
Ghosts of the golden age

When the darkness attacked it took everything from us, the 700 years of the golden age gone with only old relics and stories to be remembered.Following what we know today as the collapse was the dark age, when the creatures of darkness ran rampant and the world was blood soaked Then, centuries into the dark age, the ghosts were released. The tiny white sentient machines that gave humanity a chance at survival. The ghosts could revive the dead and would pick a partner for the rest of their lives. The chosen were known as guardians.. When Neil Edison is born into a family of forgotten guardians he strives to become the thing the darkness fears the most, the light The cover art don’t belong to me, you think my bitch ass could draw that?

flower_gorl · Anime & Comics
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The most despised to have ever lived (pt1)

"ETHAN ITS TIME TO WAKE UP," my asshole of a ghost yelled in my ear

"WHYY, WHY DO MORNINGS HAVE TO EXIST," I roared in riotousness and anger

"Well, you see the earth rotates around the sun due to the...."

"shut up you know what I meant," I said and got out of my bed and jumped onto the shiny hardwood, and because I sleep in socks(I'm a monster I know), I slipped and fell flat on my face. The floor showed no remorse, and as such, I spat on it and kept walking.

"was that necessary?" my ghost asked in a tone that questioned as to how I could get mad at the floor.

"I'll tell you when you're grown-up" I replied sarcastically as I got dressed. This was the day, the day I finally set off of this god-forsaken ranch and went to live the life of a hero. Ever since I was young my father would tell me stories of the guardians, and all their triumphs in battle. It was all I aspired to be, and my dream finally came real.

After working my ass off and pulling more all-nighters than I can count managed to score the highest in the 451 exams, an exam that decides what guardian universities you can get into. I got into lantern university, the most prestigious of them all, it was ran by vell tarlowe one of the lanterns who slew crota Getting into a good university is everything to an up and coming light bringer, it decides what rank you will be when you start, how good the education is, forge connections, and you are more likely to be invited into a faction.

After getting dressed I went into the kitchen where my father was sitting at the table surprisingly not drunk. My father is the dictionary definition of a deadbeat, always drunk, never does anything and in general a good for nothing. As I went to go reheat a Tony's bread sandwich from yesterday my father got up abruptly and went into his room, he almost looked like he had made up his mind about something. As I was munching on that sweet sweet bread he came back into the room with a heavy box, he put it on the counter silently then finally spoke.

"look I know I have never been the best parent, especially after your mother died to the fallen, and I'm sorry for not being there for you, but even against my wishes, you were always dead-set on being a guardian. And so I will support you in this decision so here, have this, but only open it when you get to the city. As the author needs to decide what's in it."

I was shocked, my father, the legendary loser to rival no other, was supporting me and letting me make my own decisions? And expected me to forgive him instantly? being absent in my life for 10 years, when I needed him the most, and was only going to apologize as I was leaving? no way.

As he saw the look on my face he spoke, "look I know you will never forgive me, but please take this" he pushed the box towards me.

"fine old man, I don't know why you are so insistent but as this is the most you have spoken to me in 3 years, and it seems to be important so I'll take it ". I scoffed as I finished my bread sandwich and grabbed the box, and my keys.

As I walked out my door, flipping the keys in the air, my ghost spoke " You know I think you handled that fairly well for once, usually if someone you hated said something like that to you would punch them then, as they were down, spit on them ".

I turned and said, "shut up trashcan, I respect the elders that's all". As we arrived at the barn I saw "her", my pride and joy, a trashy sparrow that barely even functions. I groaned as I sat in the cushionless seat and turned the ignition and set off into my bumpy journey, as I exited the ranch I did what any rational person would do and flipped up my middle finger as I left.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME SKIP 3 DAYS


I was stumbling through the forest thinking to myself, WHY DID MY SPARROW HAVE TO BREAK JUST AS WE WERE RIDING PAST A FALLEN SETTLEMENT. I screamed in my mind barely dodging blasts from the fallen's pistols and shotguns, with only the black box my father gave me on my back. After all, I have no combat training, and I'm no saint 14 or Osiris.

After what felt like hours of running and tripping my way through the forest I finally found what I was looking for, the settlement of palamon (yes I brought a map and compass what idiot wouldn't). As the treeline broke, and the guards could finally see me and my ghost. They yelled at me to stop but when they saw my blood-splattered clothes, and the screeches coming from the forest they understood. As I almost got to the wall surrounding the settlement, the first fallen could finally be seen near the trees. The guards readied their guns and started shooting the fallen. They were easily repelled as they only sent a few dregs after me.

I finally got to the gate and in an epic show of strength, I fainted(like a true chad). As my consciousness finally returned and I heard my ghost screaming, "WAKE UP YOU LITTLE SHIT", but as soon as I opened my eyes it looked at me with its one eye, like nothing had ever happened and said, "Oh, So you're finally awake". Never in my 18 years of life had I wanted to punch a machine more.