
Ghulsaw with the intimidation system-ish.[on haitus]

In a freak accident, a normal human gets summoned to a world of Dungeons and dragons where a pare of mental dice allows us to be assisted in the actions we take or bring us to ruin hehe who needs dice when you can intimidate your way thru life see ya on the other side. Anything except my Oc and the story I narrate is not my property respect is due to the originals even to Krod the Angry carpenter. I decided to try and keep the multiverse hopping at a minimum.

DaoistqemBat · Others
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23 Chs


Hello, I am ..... don't remember ...I think I am human...I was ...I am ....what will I do now ... where will I do now....when will I do now .....Now I think I remember I got ...killed ...strange I don't remember when but ...the last thing I remember is Warframe then the sound of a truck going down near the window ... the house is lower than the street level more like a basement but bigger its comfortable if not more moisture anyway I was hit then now black peach black, I fell something tugging at me my being I am being broth to somewhere I was mid cutting an enemy with my Ghulsaw now I am just felling myself get to somewhere I see a light then chaos and finally I saw a corpse and a guy in grey clothes, robes? yeah, robes I got pulled into a skeletal body and I felt it resonated I touched the skeletal frame I noted it had thick bones tusks, and well a kilt or loin cloth I don't distinguish anyway I was now part of this body I woke up in it then I knew he wanted me to do something he was imposing his will on my own I feel his surprise when my will doesn't budge like normal newly created undead well my stubborn mind does help I turn my head to the ....woman yeah she is a woman wat did I expect an old gritty old experienced necromancer? well, I am at least lucky since it seems I am her first orc skeletal raised well I checked my form and figured I can do some things I think and then I saw a blue screen that wrote in black letters.


well, that was surprising I would have wished for an evolution system but well that is that I felt my form becoming more concrete as I feel a skill becoming part of my being, and then I heard a girly scream as I turned to the necromancer which was now cowering and taking steps back and then I heard a couple of ding proceeded by I Points acquired keep going you're doing a great job.

I do enjoy the positive reinforcement but I am bones and I am here I guess I saw her cowering in a corner as my eyes in her perception bore holes right through her I guess this is trauma or some kind of PTSD since she was nervous when I was being embedded in the body well bones more exactly I turned around and was touching the ground as I was seating on the metallic table I moved bones cracked and she whimpered and yelped at each sound my skeletal form made I believe I am in a barn as I saw a bunch of hay around and the table a not made of metal but metal plated for meat cutting I feel my body is fresh I touched my skull and noted it was humanoid but with sharp teeth squarish and my to tusks I smile I don't change the appearance of my skull so no rubber skeletal expressions well that's depressing ,the girl calmed down a bit as I deactivated the intimidation skill as I was not in my usual state which now is intimidation I was happy and my aura reflected that the girl calmed down and noted i am not going bat shit murder hobo hehe no chance but i got to my feet the diffrance in hight makes it quite unwieldy this body of my own is like a lumbering giant i an about twice the size of the girl i stretched a bit and took a second look at the girl she got a hold to herself then she got closer to me i limit my movement as she started chanting i felt a connection to her as a voice was made evident.

Girly:B-big g-guy can y-you understand m-me?

Ghulsaw: Ghulsaw understands miss girly brought gullsaw here for some reason gulsaw will listen for now.

Girly:G-gulsaw you may call me mistress or Tulsa as I am not called Girly big guy.

Ghulsaw: Ghulsaw understands miss Girly doesn't like being called miss Girly so Ghulsaw shall call miss Girly from now on miss Tulsa as long as ghulsaw remembers ghulsaw shall keep trying to say it the right way ghulsaw thanks miss Tulsa for clarifying the matter Ghulsaw shall tell this first of all Ghullsaw is a literal man so ghullsaw shall tell you ghulsaw is naturally intimidating and now ghulsaw is smiling as such miss Tulsa is not scared shitless by Ghullsaw.

Tulsa: Thank you for your honesty Ghullsaw I will try my best to guide you and answer any questions you have for now.

Ghullsaw. Ghullsaw needs rest now, Ghullsaw expended too much mental power and now Ghullsaw shall just lay in the corner, Ghullsaw shall weigh orders tomorrow.

The next day.

I calmed down now that I am alone I am not that much affected by the skill so Ghullsaw is going to grow as I can well the little miss came through the door as I was in a meditating position she then came closer and spoke: Tulsa: are you ready Gullsaw we have work to do dirty work.

Ghullsaw: Ghullsaw is ready for any kind of work as long as Ghullsaw can do it Ghullsaw will do it.

Then we walked out of the barn and she guided me to a thing used to till the dirt it had a large bovine on the other side I followed her directions and I helped with the tilling and soo hours passed by she gave time to rest for the bovine and when it was recusing a bit of intimidation gave it the push to go further I got used to the work and then after the tilling next was the seeding which took about the same amount of time I went thru the seeding and finally we days from cutting wood to moving rocks and soo on I got used to my body as she got her worker each night I meditated and then came a day she asked me to kill a bovine and to help with the butchering I did as requested and soo it went well, well there were the time's wildlife came to mess with my work I had to kill few wild goblins wolfs and some other pests then I took it on myself to grind them to paste and spread it truly the garden I did ask if the pest was poison before doing it, my level grew in the months I warck here i reached level too and a new skill was uncovered Angry Cultivator yeah it sounds stupid but if i intimidate enough to the ground it will become more fertile not even Tulsa gets way i was steering to the ground each day from that day but she noted the growth of plants accelerating a bit as such days passed by j got a new skill Angry woodworker used in processing wood without any tools i refined the skills for months then the Adventurers came they were a strange crue and were tasked to deal with the orc hating necromancer wich was told that in slaved a orc soul withing a orc skeleton i first met them.

Av1:poor thing don't worry we will free your soul from that carcass.

Ghulsaw: Ghullsaw believes you're rude and Ghulsaw believes you should live my peaceful life with miss Tulsa if not Ghullsaw will make it so Dumb adventurers no longer exist Gullsaw appreciates the worry but Gullsaw is happy and learning carpentry woodworking and other fun crafting things Ghullsaw tells you goodbye and you better don't come back.

After which I crossed my hands and glared at them they got spooked and ran out of my new training home, after a few hours I felt them lurking around keeping an eye on us I glared at them each time but Tullsa didn't notice well I don't think she did we enjoyed our days here I crafted things with my gaze of intimidation from flora bowls to handles for axes to other things I had at hand to replicate my terra glare and flora glare as they changed from constant usage of my capability I did make wood plates like scales over my skeletal body she noticed and I made myself a body as vines and wood still alive grew around me I reached level ten in about a year and my system gained evolution options from Undead skeletal lifeform to many wood-based life form I checked and saw a name demi-floran along with many other demi plant like forms I chose the floran due to the skin that will form on my bones I was in the sun for about a few days Tulsa watched over my metamorphosis she had some other undead minions to keep us safe for the moment , i had felt a second will form then got consumed into my own i took control of the seed and imprinted my mind i have about 25yers of flesh then a year to shed the skin and regrow my skin and i wood sty connected to the seed-core Tulsa saw as i emerged i was bulkier as now i have flesh wood flesh but flesh indeed.

Tulsa: How do you feel Ghulsaw, are you still you?

Ghulsaw: Ghulsaw is himself nobody else Ghulsaw does have more weight than before thou, Gullsaw also has an expiration date for the flesh of approximately twenty years, and a year of rest and regrowth , Ghulsaw believes he can mutate into something with flesh in the next evolution but for that to happen Gullsaw needs to go hunting, Gullsaw is happy for now, Miss Tulsa happy too?

As I ended the reply little Tulsa hugged me out of relief I guess I hugged her back then we chatted a bit about the peculiarities of my new form and that I am still half undead this body may become half spirit tree and half Eldrige god if I work this right as j remember that one manga a level 100 farmer which is an Eldrige forest elder it might be hard but in the end, I will do it I don't get it but well trial and error, I have nothing but my memory's of what I watched and I watched for a long time many things and with the slow mental palace building I can remember many things and even Prime's existence huh I don't want to be absorbed by him I will not be absorbed by him maybe well I think she noticed I am abnormal she is not that bad of a person yeah she does sometimes lock herself and flesh sculpts I did make her teach me so I can help fists I had to do the things by hand then she finished the work by fusing the flesh with the right place I got blood and I discovered she is a mortician she prepares the dead corpses of worthy warriors to princes and such she gives the reason to they're death and after she is done she fixes the corpses embalms them as requested and send them with the transport wagons that pass by i was quite abnormal as they figured me as a nature spirit and my healthy sight did get them more trustworthy the Adventurers were still spy Ed on us monthly i kept glearing at them but my gardening stone working , wood working and plant growing were well glorious the home of Tulsa was no longer as glumly i did go each day to hunt some kind of wild life and take a bath in the blood i brought back the flesh for processing food or training i learned flesh sculpting with intimidation as a tool i can make some life like dolls and urging the negative energy wich somehow i intimidated in doing wat i desired new toy's and soo i am not alive and neither dead and soo it will go for a bit of time , i have been visited by druids they made a fuss and asked if they can purify my body i declined and said its a harmonious coexistence between death and life and if they dare to hurt my other side they will become fertilizer or new corpses for me to being to use they shivered as j released my intimidation and they're wood accessories started to change between shapes wile keeping they're effects i and i saw a dworf druid of the rock his trusty stone armour became a bit indecent as they said the earth manipulation wood come from my undead side wile my wood manipulation wood come from my nature side i just said they came from my intimidating spirit they just gulped down and wen they were leaving i let loose all my intimidating aura they felt the equivalent of a forest spirit and a lich's gaze on them they knew i was a problem but i was also useful, i currently was looking at a bear thing he was on its back lega and swiping its claws at me i was blocking first a left then a right and then i retaliated with my clawed fingers i cut at its hide making a gash around its neck as i shoved my hand within the wond to tug at it making it larger i was swiped at with more force but the gap was already there allowing me to pears its neck the bear struggled but i was tearing its neck more and more making it loose more and more blood i bathed in it untill the bears hart stoped and i am redy for my first sleep for before my evolution i told Tulsa and she understood she made a couple dolls to guard her and the home as i found a nice place in the forest were i made a platform with stairs for Tulsa to visit and then i sat on my belly to then send the seed into it with the wood flesh and all ending up with my naked skeletal form wich felt empty but still connected to the seed wich started growing and encasing me like a cocoon i went unconscious .

The author here I will keep writing until I reach about this amount of words and then release if you like it that good if not well that's good too since I don't care Ghullsaw is happy he exists and that all that matters thank your if you managed to read or listen until here have a nice day/night whatsoever bye.

2409 words i thinck who is counting anyway.