
Ghulsaw with the intimidation system-ish.[on haitus]

In a freak accident, a normal human gets summoned to a world of Dungeons and dragons where a pare of mental dice allows us to be assisted in the actions we take or bring us to ruin hehe who needs dice when you can intimidate your way thru life see ya on the other side. Anything except my Oc and the story I narrate is not my property respect is due to the originals even to Krod the Angry carpenter. I decided to try and keep the multiverse hopping at a minimum.

DaoistqemBat · Others
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23 Chs


I looked at the god who is quite disgusting he showed me the way to the arena I followed him as he was smug and ready to win the battle so he could take my body as his prize I was disgusted as we walked there the gods noted my petals changed and became thorns ready to impale any of them we entered the arena and took our spots he was empty-handed and wearing his helmet I was fully covered by thorns when I touched the floor my thorns fully entered the arena floor he then charged at me as my body was no longer in the thorn armor I am in the arena flore then he punched me his hand was riddled with thorn spikes he felt my venom enter his body he resisted it and started purging it out of him during this pain my detached thorns started to burrow within his hand he did all he could and managed to get all but two thorns which went beyond his reach I have felt his divinity try to expel them but that was used as nourishment I am still hiding he noted the vine that goes from the middle of the arena to my armoured puppet he believed it was just a thing so i don't foll out of the arena he surprised me wen he managed to rip it off the thorn doll and it wen unconscious i have then set another one hairstyle he saw the fast regrowth and then retraction wich pooled the doll back to the middle were my preparations are done it distracted enough of time to allow me to grow my two favorite organs the clone ability of that Hallo and the ability of the guy wich can rebirth himself from death his ability was hard to copy since i sent the twins after him but now i entered the doll as they saw a bulge cross the thing that connected me to the ground the armour returned to my petel form and two pare of wings came out of my back first i sent two clones to keep him busy as my second pare of wings grabbed him i have used my ability and then spat him out he was expecting something strange but wen he looked once more to me i was holding a small doll of the god of war he was curious wat it did i smiled evil like and flicked his dolls groin he then from a proud posture fell on the ground i had my two clones hold him by his hands as then i started flicking poking and cutting the doll the gods were paying attention and some were shocked some disgusted and some exited i have made two more clones by the time they noted i was poling the dolls into two the gods were expecting for Ares to be torn in two his mother was worried she gave a small scream wen his doll was split into two , then a small silence was presence as they were just watching me even Ares i smiled and said the doll was made to be open this way then i went in the doll and pooled one of his bones and with a smile he saw me brake it he then screamed and the gods were not expecting my brutal treatment of the war god as i don't do war i do death and nature not war, war is useless he knew it since i am not treating this as a conflict but as a punishment of a child he then saw me grab another marble bits i slowly crushed them he felt it and his screams and swears wich were quite funny i made the doll quite perfect as wen he healed himself so did the doll i had re broken his limbs multiple times now he couldn't not stop his regeneration factor as it his nature , i have got enough to make a point i am not mating with any of them and if they force me i will make a doll and then they will fill my anger as i brake them whenever i want as from that day Ares kept a nice distance from me and wen he did not i have broken his balls or kines or even his towels and soo on they saw that i kept mix of the wing types they named my wings the doll punishment vines and the birthing wings wen mixed they just called it the doll maker vines they were happy i rarely use them wile the minions are empty dolls specificly used as minions by me they were usefully for doing small insignificant tasks , my power grows and so do my memory,s return , i have been half conscious untill now, i spoke in my head STATUS:

Name: Scanty Ghullsaw

Race:God-Eldrige-Grate Spirit-Hallow-Olympian

Skills: Flora, Terra, Hephaestus, Hallow touch, Fauna, Intimidation, Equal Contract, Distortion.

Title: Mister Intimidation, Green thumb, The Saw God, The Perfect Unknowable (Automatically unequipped when not in a Dnd World), Butcher, Guardian, The mortal , The immortal, The Between, The Free God, Faith full one, Light of Creation, Shadow of Destruction.

Strength: Half step to OverGod.


Defense: Titan level.

Charisma: Slaanesh level.

Intelligence: Above average God-wise.

Wisdom: New Sage level.

The host is doing a great job keep it up!

I blinked and smiled so it does not show my equipment so I just pool my favorite weapon from my back as I am preparing and started cutting thru some materials to make myself some stuff the gods got the feeling something is a miss and the new resident they have was the cause of it my mask started changing as patterns resembling tusks and other designs I smiled and the marking accommodated as they kept moving

I have finished making two large chambers and two smaller ones I placed my saw in one then the other small one my Ferry and the last two my twins, Zeus saw them mainly the girl as he is planning something perverted too bad he knows what I will do if anybody gets me mad, I have then sent energy to acclimatize the four beings and to tweak their existences so they don't disintegrate in the presence of god,s when I was finished the gods of Olympus were having a party I have opens the tanks as both returned to the minimalist form,s as I grabbed my Sawme BlazeSaw and my little ferry landed on top of my head the twins bowed and got to their feet they're Cloths comfortable just like my own they recognized my base and after I filled them in we went to work as the party happened we came in the door as we got looked at Sawme was on my back half humanized and resting his head on my shoulder looking around his lower half the blade and chassis he was just happy to stretch Goddesses and gods came to greet my twins and started tring to get them alone for undecent acts they just made a week clone wich got sent with the bothersome gods or goddesses i have been asked by Aphrodite i just ignored her untill she saw a smile on my mask and i followed her in private she sat on a bed and she lewdly tore her clothing off my clothes turned to vines and slowly revealed my body perfect wight as my mask was removed she saw the face she will envy for eternity she was allsow surprised as i grabbed her and did as i pleased not as she desired wen she was spent i was just half way so i kept going she begged she even pleaded but in the end she just fainted due to overstimulation of my vain-s and hands she was left on the bed dead tiered and non-responsive she still breath and her hart beating well i left as i cleaned the mess with some of my plants her blood was tasty too her essence just right to improve my visage wen i was done the twins were just eating some food with Hestia as the clones were subjugating the foolish gods wich wanted them wile other clones were sent to help kids and do they're jobs as order and justice aspects help them gain followers as they act as imaginary frieands teaching and nurturing thru game and song no monster or god can survive them wel if they did something no hurting of innocents it became a unspoken rule as years passed by not even Zeus thought of opposing them as they are under me and he knows i am rather terror filling if on the other side since well he got the double treatment by the twins and even made them Fuse they're battle in the bed took about a month and the winer was the twins his wife was not spared as she was quite upset now she is relaxed and fucked silly like her other side i had my fun and now we three returned to our accomodations were i kept researching days passed and we four returned to the nether were father was working with my minions to do good in here the nether became the bastion of the dead and the place were humans can trade with wile Persephone enjoyed the growves and many gardens the nether now holds i made more unique police force and teaching i prepared my wings and at her request with Hades made them dolls of each other i have them with a unique feature half the pain and twice the plejure quite funny there are other special requests some i accepted some i did not and one of the ones i acepted was wen Zeus asked me to make a doll of himself for his wife with diminished pain and inproved wveithing elce i i creased sensitivity to his reproductive organs all of them as his wife wen fealing him cheat well he felt he cood not get it upp since he got quite the pain wen he thinked he was well right he learned to lisen to his queen as she now holds power over him , After some fime i was told that erth was chaingeing as such after a long time of living in hell or Olimpus i got dressed and finaly with my twins wich sre in the know of the human world were i am wering normal clothes except my mask it was reduced but it coverd all of it seemelesly it has two growths acting like a gass mask filtering oxigen for me i have smiled as my mask lower mouth opend the two cleaning bits stuck in betwin my lower and upper mask wile the paterns acted as my eyes and such from my back no wings visible but my vine belt did resemble the wings we have came to the holl of justice were we met with the heroes as i saw some people that went to hell and keep helping or are now resting i have dolls of them perfect ones too i have walked in front of some of the statues and left a replica of the dolls just empty ones no effect but very acurete and cute and chubby i have then met with the justice league as they expected Boy n'd Girl they shapeshifted into theyr hero modes as i walked alongside them i saw at a long table: Super man , Batman , Cyborg , Aqua man , Martian man hunter , Wander Woman Flash and green Lantern they were curious way the two moust populare heroes and freands have broght me , then the twings knelt and made a pose wich made it evident they are representing me as they shake theyr hands in a v shape towords me i blinked and they saw my mask blinked too simple back dot eyes , i chukled and i made a bow then Wander woman,s eyes widend as she gulped she knew of my left and right hand she knew of theyr freandly and positive attitude wile i am rather strange even for a god she smiled and came to greet me i straightend and we huged she told me if i mess up her league she sill tell my Ferry wich is spending time on her ileland were her mother rooles i smiled and affirmed i will not mess with them well not to much i then turned to the people in costumes they showed me to a seat and started discusing they learned i am a God and my domains are of nature and undead they were a bit apprehensive but wen they learned i created the two most popular of they're group got them well shok i asked the twins to show them they're true forms wich is rather the extreme of they're genders and then i asked them to bring out the original the justice league was surprised as both of them pooled a gun and shot themselfes in the head and were the pool of blood formed a creature a gender neutral creature tall and serious it is joifull it can move as it was a long time since it was broth back the heroes were surprised thoughtfully and soo after some chit chat and a unfusio we were permited to enter the Justice Tower i have met with many heroes and some asked way the mask i asked them if they ever played Warhamer 40k some did and i then answerd wath happens wen you look on the visege of Slanesh,s tru face, The nerds said : You become charmed and he/she can do wathever she wants as you become her folower.

I snapped my finger and pointed at the guy, he is right and she was designed from my only appearance without my mask along with the miss rumors of Aphrodite the tale split in two from which one was used for the game while the other was something else.

They were skeptical and only as the twins affirmed it did they believe me they then started the Hero work they told me I will be followed by a single strong Hero so I might be not well detrimental . 2391