
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · Movies
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38 Chs

Awakening, Report, and Parasites

[Author Here: I have returned with news/More details and news at chapters end!)

~ Option "A" won the Poll!

~ I have edited the "Champions" Aux Chapter. If the edits don't show, check this chapter's end.

My Patreon: patreon.com/SpectreOuroboros

My Discord: https://discord.gg/dGjBExRv

Enjoy the Chapter!)


In the darkness of the void, a single glowing red eye snaps open, returning light to its rightful place...

Spectre POV: 

In a deep booming voice. "Who dares awake me from my slumber?"

Opening my other eye, I straighten out my body, or rather manifestation, and once more return to my senses. "Ah, right! I set the Absolute Personal Mastery ability to wake me up after twenty-four hours..., that was deceptively refreshing? Is it because I am part dragon, or because I am an Abstract Lord and wasting time is our main job?"

"Regardless I should check out how the Vishanti are doing after all, I have some very serious foreboding vibes going on about the replacement for the Skrulls, and that cannot be let on any longer."

Having decided on my course of action, I immediately contact the Vishanti.

They answer in unison, for some reason. "Hello Lord Spectre, how may we be of service?"

'Again? Every time I call they ask if I need something, but they should not be able to see any future about me... or did they already have my mentality of not calling unless needing something all mapped out?'

"I wanted to ask about your progress with manipulating the timelines, and especially about the replacement for the Skrulls."

O: "Of course our Lord, what would you like to hear first?"

"I would appreciate it if you started with your report and ended with the Skrulls replacement."

O: "Understood my Lord. We have already found the lineages of, and set in motion the events needed, to ensure the rise of Firehair, the female Ancient One also known as Yao, in reference to her male counterpart in other universes. The birth and rise of Toph Beifong have also been charted and put in motion, and-"

"One moment, besides These lineages and people, have you explored any pocket dimensions or the timelines of the Earth itself?"

O: "We have indeed my Lord, we mostly focused on the Asian centered pocket dimensions, namely the Elemental Nations, and Monster taming warrior nations."

"Huh? Excuse me what?"

O: "Well besides the elemental bending nations. In our search for a replacement for the Skrulls, we ran into a nation full of Japanese Warriors otherwise known as Samurai, in a pocket dimension above Japan.

These Samurai also happen to not be traditional humans similarly to the elemental bending nations.

The Elemental Nation's humans happen to have stronger spirits and energy they refer to as Chi, as well as abilities to manipulate the elements by receiving a blessing from either a primordial spirit in the case of the being known as an Avatar or a Lion Turtle type creature which granted the early benders the genetics to be able to bend a specific element. Usually said blessings are passed down from generation to generation with exceptions of course.

It was fascinating to learn that the original benders of all elements were these Lion Turtles, that like us, took it upon themselves to protect humanity by housing them in the cities atop their shells. As well as granting them their bending genetics, or spiritual genetics if you will, through something called energy bending.

Though that was the extent of what they did, barring individual exceptions. The ones to truly teach humans how to bend each element efficiently were the Dragons for fire, Sky Bisons for air, Badger Moles for earth, and lastly the moon of their pocket dimension happens to have some form of spiritual sentience, and impact on their world thus water bending was inspired through meditation involving the moon.

Nevertheless, we are deviating from the original statement, how are these Samurai warriors different from traditional humans? Well, they have the ability to form a psychic like link with monsters on their pocket dimension, and once that link is made, they gain special abilities, that can boost or affect their own monsters, and, or even the monsters of their allies, and enemies."

'Hmm, that was interesting information about the world of Avatar, however the way she described the warriors and monsters...! That's the world of Pokémon Conquest, as it is the only one that comes close to that description in my mind. Let me ask to make sure.'

"Thank you for the information, however, could you please answer these question before going on. Did the monster and human get stronger as the psychic-like link between them gets stronger? Did some special humans develop unique abilities and evolve similarly to the monsters they have a link with, when said link reaches a certain level or limit? Did the monsters have only a single power they can effectively use in battle? Do they battle similarly to the human game of chess, but with more freedom and monster powers known or called moves?"

O: Incredibly surprised. "Yes, they do. How did you-! Ah, of course I forgot you are the Mirror Dimension so it is natural that my Lord would know."

'Not exactly the reason, but sure, lets go with that.'

That was when it hit me, that Ina Komatsuhime, my favorite, and besides the main character in my opinion strongest or one of the strongest guardian charm one-man, or in this case woman, army warrior in the game, has a very high chance of being real in this pocket dimension!

"Naturally, now that jogged my memory a little bit. Add Ina Komatsuhime to the list of lineages, and people I want to exist in the..., let's call it the 'Conquest' pocket dimension.

Ina's perfect Link is or should be an Empoleon, and her ability's effect is to increase range and not miss any attack for around 30 seconds, make sure to warn me when she is born as well. Like Toph Beifong from the Elemental Nations."

'I should find and study their Guardian Charms. Those things could literally alter the course of an entire war.

Just imagining a Thor or even someone like Captain America, no even better, Spiderman yes, any one of them maybe not Captain America, but the other two with a Guardian Charm could instantly take down MCU Thanos as if he were an ant.

Of course, the requirement is that they would need to fight alone without allies surrounding them, but that can be experimented with later.'

"You may now continue with your report."

O: "Noted my Lord. From a monster similar to those found in that pocket dimension that repeat their names to speak we found the replacement for the Skrulls-"

"I apologize for interrupting, but please do not lie, and also tell me the monster you picked is not a blob of grey, purple, blue, or pink color that always says Ditto, and especially one that mutated and can think and speak better than the average human?"

The Vishanti as a whole were left speechless, and that in and of itself answered my question. in exasperation I asked.

"Worry not, I already got the answer from your silence, but answer me this. How did you find a mutated Ditto in that pocket dimension, given they should not exist there."

This time Agamotto answered, as Hoggoth was too busy snickering at Oshtur, while she gasped for breath. "Well as my mother was explaining before going on a tangent, we also discovered two other pocket dimensions, these ones though where under Japan, which had very similar monsters to the Conquest pocket dimension.

These Ditto, where found in the second pocket dimension."

'That made sense.'

Long tired exhale, "Alright, I learned my lesson and will not mess with them, at least they are not Zergs, though they have the potential to be much worse..., I just had to jinx it didn't I."

"There are Zerg like parasites on the multiverse already though, I think they started with..., was it the letter B, yes, B something-"

A: "Lord Spectre are you referring to the Brood?" At the mention of that Oshtur was so shaken I could hear her becoming paler.

"Aha! Brood, that was it! Yes, that is what I am referring to. Actually, Agamotto could you look into the future specifically looking for these three parasitic races."

'With my recent luck, they might all just appear.'

"The three parasitic races' names are Xenomorph, Zerg, and Brood. However, do not report now. Look for the information and create a full report, with strengths, weaknesses, modus operandi, and reputation of each race, and report maybe after Aldrif grows up, so in about 500 years. By then I expect to know their entire history origin and the like."

A: "It shall be done my Lord."

"Perfect, that is all, do not forget about Ina Komatsuhime or the progress report of three parasitic races."

They said their farewells and I cut the communication, I should go visit my sister, and baby Aldrif...


[Author Here: Here I have ALL THE NEWS and more detailed announcements!)

Simplified News:

~ I edited the "Champions" Auxiliary chapter so do check it out! If it does not show up, a FREE for ALL to view version is on my Patreon!

~ I finally finished setting up Patreon and Discord!

~ Chapters will officially become 6 a week from now on.(Unless something stops me from doing so…)

~ Patreon chapters available on Webnovel are available to everyone for free and have been edited slightly on Patreon.

~ Webnovel might not show all readers edited chapters or will remove comments on them, thus why I refrain as much as possible from doing so, but that is not a problem on Patreon, thus I highly recommend you check it out!)

Examples Chapter 1, 8, and 9(Chapter 1 already has a capitalized "Yes" chapter 8 & 9 had to be deleted and reuploaded so everyone could read them)

Anyway, since it took me all week to make sure things that are not commands in Webnovel but are in Patreon do not conflict/confuse when combined with my writing style, and I also edited a few things in the chapters while checking for the commands, so do feel free to check them out. Like I said uploaded chapters ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE TO READ!)]

Here is my Patreon Page: patreon.com/SpectreOuroboros

Here is my Discord server: https://discord.gg/dGjBExRv


Detailed Announcements!)

~ I finally finished setting up Patreon and Discord! Seriously though, it took me forever(Sad boi hours) Some things like "*" the double Asterisks that I use every now and then are a type of command on Patreon, so I had to check every chapter to make sure it made sense and didn't mess with what I wrote.

On top of that I realized that since I was uploading for the first time, I could do all the edits I wanted that I could not really do on Webnovel, so I did. Thus, I highly recommend EVERYONE to check it out, and do not worry chapters are FREE for everyone to read on my Patreon.(At least already posted chapters, I don't know about future ones, it will depend on what benefits you want from it.) A chapter that I especially edited some more things into was chapter 16 or the "I Forgor" chapter.

Hey, at least while I was not passing or checking chapters on Patreon I did get a lot of ideas for the alien landscape, and more plots, so that was a win.(There will probably be a Poll on them in the VERY near future.

~ Anyway, since it took me all week to make sure things that are not commands in Webnovel but are in Patreon do not conflict/confuse when combined with my writing style, and I also edited a few things in the chapters while checking for the commands, do feel free to check them out. Like I said uploaded chapters ARE FREE FOR EVERYONE TO READ!)]

Here is my Patreon Page: patreon.com/SpectreOuroboros

Here is my Discord server: https://discord.gg/dGjBExRv