
Ghosts of the golden age

When the darkness attacked it took everything from us, the 700 years of the golden age gone with only old relics and stories to be remembered.Following what we know today as the collapse was the dark age, when the creatures of darkness ran rampant and the world was blood soaked Then, centuries into the dark age, the ghosts were released. The tiny white sentient machines that gave humanity a chance at survival. The ghosts could revive the dead and would pick a partner for the rest of their lives. The chosen were known as guardians.. When Neil Edison is born into a family of forgotten guardians he strives to become the thing the darkness fears the most, the light The cover art don’t belong to me, you think my bitch ass could draw that?

flower_gorl · Anime & Comics
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The legends of the past(edited)

"The traveler, a giant white sphere of unknown origins, speculated found on Mars on 2014. A life-changing event to no other, the giant orb-like machine shared its knowledge on medicine, physics, and astronomy. Which sparked space travel, new cures to incurable diseases, and much more. Humanities golden age.

From planets to moons to asteroids. Many advancements were made in the 700 years of the golden age, but as they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

The traveler had a past of its own, and it was finally catching up to it. The darkness came ferociously out of nowhere and destroyed everything. Don't get me wrong, the traveler tried to fight back, and it did have some degree of success. It managed to make the main forces of the darkness go into slumber, but as a cost, so did it.

The dark age was the worst time to be alive, the monsters of the darkness ruled the land, and human corpses dotted the landscape as they killed on a whim.

The last survivors tried to form camps with others to survive, but many would fail due to the monsters or the infighting. It is a couple of centuries later that the first guardians were resurrected. In one of the traveler's last shows of power, it sent out the ghosts, tiny machines that carried the powers of the light. With the ability to revive the dead, they would scour everything from Europe to America in search of their soul-mate that they would spend the rest of their lives with.

Known as the time of a thousand kings, this is the time when the first guardians arrived at survivor camps, but they sought not to be the light in everyone's eyes that fought the creatures of darkness, but warlords that ruled with an iron fist.

But elsewhere, the guardians weren't the only thing that awoke, the exos(coughs in cayde 6), humanoid machines which had minds of their own, and the awoken, the people who lived on the edge. A society built in the reef, a maze of dead ships and debris. But back in the dark age, not all of the guardians shared the same viewpoints as their brethren and decided to be what their ghosts wanted them to be. Two major groups were made, the pilgrim guard, and the iron lords. Both of these factions sought to dethrone and kill the warlords that ruled over the survivor settlements, and in a huge battle involving hundreds of guardians, the warlords were finally dethroned and some peace finally shone through.

With the help of the guardians, humanity managed to push back the monsters and they decided to move. they settled beneath the final resting place of the traveler, with the exos and awoken traveling from all over the galaxy to what is now known as the last city. This is our current era, what is now known as the city building era.

But let me explain the creatures of darkness. Sorted into multiple races, first, we have the fallen, known as the eliksni their goal is to reclaim the traveler and unite the houses. The fallen were much like humanity, also being blessed by the traveler they had a golden age much like ours, but they also had a collapse, what they call the whirlwind. But unlike us, When the darkness arrived knocking on their door, the traveler fled leaving them to die. They were almost wiped out so the last remnants of them fled their home planet of Riis and went to find the traveler, which they found in our universe. The fallen are separated into houses with some of the infamous ones being the house of devils and the house of wolves, but there are many more. They are bipedal with 2-4 arms and insect-like features.

Next, the cabal, a giant race of warmongering humanoids with a heavy set appearance, an interstellar society that is constantly conquering planets and worlds. Their goals are to steal the light from guardians and expand their empire. They are a highly militaristic race, and some even have psychic powers. They control Mars, and the full scope of their power has yet to be revealed.

Next is the hive, they are an incredibly ancient race that lives on what is known as the sword logic, the logic dictates that the strong kill the weak, the logic is meant to create a race that will live to the end of time. The strongest hive we have yet to face was crota. Crota is the thing that keeps the children of the city up at night in fear, he wasn't called the hope-eater for nothing. The story goes that 6 of the strongest guardians went into the deepest pit on the moon, the Hellmouth, and slew crota in his own ascendant realm. Crota was a god in the eyes of many and formed what the hive call an oversoul. which is when an ascendant hive detaches their souls from their bodies and puts them into their own dimension, to kill Crota, the 6 guardians went into his dimension(the ascendant realm) and defeated him with the very sword logic that he worshiped. It was a true light in the shadow of the darkness that the hive cast on humanity. The 6 guardians were labeled as the "lanterns" and were given hefty rewards by the city.

Last but not least is the vex, sentient machines. Unlike the exos, they seem to possess no souls and strive to be the only existence in the multiverse, and weave themselves into the fabric of reality. It might sound far-fetched at first, but the vex can be dated to the beginning of the universe. No one knows their origins but they are highly advanced and have completely terraformed a couple of planets and moons in our solar systems such as Nessus (moon of Jupiter) and mercury. The vex are present everywhere in the solar system and are not to be trifled with. Even guardians get nightmares thinking about them, and more specifically, the vault of glass. The vault is the vexes attempt at altering time and reality as we know it. This is the vexes attempt to link themselves to reality itself, the vault is linked to many alternate dimensions and universes and is the center of their time-spanning operations. fortunately, its power does not expand outside the vault, but rumor has it that the city is gathering another raid to finally shut down the vault before the vex can get it to work outside the vault."

"That… was… AWESOME DAD, TELL ME MORE STORIES", a child spoke while looking at his dad in admiration.

"Maybe tomorrow son, Maybe tomorrow" .