
Awkward situation

(A.N : If by chance you found this chapter awkward comment that so I can rewrite it again.

thank you )


12PM at X City

" After completing the tour around the hotel, you have a meeting with the management of the hotel then you need to report to the HQ about the hotel and it's progress "

HaJoon now is walking into a hotel that is built by his family's company and as it's heir he needs to inspect the hotel and make sure everything is okay. his bodyguard and also secretary, TaeMin is telling him his schedule of today

" Good, after the meeting, you take care of the report, I don't need to do that personally " Said HaJoon as he was greeted by the staff of the hotel

"As you order " said TaeMin

After taking the tour inside the hotel and seeing all it's facilities, HaJoon went into a meeting with the management of the hotel, the meeting was about the promotion and how they can attract more customers

" Put a commercial on the national TV... Also, the new boy band that has been popular lately, bring them to shoot the commercial " said HaJoon as he signed a few papers

"We are done here. the rest is up to you " HaJoon stood up and left, the management bowed to him leaving

the whole thing took about 4 hours, the sun soon will rise up.

"Sir, do I call the school for you to take a break " said TaeMin as he opened the car door for HaJoon to enter

" Not necessary, there is still about 4 hours before school, it is enough for school " said HaJoon as he rubbed between his eyes


In the morning at the Wilde's school

Taehyung's car stopped at the gate, he got out and told his driver

" No need to come back for me, just go "

"Yes, sir " said the driver

The car left Taehyung standing in the front gate looking at his phone, the girls who are entering the school greeted him with a smile, he too returned their smile with a more dazzling one

A few moments later, JaeGu came and saw Taehyung, he greeted him

"Sunbae, good morning " said JaeGu as he waved at Taehyung

(Sunbae : it's like senpai in Japanese meaning upperclassmen )

"Ya, little JaeGu, good morning, you are early today " said Taehyung

" my siblings school transportation came early today " said JaeGu " but what are you doing outside, shouldn't you get to the class?"

" I am waiting for HaJoon, he should be here soon " Taehyung shrugged his shoulders

" Then I will wait too " said JaeGu as he leaned on the wall

A few moments later a black limousine stopped in front of them

" Is this HaJoon Sunbae's car ?" asked JaeGu

"No, he doesn't use limousine" replied Taehyung

Soon after the driver got out and opened the door for a girl to come out, it was Queen

she got out and her gaze met JaeGu's, she gave him a cold glare that frightened JaeGu, he retracted his gaze and looked away, Taehyung wasn't bothered and just looked his phone. he was texting HaJoon

-Park Taehyung :

Are you coming or not??

-Demon Lord Spawn :

I reached the school

Taehyung saw HaJoon message and put his phone away, then a black and shinny Bentley stopped behind the limousine.

TaeMin got out and opened the door for HaJoon to get out.

HaJoon got out and he didn't have his school uniform but his blue suit from yesterday, his tie is on his shoulder and his upper buttons are open revealing a part of his cheat. he looked at Taehyung and JaeGu, then his gaze met with Queen's who was still standing in front of her car

they both looked at each other, the atmosphere got heavier, JaeGu felt awkward in this situation so he said

" S..Sunbae, thank you for yesterday " he went to HaJoon and bowed for him

HaJoon reached for JaeGu's hair and rubbed his head and said " Don't mind it "

" Looks like you had it tough yesterday " Taehyung pointed at HaJoon's clothes, he understood that he must have been working until a late hour

" Not as tough as the past " HaJoon replied

"How nice, at least you got to change your clothes. I went in my uniform, the workers must have laughed at me " Taehyung complained with an angry tone

The trio left the gate and entered the school. Queen who was still standing in her spot followed HaJoon's back with cold and indifferent eyes

" Yo, IngYui! " Queen turned and saw MoonYoung waving at her as she is coming toward her. they soon entered the school too


At the A-2 class, and after the teacher finished his class and prepared to leave, he stopped and as if he remembered something he looked at HaJoon and Taehyung

"Mr.Kim & Mr.Park, you need to chose a club to join, it's very important for your grads...then enjoy your lunch "

As the teacher left, the girls in the class came to Taehyung and HaJoon

"TaeTae, you should join our Karate club"

" No, you should join our taekwondo club "

" Shut up, he definitely needs to join our Aikido club "

The girls were fighting each other to have a man into their club

Taehyung looked at HaJoon and said " What do we choose??" he asked

before HaJoon could answer, MoonYoung came to them and said

" OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO JOIN THE BOXING CLUB!! " said MoonYoung, she was determined to have a male into her club, also she needs members as the club members are lacking

Taehyung looked at her and said " Hm! you are from the boxing club??"

" Yes, I am the president of the boxing club " she said with pride

" We will think about, there is still time to decide " said HaJoon, he have no problem joining any club as he is a master in most Martial arts. he was trained from a young age mercilessly

" Take your time, put remember to drop by at the boxing club after a while " she said as she turned at queen " Queen, you promised me to have a spare with me for the new members "

Queen stood up and followed MoonYoung, but she didn't forget to give her cold glare to HaJoon

"WTH is wrong g with that blond girl ??" he asked, she had been giving him those eyes for a while now

" You basically humiliated her, so she must have a grudge on you " said Taehyung as he pulled his phone. he looked at his messages

-Secretary :

Sir. today's schedule is :

- Visiting another branch of the company at City Z and checking the financial situation

- A meeting with 3 company branches that was requested by them

- Receiving a ship that has our product on it at 5Am.

-Park Taehyung :

Delay my meetings and the visit to the company branch to after 10PM

-Secretary :

Yes Sir.

Taehyung sighed and put his phone away. he looked at HaJoon and said " Well, let's see what clubs are there "

Both of them left the class and went the clubs building, they visited nearly all clubs but they weren't interested.

all that was left is the boxing club, they reached it and saw JaeGu looking at the club from the door with a girl with twin tails green hair with glasses

" Hey, little JaeGu, what are you doing?? " asked Taehyung then he greeted the girl

"Hello Sunbae, I am GuSeul Lee" she introduced herself

JaeGu was surprised by the sudden appearance of HaJoon and Taehyung

"S..Sunbae, I was just looking at the clubs . they said it was important for my grads " said JaeGu

" Hm! are you sure you are not joining for the hot girls " Taehyung teased JaeGu. but then he was hit with chop in the head from HaJoon

" Stop fooling around " said HaJoon

"Ouch!! that hurts man! but let's enter " Taehyung pulled JaeGu and HaJoon to enter the club

And then a sweet and lovely voice was heard

" JAEGU💕 my dear💕 I finally found you " it was DalDal, she came out of her club when she heard JaeGu's voice. she pulled him Inside the Taekwondo club

everyone followed them. DalDal said if JaeGu could make her fall down, she will accept him in the club

JaeGu was refusing her offer with all his might while Taehyung, HaJoon and GuSeul is watching from the side with an amused tone

DalDal was still insisting that JaeGu join the club as she got closer to him. JaeGu pushed her and she immediately fell down

" Aah! JaeGu you were able to push me down. fine. you can join the club " said DalDal with a shy tone. the club members are congratulating JaeGu

Taehyung is hitting his thighs from laughing too hard, he was holding his stomach from the pain

" Congratulations, JaeGu " said HaJoon as he clapped along side GuSeul

"You too Sunbae!!" JaeGu was surprised that he was being teased by HaJoon too


Finally getting out of the taekwondo club, they met with another girl. she was the sister of GuSeul, she was searching for her then they left.

"Well, let's see the boxing club " said Taehyung as he entered the club. he was met with being empty

" A..Are they done... and she told us to drop by " Taehyung was angry

" Relax, let's leave then, I want to take a shower, I came immediately after I woke up" said HaJoon " let's go ask someone about the showers "

" Right, there is too many sport clubs so there must be a shower for them to clean themselves " said JaeGu


JaeGu, HaJoon and Taehyung went their separate ways

on their way they met MoonYoung and Taehyung immediately lunched at her

" Stupid Red hair, were did you go "

" MoonYoung was surprised by Taehyung and said " Eh!! What are you talking about?? "

" You said to come to your club and when we did, Poof, no one was there "

" Aaah!!! I forgot " MoonYoung said with cute tone

"AAH!! Disgusting!!" Taehyung narrowed his eyes in disgust when he saw how cute she acted

MoonYoung got angry at him and started to insult him too. Soon a battle of insults began

HaJoon who is watching them as if they were idiots asked " Just where is the shower rooms "

MoonYoung said in the middle of her battle " Upstairs " and continued insulting Taehyung

Leaving in their stupidity, HaJoon went upstairs and saw many room that had something like " Shower Room #1" "Shower Room #2"

so he just choose one and get inside

He went to the mirror and saw his face. it was tired and had a faint black circles under his eyes

he washed his face with cold water to refresh himself a little bit, then he proceeded to remove his suit

When he removed his suit and was about to unlock his belt, he saw in the reflection of the mirror that one of the shower stalls opened and a blond girl came out of it. It was Queen



they both exclaimed from surprise

Queen got angry and said with murderous intent " Kim HaJoon, what are you doing here? "

HaJoon didn't Flench and started locking his belt and said " O was told that the shower rooms are here. and that's it "

Queen looked at him angrily and said " I am going to call the school security" she reached for her bag

" Do what you want " said HaJoon

Just as Queen was going to get her phone, she heard a loud noise coming from outside the room



the noise was getting louder and louder meaning they are coming here. Queen looked at HaJoon for a moment and said " Get inside one of the stalls "

HaJoon was about to do as she said but they were too late as the door was pushed with much force

"There you are " a ref haired girl came in with two other girls. from their uniform, you can see they are not from this school " I am here to say hello, I just registered in the Wilde's league "

Queen looked at the red haired girl with cold eyes and said " Kim HyeShin... Looks like you got out of the hospital sooner than I expected "

"Don't think you are better than-" when the red haired girl was going to retort back, she noticed HaJoon in there too, she looked between Queen and HaJoon and a nasty smirk appeared on her face " OHoo!! were interrupting something!!? "

Queen froze in her place, she was going to say something but one Kim HyeShin's followers said " Looks like they were enjoying themselves huh?! and everyone think she is a pure girl Haha!!"

For them, this was that kind of situation. HaJoon is half naked and Queen is wearing a towel. the perfect caught having sex misunderstanding scene

When the girl was laughing she suddenly felt great force around her neck. HaJoon grabbed the from her neck and raised her up. making her have a hard time to breath. he looked at her with cruel eyes scaring the living sh.ite out of her " You talk too much!!" HaJoon looked at the red haired girl and said " You never saw anything OK!! I got here on mistake. if by chance I heard someone knew about this...well. you know what money can do "

HaJoon's face was scary. the girl was frightened by him, her legs were trembling ' Wh...Wh..Who is this guy??!"

The girls froze in their place and even Queen was surprised by his action

HaJoon put the girl down and went back to wear his clothes.

the room feel into an awkward silent


Taehyung bursted in the room as he screamed

"You are late idiot " said HaJoon

He wore his clothes and looked at the three girls that were looking at him with fear " What are you still doing here. walk in front of me " he ordered them

The girls still remember how he lifted on of them in the air like it was nothing. so they didn't dare to start a fight

" quite the friends you have. but don't worry I will make sure they don't speak about anything " HaJoon said as he looked at Queen

After HaJoon left queen was still in her place with her shocked face. shocked about the while situation and how it ended.