

Ghost,or that’s what people call him cause of his ability.No one knows who he is,not even himself.Whatever he finds though will change everything.

Smiley_5254 · Horror
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2 Chs


All I hear is footsteps and screams,people running and I'm in what looks like a hospital shirt or something.I start running with the people,I don't know why just out of instincts.I look behind and I think I see people or what use to be people all mangled up and eating each other.I get sick to my stomach and feel light headed,I look forward and I see a bright light getting closer and all I hear is the horn of a car.

BEEP..BEEP..I wake up only to my alarm.Same dream like always.Its 6:30am and Day 24 since the outbreak.My names Ghost or well that's what people call me anyways.I don't know my real name,heck I don't know anything about me before the outbreak.As far as I know no family,no friends,just me and my ability.Basically I can go through walls and turn invisible which helps a little bit,I just wish the zoms couldn't smell.I slowly crawl out of bed and grab my gear.Right now I'm in what use to be a remote neighborhood but is now called the trenches because of all the explosions from day one.Anyways enough about me let's get to the story.....