

Ghost,or that’s what people call him cause of his ability.No one knows who he is,not even himself.Whatever he finds though will change everything.

Smiley_5254 · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter 1-Evolution

I make my way out the back entrance of the house and jump the fence.As I look around,I wonder what it would be like before the outbreak.I tried to picture in my mind...kids..running..and playing.I take a deep breath and walked onward not knowing my day was about to get bad."EEeeeh".I quickly went invisible and looked around but I see nothing.Maybe it is nothing and my minds playing tricks,I started walking forward and I heard it again but closer.This time it sounded like more of them.Out of the corner of my eye, I seen it the last second and I feel something like a brick hit me in the side.All I see is black and something on top of me.I go through whatever it is and as I get up on my feet and I finally see what it is.This is not a zom,I mean it is but more different.Its doesn't just have two arms but four and it's eyes...They're glowing.Frozen in shock I didn't take time to notice something behind me.

As quickly as possible I go transparent as soon as the second mutated zom attacked.I backed up and... they can still see me.Well this isn't good,the first one on the left lunges forward fast,instincts kicked in and I moved just in time to dodge and trip him.I take off my bag and turn around for the second zom,which was already trying to make a move.I duck under his arms and got behind him.As he turned around and lunged forward,I wrapped my strap around his neck,twisted and pulled,making him flip over me breaking his neck in the process.I turned around for the other zom and got in my stance.The zom slowly got up and turned toward me and I don't know if was just my eyes but it..it seemed to mimic me.The zom picked up two half broken boards and ran towards me.I dodged the first swing and went through the second one.Arms twist up,I grabbed,placed my foot on his chest and yanked the arms off.I used it's own arms as a weapon and bashed the zoms brains in.I looked around to see if the fight drew any other zoms attention."hhheee"what was that?.I start following the noise"HEeee"...."HEEELLLP" I get to the source of the sound in the square of the neighborhood and..it's...people