
Ghosts At Your Service

A ghost that is meant to be servant to everyone who sees her and ring her bell will have strange experiences as she tries to travel outside her house. What is the reason she died and become a ghost at service. Is she the only one? Or are there more?

mastercute · Fantasy
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5 Chs

My Haunted House

"Somewhere in the deep deep woods, in an old haunted house... I live. I am staying here for almost 50,000 hours. I think that is roughly 5 years and 7 months. The only thing that I can talk to is the big 'ol clock in this house even though it cannot talk back to me. Because it is the only thing in this house that makes a noise like tik-tok-tik-tok. I'm Hannah by the way! The only ghost at your service!"

"Again, it is already 12 midnight. I hope someone will come and pay a visit to me here. It is sure been a very boring day lately... No Master, no visitor, no one to scare."

(Footsteps approaching and the rustling of leaves can be heard).

"Bro... thi-this place is really creepy. Gives me g-gooseb-bumps. Maybe w-we should b-back out."

"No way Tommy. Leon will be our friend for sure if we become super brave. In fact, I have prepared my camera so we can record our adventure and let them watch this!"

"Y-ou s-eriously think th-they would l-let us in t-he group if.. if we do t-this?"

"Hell yeah! Come on! No time to diddle-daddle."

Two boys were having a not-so-great adventure deep in the woods. One is a fat boy named Tommy and the other one is a thin science weirdo named Johnny.

(Old crack of door opening)

"Tommy our flashlights..."

(clicking button of a flashlight)

"Johnny, I think this place... is a big no no..."

"Shut up Tommy... Now hurry up and hold this camera and you do the video."

Tommy opens the camera and records everything.

"Ohh... Visitors! Finally! Hi, hello? How are you and what do you want?"

Hannah excitedly hang around, between and beside the two boys playing with their hair and sneaking a peak into their bags.

"Why'd it got so chilly cold Johnny..." says Tommy while shaking and trembling in fear.

"I don't know, maybe the wind! Just... shut up Tommy! Don't be such a baby. There is nothing here but pieces of old furniture and an old house deep in the woods. Nothing to be afraid of!"

"That's what I'm afraid of..." As he pouts and continues to record the place.

As the boys kept walking and sightseeing around Hannah's place, Hannah is still so excited about everything because it has been a while since she had a visitor.

"What is that? A recorder? Can you record me or even take a picture of me? It is so sad lately... can't even see my reflection in the mirror. Nor do I have a shadow." While keeping her close distance from Tommy.

"Uhm... Johnny, I think we...we s-should g-go. I already have g-goosebumps in all of the p-parts of my b-body."

"Go? Already? No please, keep sightseeing here in my beautiful home. I would stop this close distancing and move a... a little backward." She steps away from Tommy.

"Hey, Leon! See, we were brave enough to be part of your group! We are here at the haunted house deep in the woods!"

The boys were having their not-so-great time in Hannah's house and wanted to go out so badly but couldn't.

"Guys you can look at my stuff, go on and take some home for Leon to see." She smiles and holds the bell near the coffee table.

Hannah can hold things but in reality, it is still in their place and not moving or floating. Out of excitement about holding things and showing them to her visitors even if they cannot see her, she drops the bell for her to get new things. To her surprise, the bell was literally dropped down to the floor, making a big loud noise inside the house and scaring the two boys. Hannah was in shock.

"Oh my... What happened? How did the bell get dropped after I dropped it!? I thought what I did in my dimension had nothing to do with or impact on the real world? DID I DID THAT? or did they drop that? But they are so far away from my bell." she sat down in the couch in confusion.

"JOHNNY! The bell was dropped by someone or something or nothing!" Tommy screams and runs behind the back of Johnny.

"Don't go behind my back!" Johnny runs and goes behind Tommy's back.

"Then why did you go behind my back?" Tommy asked while trembling in fear holding the camera that is still on record.

"Just... because... Forget it! Move and see if there's a rat or something on the coffee table."

"W-why me?"

"Because you're taller than me!"

"Johnny, what does my tallness has to do with all of this?" said Tommy in a shaking sound voice.

"Enough with the diddle-daddle! Let's go and see. Record it okay? Leon should see this."


They move slowly until they reach the coffee table, finding the bell that was dropped to the floor, and bunches of cobwebs, dust, and spiders around the furniture.

"No rats, ants, or anything except spiders and cobwebs." said Tommy.

Johnny walks out behind Tommy proudly.

"Then, maybe the spiders did that! Don't be so scared Tommy it's just a bell that has been dropped by the spiders!"

"Spiders? How will they do that?" curiously asked Tommy.

"And why did you run behind my back if you are not scared Johnny." he added.

"I am just acting."

Johnny picks up the bell and dusts it off with his cloth.

"Look, Tommy, it is a gold bell. Is this real gold?"

"Yes, it is." Hannah replied as if she thinks they can hear her. She is still sitting on the couch wondering how did she do that. She even considers what Johnny had said that it is the spider who dropped the bell.

"I think that's gold" Tommy replied.

Johnny rang the bell three times which made Hannah appear. But Hannah appeared in her scary form, which is a girl dripping in blood and having an almost broken neck which scares the two boys to death.

"GHOST! Johnny, it's a ghost! Run for your life!" screams Tommy as he runs out of the haunted house leaving Johnny in shock.

Johnny could not move even an inch because of his scaredness. And Hannah was in shock that they could see her but in her scariest form.

"You can see me?" asked Hannah.

Johnny nods shakingly as he tries to step his feet backward.

"Don't be afraid, this is not my true form, I am a friendly ghost. I do not know what's happening but whenever someone rang the bell I will never appear unless they could see me since the time we met, and they see me in my human form, but... you guys are here for almost 30 minutes but haven't seen me." she added

Johnny is still in shock at what is happening but still could not move his feet backward as quickly as possible.

"Whenever someone rang that bell, I will have a blue bracelet that is a sign of my loyalty to the human person. Maybe, there's a qualification or something? I don't know." Hannah murmurs as she is walking side by side around the corner of the house dripping in blood.

"Who--who a-are yo-u" Johnny finally speaks.

"I'm Hannah. The only ghost at service! You are my new master Johnny!" she smiled while walking towards Johnny.

But her smile is not what she seems to be in her scary form. Her smile looks as evil as her looks, so Johnny was scared to the bone.

"Don't smile like that it is scary! I wanna go home! Mommy!!" he yelled.

"Then I will make your wish come true! You can go home if you rang that bell once." She said. Although she knew that Johnny did not become his master. Still, she is confused about everything and still trying her way whenever someone rings her bell.

Hannah POV.

To make it clear, I can be a servant to anyone who can actually see me since the first time we met and find my bell, rang it three times. Which then creates a bond between that person and me, creating a blue locked bracelet for me and my owner for a certain period of time. Could be a year, a month, more or less and I still do not know how the time limit works. I only knew that once this person lost my bell, then everything will be terminated and I will be sent back to my home. I cannot go out unless someone found my bell again and see me and in some circumstances, I can actually go outside and look around, but still do not know how that works. My bells can be found all around the world.

So... How did Johnny and Tommy see me in my scariest form after ringing the bell 3 times? This is the first time...


Johnny rang the bell one time but it didn't work.

"Nothing happened...Wait, why am I even talking to a ghost, where is Tommy!?" Johnny suddenly panicked and run faster than the speed of light outside the house while screaming leaving Hannah's bell behind.

Hannah returned to her true form.

"Whew, the fresh-looking Hannah came back. I wonder how did Johnny manage to do that, and he did not even become my Master. I just scared them off." she said sadly.

"Well, I guess that's it. Times up for my visitors... I should clean my house so that cobwebs, spiders, and dust won't be around when my next visitors come." Although she knew that what she is doing in her dimension will not affect anything in the real dimension.

"I wonder if the two boys already met outside the woods after Tommy run and leave Johnny. Hope they are still on good terms." while cleaning her furniture.

"Hope someone in Europe finds my bell and rang it three times so I can pop out of Europe. Great way to travel woohoo! But I hope she can see me if I suddenly pop out of there after he/she rang my bell." she added.

I will continue this story here, as a novel. This is were I will update it. Hope you understand, thankyou

mastercutecreators' thoughts