeGu as he hurried a wire his clothes

DalDal and MoonYoung too stood up and said goodbye to the kids and got their stuff and left the house

MoonYoung saw Queen standing outside dazed she called her and said " Queen! We are going "

Everyone went down the stairs. DalDal hugged JaeGu and said " I will miss My dear💕 "

"Gosh. let the boy breath will you " MoonYoung criticized DalDal but DalDal only stuck out her Tongue and said " Stay jealous. just like that "

when they reached the road they saw 3 cars parked and 3 man talking with each other, when they saw them, they opened their cars for the young masters to get in

" Here is enough JaeGu. go to your siblings, they are young, don't leave them alone " said HaJoon. JaeGu did as HaJoon said and went back. MoonYoung dot her bike and left with DalDal as she complained about why should she drive this shorty home

The only people left are HaJoon, Queen and Taehyung

Taehyung quickly sneaked inside his car and opened the window " See you tomorrow Amigo, Adiós " the car left after that

Now only Queen and HaJoon stayed there

"Kim HaJoon " Queen called HaJoon without looking at him

" What?"

" Don't expect me to apologize for what I did but I will give what you want " she got into her car and before she close the door she said " I will not bother you anymore " she then closed the door and her car left

" Are you getting in or not, Master??" TaeMin had been standing by the door for a while and couldn't help but ask. his question woke HaJoon from his thoughts as he said " AH!! yeah! let's go, we have a long night " then he got inside his black Bentley and left to do his work ...

In the next chapter, Taehyung's Love interest will debut.

Guess who?

RichStudentcreators' thoughts