
Eager To Die

I said in the last chapter that I will announce Taehyung's love interest in this chapter but I went against that as I wanted to write about Taehyung first

Can you guess the identity of Taehyung?????

Those names are pretty famous



Taehyung is standing in front of his car with a few man in black surrounding him, he is now at the port waiting for the ship to arrive

'It's cold ' Taehyung's body shivered from the cold wind, his body guards noticed this and brought him a black coat to protect himself from the cold

He gazed at the ocean and he could a big black shadow is coming, he recognized it as a ship, he looked at his secretary and asked " is it our ship?"

"No sir, it's the Kim corporation ship " the secretary's answer disappointed Taehyung

As the ship was coming slowly another 4 cars came to the port, more than 10 bodyguards got out, and HaJoon followed them, be noticed Taehyung and waved at him

Taehyung and HaJoon got closer to each other

" How lucky for you, that's your ship " Taehyung pointed at the ship that just stopped

"Yeah, yours will be coming shortly after I guess" said HaJoon " I am going to see the stuff on the ship.. see you at the school "

HaJoon walked towards the ship with his bodyguards and raided the ship

After making sure everything is okay and all the stuff is there HaJoon told TaeMin who is his driver and secretary at the same time

"Call the loading company and tell them to send 8 trucks to load the machines " he the left the ship and looked at Taehyung who is still leaning on his car with an angry and black expression

"..." after a moment he entered his black Bentley.

After making the call, TaeMin entered the car and drove away with the other cars of the bodyguards following behind them

After half an hour

Taehyung looked at his secretary and said " is it necessary for me to revive the ship personally?? "

"No " she answered

"Then, let the bodyguards do the work " he entered his car

After a moment, he opened the window and said to the secretary " Oh! and when the captain arrive, give him a good lesson... we are not playing games here " the car moved after that

The secretary carried her master's orders and said " the 3 of you will check the stuff and the other four will take the captain and question him about his delay... if he doesn't have a good reason, take out his front teeth " she then entered her car and left, the bodyguards bowed to him

Taehyung's car is entering a large wooden gate that is decorated as a Dragon, the driveway is a long road that leads to the top of a mountain like forest, up there, there is large house, to be specific, it's large Japanese styled house, like those in the era of the samurai, it was near the sunrise time, the atmosphere gave the house more beauty and boosting it's majestic aura

The car stopped and Taehyung got out of it, 2 lines of man in black suits are lined at the sides of the road

"Welcome back!! Young Master!!!" the mans screamed at once

Taehyung didn't pay them attention and just entered the house, he opened the Japanese sliding door and closed it

He stayed at his place and looked down


"This is getting annoying with each passing day"

He made his way to his room, he met several maids on his way, they bowed to him but he didn't mind them

He entered his room and throw himself on the bed. taking his phone out of his pocket and looked at the clock

it was 6:11Aam

' Today I have class until 10AM...Good, I can sleep '

He closed his eyes and the sleepiness to consume him. he didn't even bother changing his clothes or removing his shoes.


At 8:48AM

Taehyung is in his bed sweating and frowning, it looks like he is having a bad dream

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes sharply with heavy breath

He wiped the sweat with the back of his head and thought ' Those god damn dreams again '

What he was dreaming about is himself surround by a few people who are bleeding from different part of their bodies, they come closer to him but he can't move and he had to stay there listing to their moans of pain until hr wakes up

He got up off his bed and washed his face then he went to the dinning room to have breakfast

In there, he saw a huge and muscular man with a nicely cut beard, his face has a few scars on his forehead and cheeks but that didn't make him look ugly but it boosted his charisma, he is DoHeun, he is a man sent by Taehyung's father to stay with him and company him in Korea

Next to him, stands a tall and slender blond women, her body is so fit and sexy, her curves are clearly shown through her black Suit with a mini black skirt, her body is every man's dream, she is KaeLyn, like DoHeun, she is here to assist Taehyung in his mission to rebuild their Gang in this country after many years s of leaving it

"Big bro! Big Sis! Good morning" Taehyung's gloomy mood soon washed away after meeting them

"Come here boy, the food is ready " said KaeLyn

The three of them sat on a low table on the floor I side this small room. people will winder how can such a small room exist I aide this huge mansion but the three feel good inside it and they like

"Did you receive the ship yesterday young Boss??" asked DoHeun as he shoved a large piece of meat inside his mouth

"No, they were late, so I come back and let the others take care of the stuff and the captain" Taehyung replied

" Good, this is the 3rd time being late for him, he should be taught a lesson " said KaeLyn

The three finished their breakfast and got outside

"Well, I ha e school today so I am leaving organizing the stuff to you " said Taehyung as he got inside his car and left the mountain

"Aich!! he is working so hard, can't he at least Skipp the school for a few days??" KaeLyn complained

"Education is important " DoHeun replied as he told a man to bring him his "thing"

The man came bag with a huge Silver bat, he hit his palm with it lightly and said to KaeLyn with a huge grin " My injuries from the past are nearly healed, it's been so long!!! Let's go and check our stuff and see who is this captain?"

KaeLyn just smiled at him and said " Of course "


Back at Taehyung

His car reached the gate of the Wilde's school, he got out and told the driver " when I need you I will call you" he then got inside

On his way he saw a lot of students gathering around a few people and he saw HaJoon in the middle, he wanted to call him but he heard a loud scream of a girl


Taehyung could recognize this girl as the girl from the shower booth, he closed his ears and looked at the girl screaming in HaJoon's face who is clearly loosing Patience

" we should have beaten her that time " he thought as he remembered how they let her go that time

The red head girl dragged HaJoon inside the school and everyone followed them

Taehyung looked at her dumbfounded, cold sweat dropped on his back as he said

" That chick is clearly eager to die"

He then ran behind the rest to save the girl from HaJoon